tekom - der deutsche Fachverband für Technische Kommunikation und Informationsentwicklung tekom

Name tekom - der deutsche Fachverband für Technische Kommunikation und Informationsentwicklung
Abbreviation tekom
Organization Type Association
Website http://www.tekom.de
Contact Name Inge Eylandt
Contact Phone +49 711 65704-0
Contact Fax +49 711 65704-99
Address tekom Gesellsch. f. techn. Kommunikation u. Inform Eberhardstr. 69-71
City 70173 Stuttgart
Country Alemania
Description The main focus of this association is on the promotion and enhancement of technical documentation, including technical translation and localisation. The association offers training and further education in related fields.
See Mission Statement @ http://www.tekom-webforum.de/tekom/upload/alg/tekom-Leitbild_eng.pdf?action=voll&id=xyz
Admission Criteria Has admission criteria.

Training Offers training.

Credential Does not offer credential(s).

If you have any additional or missing information on this organization, or if this record needs to be updated, please contact site staff via support request with the details. Thank you for helping to keep the database accurate.

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