Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al francés
español al francés

Jerome KURES
IT, web and journalism

Hora local: 11:31 EST (GMT-5)

Idioma materno: francés (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Native in francés
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Based in Canada, I am offering my services as a graduated experienced freelance translator from English to French with a strong focus on IT, HR, finance and journalism. I also master web technology, social networks and SEO.

For the last fiveteen years, I have been providing translation services and linguistic quality analysis to Lowe’s, Cisco Systems, Scotia Bank, Sun Life and other major companies in various markets. My expertise ranges from IT documents, marketing, video, press releases, software, e-commerce, CRM, SEO, banking, health insurance, transcreation, advertising, press to food service

Having a solid technical background, I am proficient in processing various types of file, databases and scripting languages in addition to commonly used software like InDesign and Microsoft Office Suite.

My services include leveraging your existing and future bilingual documentation by creating your corporate translation memory and terminology databases in order to improve your communication consistency and your localization workflow processes. I can also make your website multilingual (Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla) or build a new one from scratch, including a fully customized application.

I work with a network of colleagues to accomodate all your needs in translation and revision for larger projects.

15 years of expertise in:

Computers, Information Technology, Human Resources, Finance, Insurance, Text Editing and Transcreation of Advertisements, Journalism, Cooking, SEO

Graduate diploma in translation

Technical translation and transcreation for Cisco

•    Translation and review of 16,000 SKUs within the Francisation process of Montreal offices (as part of the OQLF certification process)
•    Translation and Review of Cisco StadiumVision User Interface, a management application for display control in arenas and for major Sports events (pdf)
•    Translation and Review of Experience Management Portal of Leads, Deals and Orders for Cisco Partners
•    Translation of UI of TelePresence Software Suite
•    Translation of Job Postings and HR documents
•    Translation and Review of technical specifications material
•    Translation of Contract and Financial documents (Cisco Capital)
•    Translation of Social Media content (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)
•    Translation of blog postings
•    Translation of Management Communications
•    SDL Studio, Passolo, SDL Worldserver, SDL TMS

Translator in Finance and Insurance fields

Sun Life Financial

•    Group Insurance Internal Documents
•    Customer Representative Training Documents
•    Process Description Documents
•    Strategic Documents
•    General Public Communication Documents
Scotia Bank
•    Stock and Credit Markets Quarterly Update Reports

BMO Nesbitt Burns
•    Stock and Credit Markets Quarterly Reports

Lazard Asset Management
•    Stock and Credit Markets Quarterly Update Reports

Translator for The Kidney Foundation of Canada

•    Job Postings and HR documents
•    Annual Meeting Documents
•    Researcher Biographies
•    Research Grant and Awards Application Documents
•    Medical Staff and Patients Surveys

Translator and Reviewer for Keurig Green Mountain

Keurig is a leader on the North American coffee-capsule market. The company markets Flagship Brands such as Van Houtte or Timothy’s World Coffee.

•    Translation of Brand Web Site texts
•    Translation and of FAQ

Translator for Stak Fitness

Stak Fitness is one of the main suppliers of Fitness Equipment for Health clubs across Canada.

•    Web site Translation
•    Newsletter Translation
•    Communication Documents Translation

Translator for Rights & Democracy (Government of Canada)

•    Translation of a Workers Rights Report in China:
No way out: worker activism in China’s state-owned enterprise reforms [GoC Site]
•    Translation of data sheets describing Human Rights Practices in various countries

Translator of the biannual magazine Chef Connexion

Chef connexion is a magazine created in 2014 aimed at restaurant professionals.

•    Translation of the entire magazine editions (40 pages)
•    Promotional flyers
•    Pre-and post-translation of InDesign files with SDL Studio

Graduate diploma in translation - McGill - Montreal

Master in Linguistics, B.A. in Linguistics
General Academic Studies Degree in Culture and Communication (Honours in Journalism and Cinema)
First Year Level of General Academic Studies Degree in German

Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 2
(Todos de nivel PRO)

Idioma (PRO)
inglés al francés2
Campo general con más puntos (PRO)
Campo específico con más puntos (PRO)

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >
Palabras clave: French, computer, technology, localization, translation, SDL STudio,

Última actualización del perfil
Nov 4, 2020

More translators and interpreters: inglés al francés - español al francés   More language pairs