Romanian Online Course

Format: Online training

Course summary
Start time:Dec 31, 1969 23:59 GMT     Add to calendar
<!-- ******************************* Begin: Title ************************************ --> <center> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 0px none ; font-family: serif; color: rgb(177, 33, 24);" class="clear"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" rowspan="3"> </td> <td valign="top"> <span style="font-size: 10px; color: rgb(177, 33, 24);">  <!-- VAR: st --><!-- letra chiquita --> </span>    </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="3"> <div align="center"> <span style="font-size: 25px; color: rgb(177, 33, 24);"> Să învăţăm limba română!<br /> Romanian Online Course <!-- VAR: Training --><!-- Training name --> </span></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> <br /> <br /> <!-- ******************************* End: Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: LOGO ************************************ --> <center> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 0px none ; font-family: serif; color: rgb(177, 33, 24);" class="clear"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" rowspan="2"> <!-- --><!-- Imagen --> <img height="50" border="0" src="" alt="" /> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="2">    </td> <td valign="top"> <span style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(177, 33, 24);"> <!-- VAR: subtitle 2 --><!-- Subtitle 1 --> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <span style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(249, 145, 29);"> <!-- VAR:subtitle 2 --><!-- Subtitle 2 --> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center><br /> <!-- ******************************* End: LOGO ************************************ --> <!-- ****** Frequently asked questions ***** --> <p align="center" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <!-- VAR: Frequently asked questions... --><!-- Frequently asked questions --> </p> <!-- ****** Date ***** --> <p align="center" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <!-- VAR: May 17, 2008 --><!-- Date --> </p> <!-- ****** Place ***** --> <p align="center" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <!-- VAR: Centro de Eventos y C .. --><!-- (Place) --> </p> <!-- ****** Place 2 ***** --> <p align="center" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <!-- VAR: Córdoba, Argentina. --><!-- (Place 2) --> </p> <!-- ****** MAP ***** --> <p align="center" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <!-- VAR: --><!--MAP--> <a href=""> <!-- VAR: (click here for a map) --><!-- MAP --> </a> </p> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title --> Description </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <p style="margin: 1em;"> <!-- VAR: Based on recently applicable legi.. --><!-- Introduction Text --> <strong></strong> is pleased to announce its online <strong>Romanian Course for Beginners</strong><br /> <br /> This course, aimed at beginning Romanian language learners, consists of ten (10) modules of 3 hours each. Each unit can be tailored to the needs of the student.<br /> <strong><br />   Price: </strong><strong> </strong><strong> 550  EUR </strong><strong>for the complete course (10 modules)</strong> <a href="">(Buy now)</a> <br /> </p> <p style="margin: 1em;">The training is provided on a one-to-one basis, using Skype, MSN or a standard telephone. Dates and times are agreed between the lecturer and the student. .</p> <p style="margin: 1em;"><br /> </p> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <p style="margin: 1em;"> <!-- VAR: Based on recently applicable legi.. --><!-- Introduction Text --> </p> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <p style="margin: 1em;"> <!-- VAR: Based on recently applicable legi.. --><!-- Introduction Text --> </p> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title --> Introductory module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li> Presentation and description of the course.<br /> </li> <li>Presentation of the teacher and the student . <br /> </li> <li> Introduction to Romanian language (the linguistic history; the big family of the latin languages). <br /> </li> <li>What do you know about Romania ?.<br /> </li> <li> What do you know about Romanian culture ? <br /> </li> <li> The alphabet and the diphtongs (spelling and pronunciation). <br /> </li> <li> Genders (Masculine/Feminine/Neutre).</li> <li> The verb to have (“a avea”) - auxiliary verb.<br /> </li> <li>Some words of the fundamental vocabulary.<br /> </li> <li> Personal presentation: name, age, nationality, family, job, address, hobbies.</li> <br />  Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <p style="margin: 1em;"> <!-- VAR: Based on recently applicable legi.. --><!-- Introduction Text --> </p> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title --> Second module: Să începem lecţia! ( Start the lessons ) </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li> Greetings. <br /> </li> <li>Personal pronouns. <br /> </li> <li>The infinitive form of the verbs.<br /> </li> <li> The 4 conjugations. <br /> </li> <li>The present tense.><br /> </li> <li> Cardinal numbers: 0 – 10 <br /> </li> <li> Some other words of the elemental vocabulary<br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <p style="margin: 1em;"> <!-- VAR: Based on recently applicable legi.. --><!-- Introduction Text --> </p> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title --> Third module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li>Adjectives.<br /> </li> <li>Prepositions. <br /> </li> <li>Cardinal numbers: 11 – 100. <br /> </li> <li> Ordinal numbers.<br /> </li> <li>Afirmative and negative of the verbs.<br /> </li> <li>Interrogative form. <br /> </li> <li>What time is it ? <br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes. <br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title --> Fourth module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li> The house/appartament (objects, division, furniture ) <br /> </li> <li>The city (institutions). <br /> </li> <li>The school.<br /> </li> <li>Countries, nationality.<br /> </li> <li> Comparisons of the adjectives (He’is <u>the best</u> student.).<br /> </li> <li>The days of the week. <br /> </li> <li> The months. <br /> </li> <li>The days of the week. <br /> </li> <li> The months. <br /> </li> <li>The seasons. <br /> </li> <li>How to ask informations about an adress, a person etc. <br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> <br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title -->Fifth module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- *******************************--> <!-- Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li>The possessives pronuns. <br /> </li> <li>Reflexive verbs. <br /> </li> <li>The colours.<br /> </li> <li>The clothes.<br /> </li> <li>What's the weather like today? <br /> </li> <li>What did you like?<br /> </li> <li>Demonstrative (acest/aceasta/aceşti/aceste).<br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title -->Sixth module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li> Irregulars verbs. <br /> </li> <li>Adverbs. <br /> </li> <li>Different typical expressions of the Romanian Language ( to express desire, obligations, needs). <br /> </li> <li>In the street<br /> </li> <li>Travel: bus, bicycle, car, train, aeroplane<br /> </li> <li>Romanian sentences. <br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> <br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title -->Seventh module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li>At a restaurant (order + menu).<br /> </li> <li>At the supermarket. <br /> </li> <li>The price, the quality. <br /> </li> <li>Other prepositions (direction, way). <br /> </li> <li>Holidays<br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> <br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title -->Eighth module</h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li>At the bank.<br /> </li> <li>To pay. <br /> </li> <li>Description: the size.<br /> </li> <li>To call.<br /> </li> <li>We go to the teather<br /> </li> <li>Reading a Roumania text. <br /> </li> <li>General revision. <br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.</ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title -->Ninth module</h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li>Past participle of verbs. <br /> </li> <li>The active and passive voice.<br /> </li> <li>Reading a Romanian text.<br /> </li> <li>At the hotel (reservation).<br /> </li> <li>Sport</li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.<br /> <br /> </ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Title ************************************ --> <h2> <!-- VAR: Introduction --><!-- Introduction Title -->Tenth module </h2> <hr /> <!-- ******************************* end: Section Title ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <ul> <li>Make smart propositions to start a conversation. <br /> </li> <li>Introduction to the past tense. <br /> </li> <li>The final revision<br /> </li> <br /> Duration: 90 minutes.</ul> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <p style="margin: 1em;"> </p> <!-- ******************************* End: Section Paragraph ************************************ --> <!-- ******************************* Begin: Payment Sectin ************************************ --> <strong></strong> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="width: 100%; background-color: rgb(234, 234, 234);"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h2> <!-- VAR: Payment Information --><!-- Payment Information --> Payment method </h2> <hr /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <!-- ** Begin: member price **--><strong> </strong>All the payment options available. To purchase the complete course (10 modules) please use the <a href="">(Buy)</a> link. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid”and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. <p> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Created by
veronica drugas    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Veronica Drugas, laureata a Timisoara in Lingue straniere, opera come traduttrice ed interprete giurata dal 1997. Nel 2002 trasferisce la propria attività in Italia, dove svolge servizi di traduzione per cittadini italiani e stranieri ed acquisisce il ruolo di mediatore culturale a stretto contatto degli immigrati, assistendoli nelle problematiche di natura amministrativa. Negli anni ha esteso la propria specializzazione al settore business, in particolare per l'Export, offrendo alle imprese non solo traduzioni tecniche, munite di sopralegalizzazioni e apostille, ma anche l'assistenza nell'iter burocratico, che spesso
costituisce la variabile critica. Per approfondimenti, leggi:
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