GlossPost: Printing terms (ron > ron)
Autor de la hebra: mihai stoian
mihai stoian
mihai stoian  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:16
español al rumano
+ ...
Dec 7, 2005

A new GlossPost URL has been entered.

Posted by: Mihai Stoian

Title: Printing terms

Source language(s): ron

Target language(s): ron

Source: Romanian Paper Distribution

Keywords: glosar tipar



Glossary of basic printing terms (in Romanian).


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A new GlossPost URL has been entered.

Posted by: Mihai Stoian

Title: Printing terms

Source language(s): ron

Target language(s): ron

Source: Romanian Paper Distribution

Keywords: glosar tipar



Glossary of basic printing terms (in Romanian).



GlossPost entry:

panbanisha (X)
panbanisha (X)
Local time: 06:16
nu merge linkul de la Feb 22, 2006

suna interesant dar nu merge linkul!

Maria Diaconu
Maria Diaconu  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:16
inglés al rumano
Legătură ruptă Feb 23, 2006

panbanisha wrote:

suna interesant dar nu merge linkul!

Probabil că s-a rupt legătura din cauză că site-ul este în construcţie, dar poţi încerca varianta cache a google:

Sper că acest link va merge.
Trebuie să copiezi şi să ştergi spaţiul dintre ":" şi "D", l-am introdus pentru că împreună formau un smilie

[Edited at 2006-02-23 06:32]

[Edited at 2006-02-23 06:33]


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GlossPost: Printing terms (ron > ron)

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