Translation glossary: Science

Showing entries 1-11 of 11
comportamiento de las funcionesbehavior of the curves representing each function 
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diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones por tratamientorandomized block design with three repeat doses per treatment 
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dosis letal mediamean lethal dose 
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funcionar sistémicamente en la plantaact/work/spread systemically in/throughout the plant 
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linealidad de los datoslinearity of the data 
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los valores están correlacionados en un 99.0%there is a 99% confidence level for the correlation of the values 
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método de aspersiónspraying method 
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método de partición polar-no polarpartition separation 
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susceptiblesusceptible to 
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una cria del insecto...insects were bred.../a colony of the insects was established 
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variable de salidaoutput variable 
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