people keep themselves to themselves la gente si fa i fatti suoi; le persone badano ai fatti propri

Language pair:inglés al italiano
Definition / notes:KudoZ 10 Nov 2016

* "In general conversation, when you say **people keep themselves to themselves**, meaning people going about their own business, in a slightly negative way. People who are not very friendly and are mainly concerned with their own lives and what they have to do."
=> Anche: "la gente sta sulle sue"; "le persone badano agli affari loro"; "la gente se ne sta per i fatti propri"

* keep yourself to yourself: to stay alone or with your family rather than spending time with other people
* keep oneself to oneself: (chiefly British): to stay apart from other people; to avoid other people
* keep to oneself: 1. Also, **keep oneself to oneself** Shun the company of others, value one's privacy

* to keep oneself to oneself: starsene per conto proprio, non socializzare; **farsi i fatti propri**
* to keep to oneself (o to keep oneself to oneself), starsene per conto proprio; non socializzare; **fare i fatti propri**; fare vita ritirata [Ragazzini 2017]
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