function room sala per cerimonie/funzioni; sala (per) ricevimenti/riunioni

Language pair:inglés al italiano
Definition / notes:Kudoz 30 Jan 2013

* \"So we\'re creating an environment for all of our Muslim team members or anyone who wants to join us in one of our **function rooms** and we’re going to break the fast together basically as one, as one family.\"
-> vd. proposte/discussione

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function room = sala per ricevimenti
* banquet room: Large hotel room or hall available to public for functions where food may also be served. Also called banqueting room or **function room** [BusinessDictionary]
* function room > sala ricevimenti/riunioni (Kudoz 13 Feb 2006)
* cf. occorrenze: \"function room\" \"sala per ricevimenti\" // immagini: EN \"function room\" hotel / IT \"sala per ricevimenti\" albergo
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