Translation Glossaries from the Web

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European glossary for wildfires and forest fires

Dr. Robert Stacey (Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, UK) |

The development and compilation of the glossary has been led by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (UK) as lead partner on the EUFOFINET “Theme GP1 – Intervention Strategies/Wildfire and Forest Fire Suppression Tactics”. NFRS was assisted in this substantial task by all of the EUFOFINET partners and a number of external experts around the World... View more

inglés (Monolingual)

«Уфологический словарь-справочник Ярослав Сочки» составлялся в период с 1998 по 2004 год, в нем описано свыше 1000 терминов из различных аспектов уфологии (наука об НЛО — неопознанных летающих объектах). Автор-составитель (проблему НЛО изучает с 1989 года) преследовал цель описать и упомянуть практически все ходовые термины и словосочетания из уфол... View more

ruso (Monolingual)

Free online dictionary. The Dictionary is the first attempt in the lexicography to optimize UFO terminology. It contains 853 articles. The heading of the article is printed in Bold, English and German equivalents - in Italic, words and word combination in the text of the articles are printed in Italic and underlined, in the articles there are refe... View more


A collection of strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions (and how to think critically about them). Has topical indexes ranging from junk science, cryptozoology, ETs and UFOs to frauds, hoaxes and the paranormal.

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