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Search results: (4 matches)
Trados support Auto-propagation of confirmed segments in Review Mode A possible work-around I face the same problem when I need to review and
the client needs to have the track changes option
on. If there has been a change, it auto-propagates
and confirms to the rest of the segme
Sonia Martos Sep 6, 2016
Trados support Segment-level source character count in Trados 2011 Other ways to count source characters This only works when you just need to see how many
characters there are in the source segment as a
whole, not a portion. If that is your case, this
is a really fast way: -"Ctrl+Ins" to
Sonia Martos Jan 22, 2015
Trados support Studio - no import from other Studio TMs? (sdltm)? We are not talking about an "isolated" need [quote]Emma Goldsmith wrote: I miss this
feature too. I use the TMX workaround that Tom
and Paul mention, but it would be much better
simply to be able to "import an SDLTM".
Sonia Martos Nov 8, 2013
Trados support Keyboard Multiterm shortcuts in Studio 2009 compared to SDL 2007 I found a shortcut key!! Dear all, I ended up in this post because I
initially had the same problem of not finding a
shortcut key for getting the current term (or any
term at all). I still have to credit Emma<
Sonia Martos Dec 20, 2012

Foros de discusión sobre el sector de la traducción

Discusiones abiertas sobre temas relacionados con la traducción, la interpretación y la localización

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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Wordfast Pro
Translation Memory Software for Any Platform

Exclusive discount for users! Save over 13% when purchasing Wordfast Pro through Wordfast is the world's #1 provider of platform-independent Translation Memory software. Consistently ranked the most user-friendly and highest value

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