Powwow Report for Reino Unido - London (Jun 11 2006)

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Report from  Christopher Burin
We met up at the Pitcher and Piano near Trafalgar Square, to discuss chiefly interpreting, but also translation. The conversation was very lively and interesting - we discussed the interpreting and translation situation in various countries, in particular Spain and Britain and stayed in the P&P for quite a while until, driven out by the prohibitively expensive food, we decamped to Hyde Park for a picnic! A great turn-out for a nice summer's day - I look forward to the next London Pow-wow - hope you all like the photos - if you have any more, please e-mail them to me and I'll add them - thanks :-)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
David Ryan Murúa
Nicola Bigwood
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Christopher Burin
Sian Lewis

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Sep 7 '06  Nicola Bigwood: Cheers!

Let's meet up again sometime!

Sep 7 '06  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: Thanks Chris!
Better now than never. I hope to see everyone soon at other powwows and conferences.

Sep 7 '06  Christopher Burin: Photos at last! Here's a link

Hope you're all well :-)
All the best
Sep 5 '06  Christopher Burin: Photos
Hi guys, just an update on the photos - I haven't forgotten them, I've been repeatedly trying to upload them, but the files are too big for Proz. I'm going to post them up on flickr and then I'll post a link on here which should take you all straight to them. Hope you're all well :-) All the best
Aug 22 '06  Christopher Burin: Photos/report
I've finally, finally got a camera cable so I'm going to upload all the pix and a report from the Pow-wow today, apologies for the long wait!
Jun 12 '06  punam: OOPS
My id is 120009 sorry i missed it as i had a last moment reiki teaching class. but would attend next one.Please may i know other sites in uk to get jobs.
Jun 12 '06  Nicola Bigwood: In-house job for Sian?
Hi Sian,

You said you hadn't found many in-house jobs, so I wondered if this might interest you:

French & Spanish Translator into English

Take care,
Jun 12 '06  Nicola Bigwood: ID
Hi Chris,

My ID is 97519.

It was great to meet you all - hope to see you again!

Take care,

Jun 12 '06  Christopher Burin: Pow-wow pictures
Thanks for your ID's everyone, thanks for the Pow-wow info for Camden Katharina, sounds good; David I think I have to upload the pix (as far as I can understand from the website!) so if you could e-mail them to me, that'd be great, cheers!
Jun 11 '06  David Ryan Murúa: From Bournemouth
It was really nice meeting you all in London...! Chris, thanks for organising it, I'll ask for some tips if I dare to go for the Bournemouth Powwow...My Id is 24370.
Chris, shall I send you my pics to you, or shall I try to upload them myself? Katharina, thank you for the info on the Edinburgh Conference...Have a nice a week...
Jun 11 '06  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: Thanks for organising!
My ID is 100289. I already look forward to the next powwow in Camden or Bournemouth :) As promised, here are the links to the Edinburgh powwow and conference pages:
To express interest in attending & more info:
To take advantage of the early bird offer and register:
You can sign up for updates on both pages - there is more to come soon! I hope to see you there and ideas and suggestions are always welcome!
Jun 11 '06  Christopher Burin: Powwow
Thanks Inma, that's great :-)
Jun 11 '06  Magan: Powwow
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for the organisation, it has been a lovely time together. I will look forward to seeing you all in the next one, before summer ends.
My ID number. 121319. If you click in the persons profile (above name) you will get it from there.

Jun 11 '06  Christopher Burin: Entering attendance
Hi to all of you! Katharina, David, Nicky and Inma could you give me your Proz.com ID numbers so I can register you all as having attended tomorrow?

To find out your ID:
1) log-in to Proz
2) go to Pow-wows
3) select FAQS
4) go down to number 4 - What happens at Pow-wows and find the text in blue (your Proz.com ID - should be a 6 digit number).

That's all you need, I'll sort out a short report (including Tesco of course!) and photos and should be able to put it on tomorrow evening (apparently I have to wait 24 hours).

Thanks :-)
Chris ([email protected])
Jun 11 '06  Christopher Burin: :-)
Thanks to all of you for coming, was great fun! I'll try to work out how to upload the pictures this evening :-)