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Muestras de traducción: 3
español al inglés: ENTRY_2921
Texto de origen - español Admiré de niño la clarividencia del caballo para orientarse en la ida o el regreso y, sea de noche o de día, en la tormenta o bajo el vendaval, admiré el olfato de los perros para volver al sitio del que parten por más que de él se alejen, o el acierto infalible del gato para encontrar el rumbo que tras sus andanzas lo devuelve siempre a su casa. Yo no lo tengo ni cuento tampoco con ese invalorable sentido común a la mayoría de los humanos para orientarse en las calles y las rutas o en parajes nunca vistos tanto como en aquellos en donde apenas se estuvo una única vez. Yo me pierdo irremediablemente cuando me alejo de los circuitos habituales. Privado del don de la ubicación, incapaz de abstraer, de discernir y calcular donde tanta falta hace, los sitios que no frecuento son para mí inalcanzables y a ellos jamás llegaría si alguien no me condujese o no me dejara guiar por los que entienden. Sujeto fatalmente a mi pobre percepción, no sé ir, no sé volver y soy incapaz de remontar mi invalidez. No puedo, no aprendo, no entiendo y nada me dice un plano acerca de mi ubicación. No tengo brújula interna ni don alguno de representación y en cuanto a los puntos cardinales jamás supe dónde están. Todo esto, claro, favorece mi propensión a la inmovilidad. Para no exponerme a vivir perdido, trato de no alejarme de los escenarios familiares. Poco me convoca fuera de mi barrio y trato en lo posible de que mi vida social nunca lo exceda. Nada más ajeno a mí que el espíritu de un expedicionario. Invierto las direcciones y suelo situar a la izquierda lo que estuvo desde siempre a la derecha, y cuando lejos de mi casa dejo el coche estacionado, lo busco al querer volver por el lado en que no está y pierdo así un tiempo enorme resolviendo lo que nunca debió convertirse en problema.
KOVADLOFF, Santiago. “Soliloquio del extraviado” en Una biografía de la lluvia. Emecé ensayo, Buenos Aires (2004).
Traducción - inglés As a child, I always admired the sixth sense that horses seemed to have, which enabled them to find their bearings at any stage of their journey, either during the day or at night and in wind or storm. I admired the powerful sense of smell which would take dogs back to their starting point no matter how far they had strayed from it. I admired the infallible accuracy with which cats would find their way back home after all their meanderings.
Alas, I have no such geographical accuracy; I lack that precious gift of perception common to most human beings who can orientate themselves on streets or highways, in unfamiliar places or in locations to which they have been only once before. I become hopelessly lost when I deviate from my usual circuits. Deprived of a sense of direction and unable to abstract, discern or calculate precisely where it is so crucial, places to which I do not regularly go are inaccessible to me, and I would never reach them if someone didn’t drive me or if I wasn’t guided by those that understand. I’m a prisoner of my poor perception; I don’t know how to get there, I don’t know how to get back and I’m incapable of overcoming my disadvantage. I can’t do it. I never learn, I never understand and a map of my location is totally meaningless to me. I don’t have an in-built compass nor any kind of knack for discerning my surroundings. And as for cardinal points, I have never even known where they are! All this of course, just compounds my natural inclination towards inactivity. To spare myself from a life spent wandering around baffled, I try not to stray from familiar settings. There is little need for me to leave my neighbourhood, and as far as possible I make sure my social life never takes me beyond its boundaries. There is absolutely nothing of the explorer spirit in me at all. I get directions mixed up and tend to situate on the left things that were always on the right. And if I’m far from home and leave the car parked, when I come to go home, I look for it in the wrong place, wasting a huge amount of time trying to solve a problem which should never have arisen in the first place.
español al inglés: medical translation
Texto de origen - español Acción y mecanismo: La citicolina es un derivado de la colina y la citidina que interviene en la biosíntesis de lecitina.
Nootrópico, estimulante del S.N.C. y vasodilatador cerebral, actúa incrementando el flujo sanguineo y el consumo de oxígeno por el cerebro. Posee ligera actividad antiagregante plaquetaria.
Indicaciones: Autorizadas en España: Astenia, insuficiencia cerebrovascular.
Posología: Oral adultos: 100-200 mg/8-12 h; niños: 1.00 mg/8-12 h; IV (en 3 min) adultos: 250-500 mg/12-24 h
Contraindicaciones y precauclones: Contraindicando en alergia a citicolina, embarazo y lactancia.
Precauciones: En hemorragia intracraneal persistente, no deben administrarse más de 500 mg en dosis única.
Efectos secundarios: Los efectos adversos de citicolina son, en general, infrecuentes, leves y transitorios. En la mayor parte de los casos, lás reacciones adversas son una prolongación de la acción farmacológica y afectan principalmente al sistema nervioso central. Las reacciones adversas más características son: Ocasionalmente (1-9%); hipotensión ortostática y excitación por vía i.v.; insomnio.
Raramente (
Traducción - inglés Action and effects: Cyticholine is a derivative of choline and the cytidine which aids lecithin biosynthesis.
Cyticholine is a nootropic CNS stimulant and cerebral vasodilator which increases blood flow and oxygen uptake by the brain. It has a slight anticoagulant effect.
Indications: authorised in Spain for asthenia and cerebrovascular insufficiency.
Dosage: Oral, adults: 100-200 mg every 8-12 hours; children: 100 mg every 8-12 hours. Intravenous (over 3 minutes) adults: 250-500 mg every 12-24 hours.
Contraindications and precautions: Contraindicated for those allergic to cyticholine, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Precautions: For persistent intracraneal haemorrhage, no more than 500 mg should be administered as a single dose.
Side effects: Adverse effects of cyticholine are generally infrequent, minor and transitory. In most cases, adverse reactions are an extension of the pharmacological action and mainly affect the central nervous system. The most common adverse reactions are: Occasionally (1-9%) orthostatic hypotension and intravenous excitation, insomnia.
Rarely (
francés al inglés: economic translation
Texto de origen - francés La reprise de l'activité économique en Belgique, qui s'est amorcée au troisième trimestre de 2005, devrait se poursuivre grâce à la vigueur de l'expansion au niveau mondial, en particulier en Asie et aux États-Unis. La croissance s'est ainsi élevée en moyenne à 3/4 p.c. durant les deux premiers trimestres de 2006 et, si un certain infléchissement semble inévitable à terme, du fait notamment de la nouvelle flambée des cours pétroliers, elle devrait demeurer soutenue, à un rythme au moins supérieur à son potentiel. Contrairement à la phase de reprise précédente, l'ensemble des composantes de la demande intérieure contribuent à renforcer l'impulsion donnée par les exportations, comme le confirme la nette amélioration des indicateurs de confiance des consommateurs et surtout des entreprises.
La préoccupation du gouvernement et des partenaires sociaux de préserver la compétitivité de l'économie belge devrait en principe conduire à une évolution modérée des coûts salariaux, facilitée par une modification de l'indice des prix de référence pour l'indexation des revenus au début de 2006. Si l'augmentation des prix à la consommation devrait demeurer cette année proche de 2,5 p.c. comme en 2005, du fait de la hausse des prix énergétiques, l'inflation présente une tendance sous-jacente largement compatible avec la définition par l'Eurosystème de la stabilité des prix et devrait rapidement revenir dans une trajectoire conforme à celle-ci.
Traducción - inglés The recovery of economic activity in Belgium which started in the third quarter of 2005 looks set to continue, thanks to strong expansion at global level, particularly in Asia and the United States. Growth has thus averaged 3-4 per cent in the first two quarters of 2006. Although some slackening seems inevitable eventually, due mainly to the renewed surge in oil prices, growth should continue at a rate which outstrips its potential. Unlike the last recovery phase, all components of domestic demand are underpinning export-led momentum, as confirmed by the marked improvement in consumer confidence indicators and particularly in business confidence indicators.
Both the government and the social partners are keen to maintain the competitiveness of the Belgian economy. This should, in principle, lead to a moderation of the rise in salary costs, most notably as a result of a change made at the beginning of 2006 to the reference price index to which incomes are automatically linked. Although the increase in consumer prices will this year remain close to the 2.5% mark like in 2005, due to increased energy prices, the underlying inflation trend is largely compatible with the Eurosystem’s definition of price stability and is expected to quickly return to a path in line with this definition.
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Master's degree - Heriot-Watt University
Años de experiencia: 19 Registrado en Oct 2004
francés al inglés (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) francés al inglés (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) francés al inglés (Heriot Watt University, verified) español al inglés (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) español al inglés (Heriot Watt University, verified)
Fully-qualified translator with an MA in interpreting and translating (French and Spanish dual award) from Heriot-Watt University, member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting and the North West Translators' Network. On the United Nations roster and DPSI-qualified interpreter (Spanish Law).
I have been working as a full-time translator since 2006, and have worked for both translation companies and direct clients.
My specialisms include:
- business/legal texts (contracts, terms and conditions, transcripts of court proceedings etc.)
- financial and non-financial texts (company yearly financial reports, French documents de référence, corporate social responsibility documents, accounting procedures, articles from financial publications etc.)
- marketing and promotional texts
I analyse and decipher complex documents to write
texts that are just as effective in English as they are in their source language,
avoiding stilted “translationese” and finding the right tone of voice for each
project and client. I am used to working with a wide range of terminology resources and style guides to ensure consistency across documents from year to year. Experienced editor and proof-reader with a sharp eye for
I regularly attend translation industry conferences,
events and workshops to ensure my skills are up-to-date. I am dedicated and highly-motivated - work is always completed on time and to the highest standard.
Please feel free to contact me directly for a quote.
Palabras clave: English, Spanish, French, Latin American, Spain, Argentina, France, UK, corporate social responsibility, document de référence. See more.English, Spanish, French, Latin American, Spain, Argentina, France, UK, corporate social responsibility, document de référence, human resources, training, document translation, traducción de documentos, français, francés, development, marketing, business, texto comercial, economics, creative, certificates, insurance, castellano, information leaflets, court proceedings, legal, editing, proofreading, contracts, fast turnaround, translation, recursos humanos, traducción, marketing, contratos, revisión de textos, puntualidad, Argentina, Mexico, CEPAL, ECLAC, desarrollo, reviewing, quality, speed, precise, ONG, NGO, Oxfam, español, castellano, traduction, traducción, articles of association, technical, manuals, terms and conditions, annual reports, Spanish to English, French to English, francés al inglés, français ver l'anglais, espagnol ver l'anglais, español al inglés, castellano al inglés, Spanish interpreter, interpreting, DPSI, interpreting services, editor, editing, academic proofreading. See less.