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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Christmas PowWow

December 17, 2008, 7:30 pm
Reino UnidoManchesterIn personinglés
Dukes 92, Castlefield, Manchester for drinks
7:30 PM

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Rosalind Howarth  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Weds 17th December, Christmas drinks at Dukes 92, Castle Street in Castlefield, 7:30 pm, see you there!  
Maleen Hof   Would love to come and meet people in Manchester, but unfortunately cannot attend this powwow. I am looking forward to another one in the new year.  n
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather   Looking forward to it!  y
Silvia Ferrero   Great, I'll see you there! I'll advertise it on the NWTN website too.  y
Matthew Preston   Nice one Roz, I'll be there  
Rose Jenkinson   sounds great - see you all then!  
Claudia Robles  \"Photographer\" Great idea!! See you then!!  y
XAnne H   Sorry I can't make this - have to play in a Christmas concert but look forward to coming to a powwow in future  n
Heidi Kerschl   Brilliant! What a good reason to leave my computer. Many thanks for organising this, Rosalind.  
XKasiaB (X)   Hi Roz, look forward to catching up at the powwow.  y
XSarah Wood   It'll be my first Powwow!  m
JOHN WINDER   Excellent idea. Looking forward to it.  
Shabbir Limbada   MAYBE  m
Lucie Brione   Lucie Brione  m
XBarbaraFreit (X)  \"Photographer\" I'll be there! Taking photographs!  y
DB-9   ...  m
XMartin Hemmings, MITI (X)   This will be my first Powwow too!  

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