This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: The 10th Seaside Powwow

November 22, 2014, 11:00 am
BrasilSantosIn personinglés
Olá, amigos!

Vamos à décima edição do nosso Seaside Powwow?

Neste ano será no Restaurante Olímpia, no bairro José Menino, entre os Canais Um e Dois - Avenida Presidente Wilson, 92, na avenida da praia.

A especialidade é frutos do mar (claro!), mas há outras opções, inclusive feijoada.

O site deles é

Vamos lá então?

Aguardo as confirmações para fazer a reserva.
Event Organizers:

Jorge Rodrigues

Danilo Nogueira

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (30) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Jorge Rodrigues  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Danilo Nogueira  \"Organizer\" ...  
Paul Dixon   I'll be at the Seaside Powwow in its Tin Jubilee (10th edition). I'll be coming with my dear wife.  y
Sheila Gomes  \"Photographer\" ...  n
Maria Lucia Cumo   ...  
Ana Claudia Antunes  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Looking forward to meeting all of you to exchange ideas (para trocar figurinhas!:)  y
AnaJulia Perrotti-Garcia   ...  
German -> PT-BR   ...  
David Alexandre   Pizza?  
Luciana Adelseck   luciana adelseck  
anna celina freitas   Celina Freitas  
Alessandra Prado   Alessandra Prado  
v8johnny   Se minha agenda não explodir, creio que será meu primeiro Powwow :)  
Aryane Sartori   Poxa, no mesmo dia do curso de introdução à tradução de jogos digitais em SP... =( Vamos ver...   m
Ana Elisa Igel   Ana Elisa Igel  
Beatriz S. Rose  \"Photographer\" Beatriz S. Rose  m
Roger Chadel   eu vou!  y
Josyane CBG   Josyane CBG Looking forward to my first powwow!   y
Neli Borba   Looking forward to my first powwow and meeting other translators!  y
XMelisande O   ...  y
Ana Peregrino   I'll definitely try to to make it, even though I don't live in the Baixada anymore!  m
Henrique Fernandes   ...  
BasiliaB   Looking forward to my first powwow.  y
Marina Vidal   Tentando vencer a timidez para comparecer.  m
Dulce Cattunda   ...  
Mayara Leal   ...  y
Dilma CP   Grata pela oportunidade de conhecer e conversar com colegas de profissão!  y
Carlos Alonso   Carlos P. Alonso  
XDoreen Carre   Meu segundo PowWow estarei acompanhada de meu esposo  y
Anarela Gentil   Definitely,looking forward to my first Powwow.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Santos - Brazil
Jorge Rodrigues
Jorge Rodrigues  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Restaurante escolhido. Nov 2, 2014

Ola, amigos!

Acabei de escolher o restaurante para o nosso almoço do dia 22 de novembro próximo: o Olímpia, no José Menino, em Santos. De frente para a praia e de acesso fácil para quem vem de fora.

Aguardo as confirmações para fazer a reserva.


Josyane CBG
Josyane CBG
Local time: 07:12
portugués al inglés
Powwow Nov 6, 2014

Good afternoon!
This will be my first powwow, and I'd like to know if the event will be free, how long it's going to last and if there will be a certificate for the participants.
Thanks in advance. Josyane.

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Josyane Nov 11, 2014

Dear Josyane,
Powwows are usually free, and the ones in Santos have always been free. The only thing you pay is whatever you eat/drink at the restaurant. Unfortunately Powwows do not give certificates, although you do get BrowniZ points for participation/organisation (these can be used for discounts on memberships, tools etc)
As the powwow is a lunch at a restaurant, I estimate minimum duration of 1 hour, although some take a lot longer. It all depends on how many people come, and how
... See more
Dear Josyane,
Powwows are usually free, and the ones in Santos have always been free. The only thing you pay is whatever you eat/drink at the restaurant. Unfortunately Powwows do not give certificates, although you do get BrowniZ points for participation/organisation (these can be used for discounts on memberships, tools etc)
As the powwow is a lunch at a restaurant, I estimate minimum duration of 1 hour, although some take a lot longer. It all depends on how many people come, and how much we have to talk about.

Looking forward to meeting you!


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