Translation glossary: Gümrük/Customs

Showing entries 1-50 of 226
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Aktarma beyanıDeclaration for transhipment 
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AktarmakTo transship 
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Ambalaj listesiPacking list 
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AntrepoBonded warehouse 
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Antrepo makbuzuWarehouse receipt 
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Asıl manifestoOriginal ship’s commercial, original manifest 
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Asıl manifestoOriginal ship’s commercial, original manifest 
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ATA karnesiATA carnet 
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ATR dolaşım belgesiATR movement certificate 
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Aynı eşyaIdentical goods 
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Ayrıcalıklı tarife işlemleriFavourable tariff treatment 
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Ayrımcı olmayan gümrük tarifesiNon-discriminatory customs tariff 
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Şartlı muafiyet sistemiSuspension system 
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İade nüshasıCopy for return 
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İş yüküworkload 
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İşlem görmüş ürünCompensating product, processed product 
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İşleme faaliyetleriProcessing operations, processing activities 
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İç bölgeTerritorial enclave 
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İç sınırInternal frontier 
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İç sularda ulaşımInland waterway transport 
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İdari düzenlemeAdministrative arrangement 
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İdari soruşturmanın yapılmasıCarrying out official inquiries 
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İhraç eşyasıExport goods 
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İhracat beyanıDeclaration of exportation 
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İhracat iadesiExport refund 
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İhracat izin belgesiExport certificate 
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İhracat rejimiExportation 
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İhracat vergileriexport duties 
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İkame ürünReplacement product 
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İmalat hatasıManufacturing defect 
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İmalatçının analiz belgesiManufacturer's analysis certifacate 
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İnceleme gezisiStudy trip, study tour 
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İndirimli ithalat vergisiReduced rate of import duty 
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İrsaliyeDelivery ship, letter of carriage 
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İthalat izin belgesiİmport certificate 
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İthalat miktar kısıtlamalarıQuantitative import restrictions 
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İthalat vergileriImport duties 
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İzin hak sahibiHolder of the authorization 
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Ön izin belgesiAdvance-fixing certificate 
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Özet beyanSummary declaration 
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Çıkış gümrüğüExit customs 
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Çeki listesiPacking list/certificate of weight 
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Çok yanlı antlaşma, cok taraflı antlaşmaMultilateral agreement 
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Bağlayıcı tarife bilgisiBinding tariff information 
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Başvuru sahibiApplicant 
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Bagajların kontrolüInspection of luggage 
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Basitleştirilmiş beyan usulüSimplified procedure 
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Belgelerin varlığının ve gerçekliğinin kanıtlanmasıVerifying the existence and authenticity of documents 
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