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    • inglés
      • Gobierno / Política
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          • Term
            • de-confinement
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • De-confinement is the word – created by adding the prefix de- which is very common in the creation of antonyms – which conceptualizes the concept of that state of a system of quarks and gluons that are free to move around relatively independent. But it is the present reality of the recent Quarantine period experienced which gave extra power to the word de-confinement and its literal meaning of setting free and demolishing any kind of restrictions / limitations. TermCoord
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Europe is making a concerted effort to adopt a unified approach to de-confinement, however there are differences between countries. And as the Tour Du Mont Blanc, one of our most popular treks, runs high up in the mountains of all three countries, we thought it might be helpful for you to have the facts of what de-confinement means for each country. - MontBlanc Treks by
            • On 19 March 2020, the World Health Organization issued an interim guidance report stating how and when to best proceed with the lifting of confinement measures, given the high number of active cases and the not yet fully controlled situation in some of the countries approaching deconfinement policies. - by
            • Belgium announces three-phase de-confinement measures - XinHuaNet by
  • Compare this term in: árabe, búlgaro, alemán, neerlandés, español, persa (farsi), francés, italiano, coreano, polaco, portugués, ruso

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