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    • inglés
      • Periodismo
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          • Term
            • pass-along rate
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • the percentage of people who pass on a message or file. Marketing Terms
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Organizations that capture pass-along rates better understand what their audiences want and can tweak content strategies accordingly. Content that evokes an emotional reaction is much more likely to be passed along by the original viewer. - TOP Agency by
            • So, if 5000 magazines are sent out with a pass-along rate of four (i.e. four people in total will read the magazine), the total readership is going to around 20,000. - Cair Lerion by
            • Our Loyal Readers could be Your Customers Our high pass-along rate, combined with the fact that the average Public Gaming reader has subscribed for more than 15 years, demonstrates that our readers trust and depend upon us, Your ad in Public Gaming will reach that loyal audience. - Public Gaming by
  • Compare this term in: alemán, persa (farsi), coreano, portugués

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