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Puntos de nivel PRO 104, Preguntas respondidas: 57, Preguntas formuladas: 25
Historial de proyectos
15 proyectos mencionados 7 comentarios positivos de clientes 1 comentarios positivos de compañeros
Detalles de proyectos
Resumen de proyectos
Translation Volumen: 14483 words Completado el: Dec 2010 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of Financial Electronic Newsletter for leading Spanish Bank
Translation of financial electronic newsletter produced by a leading Spanish multi-national bank, with items on recent company news and events, status of the bank's assets and liabilities in the context of the current global financial crisis, for publication on the company's website. 4th consecutive edition I have translated for the bank.
Translation Volumen: 67010 words Completado el: Jan 2010 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of a book on decentralization in Latin America
Translation of a book of articles about decentralization and local economic development in Latin and Central America written by experts, politicians and executives shaping economic development in the region, discussing contemporary trends and policies, from Spanish into English.
Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Gobierno / Política, Economía
positiva B2B Translations: The English read very well. Great experience. Easy to work with and on time.
Translation Volumen: 1858 words Completado el: Jan 2010 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of the agenda for a conference on pharmaceutical marketing
Translation of the agenda for a conference on pharmaceutical marketing in Latin America held in 2010, a descriptive outline of the topics and objectives of the talks being given, from Spanish into English.
Medicina: Farmacia, Medicina: Salud, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado
positiva LingCom: Accurate and fluid translation. Delivered on time. I really recommend Jonathan's services
Translation Volumen: 26 pages Completado el: Jan 2010 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of personal academic transcripts and diplomas
Translation of 26 pages of personal documents including academic transcripts, diplomas, name-changes and related verification documents originated in Peru, from Spanish into English.
Educación / Pedagogía, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc.
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Translation Volumen: 8728 words Completado el: Dec 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of equipment rental contract
Translation of pure rental contract with option to buy, and promissory notes, regarding the transfer of industrial machinery between a Mexican rental company and a Mexican industrial manufacturing company, from Spanish into English.
Derecho: contrato(s)
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Translation Volumen: 43535 words Completado el: Nov 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of Entrepreneurial Training Modules
Translation of training modules to supplement a training course for woman small business owners covering financial, operational, and marketing aspects of business ownership and micro-enterprising conducted by the World Bank.
Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Finanzas (general), Negocios / Comercio (general)
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Translation Volumen: 4917 words Completado el: Nov 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Instruction Manual on Aggregator Integration
Translation of an instruction manual describing the process of the aggregator integration system for users of Speedy Movil, by way of a web services client to receive aggregated content on their cellular phone.
Translation Volumen: 16340 words Completado el: Nov 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of compliance verifications for union applicants
Translation of verification reports prepared by trade union evaluators on the compliance of new membership applicants with current union guidelines and framework for work practices, processing, environmental impact, community relations and quality control. Applicant companies have agricultural and processing operations in Central and South America.
Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Recursos humanos, Medioambiente y ecología
positiva Union for Ethical Bio-Trade: No hay comentarios.
Translation Volumen: 8727 words Completado el: Nov 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of Rental Agreement
Translation of a Rental Agreement with Option to Buy executed between a manufacturing company and a rental company, establishing the terms of agreement for machinery rental.
Translation Volumen: 9423 words Completado el: Oct 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of non-profit corporate by-laws
Translation of legal documentation executing a name change in the corporate by-laws of a non-profit company in Mexico.
Derecho: (general)
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Editing/proofreading Volumen: 31642 words Completado el: Oct 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Editing of neo-natal/new mother program strategy assessment
Medicina (general), Medicina: Salud, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc.
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Translation Volumen: 746 words Completado el: Oct 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of Legal Article
Periodismo, Derecho: (general)
positiva Rodrigo Ortiz-Monasterio Q.: Jonathan is very a quality oriented, accurate and responsive professional. Would not hesitate to work with him again!
Translation Volumen: 8990 words Completado el: Sep 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of Financial Newsletter for leading Spanish Bank
Translation of 3 separate editions (Winter '08, Spring and Summer '09) of the quarterly magazine for a leading Spanish banking institution for publication on their website.
Editing/proofreading Volumen: 5000 words Completado el: Sep 2009 Languages: español al inglés
Editing of a PhD Thesis Dissertation
Editing of translated transcripts from interviews with migrant workers for analysis in a doctoral thesis dissertation in the field of labor and industrial relations.
positiva Workforce Language Services: Thorough editing job on academic dissertation project. Very attentive to detail, very knowledgable in working language pair.
Translation Volumen: 7778 words Completado el: Aug 2008 Languages: español al inglés
Translation of Audio-visual Artist Profile
Translation of featured Argentinean new-media artist Ivan Marino's profile for publication in the MEIAC (Museo Extremeno e Ibero-americano de arte contemporaneo) catalogue during an exhibition of his work there.
Arte, artes manuales, pintura, Cine, películas, TV, teatro, Medios / Multimedia
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Muestras de traducción: 6
español al inglés: Ethical Bio-trade Community Grants Application General field: Ciencias Detailed field: Agricultura
Texto de origen - español La maca una zona produccion en la region denomida Meseta del Bombon, comprende la planicie ubicada entre los departamentos de Junin y Pasco, situada entre los 4.000 y 4.450 metros de altitiud, a unos 180 kilometros de Lima. Abarca 4.631,62 kilometros cuadrados que corresponden al ecosistema de puna.
El area potencial para el cultivo de mac abarca casi 50% del total del territorio de la Meseta del Bombon. Se trate de una extension de 2.390,78 kilmetros cuadrados que comprende los distritos de Huayre, Carhuamayo, Uco, Ondores, San Pedro de Cajas y Junin en el departamento de Junin; y los de Ninacaca, Uco, Pari, Huayllay, Vicco y Cerro de Pasco en el departamento de Pasco.
La Meseta del Bombon alberga un area natural protegida, reserva de la biodiversidad de los Andes centrales peruanos: el lago de Chinchaycocka o de Junin. Este lago tiene una extension de 30 kilometros cuadrados, que constituye la cuenca alta del rio Mantaro. Aguas abajo, la importancia de esta cuenca es muy grande para la agricultura, la ganaderia y las poblaciones localizades en sus riberas.
Los suelos inventariados en la Reserva Nacional de Junin por el Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA 2008: 40-41) son aluviales, lacustres y residuales. De acuerdo con la clasificacion internacional de suelos, los de la Meseta del Bombon se presentan de la siguiente manera:
-Cryofluvents: ubicados entre los 4.000 y 4.500 metros de altitud. Se forman a partir de material de origen aluvial y lacustre. Su relieve topografico es suave, ligeramento inclinado. Su textura, franco-arcillosa, de naturaleza acida y con abundante materia organica.
-Cryothents: situados entre los 4.000 y 4.500 metros de altitud. Se constituyen in situ por lutitas, areniscas, cuarzos y calizas. Estan localizados en zonas onduladas con relieves quebrados. El drenaje natural es bueno; son suelos moderadamente profundos, de color pardo oscuro y de fertilidad baja. Representan 45% de los suelos de la zona de amortiguamiento donde se encuentra la maca.
-Endoaquents: conformados por sedimentos y limos, son de caracter lacustre. Estan ubicados en relieves planos, suaves, y su drenaje natural es pobre. Como se encuentran en torno al lago, permanecen saturados buena parte del ano.
-Epiaquents: situados entre los 4.000 y 4.500 metros de altitud, su origen es lacustre y estan constituidos por limos aluvionicos. Su relieve es suave; su drenaje, regular. Poseen abundante materia organica.
-Dystrocryepts: situados sobre los 4.000 metros de altitud, estan constituidos por areniscas, cuarcitas, limonitas y lutitas. Conforman laderas con pendientes suaves y pendientes pronunicadas. Su relieve es suavemente ondulado y con pendientes de entre 15% y 50%. Representan aproximadamente 15% del area de la zona de amortiguamiento asociada al area natural protegida.
Traducción - inglés Maca has a production zone in the region of the Meseta del Bombon (Bombon Plateau), comprising the plain located between the Junin and Pasco departments, situated between 4,000 and 4,450 meters altitude, some 180 kilometers from Lima. The zone includes 4,631.62 square kilometers within the Puna ecosystem.
The potential area for maca cultivation includes nearly 50% of the total land on the Meseta del Bombon. It covers 2,390.78 square kilometers that include the Huayre, Carhuamayo, Uco, Ondores, San Pedro de Cajas and Junin districts in the Junin department; and the Ninacaca, Uco, Pari, Huayllay, Vicco and Cerro de Pasco districts in the Pasco department.
The Meseta del Bombon is home to a protected nature area, biodiversity reserve of the central Peruvian Andes: Lake Chinchaycocha or Junin. This lake covers 30 square kilometers, that makes up the high Mantaro river basin. Downstream, the basin holds great importance for the agriculture, livestock and local populations on its shores.
The soils inventoried in the Junin National Reserve by the National Natural Resources Institute (INRENA 2008: 40-41) are alluvial, lacustrine and residual. According to international soil classifications, the Meseta del Bombon’s soils are presented as follows:
·Cryofluvents: located between 4,000 and 4,500 meters altitude. They are composed of alluvial and lacustrine material. It is smooth country, lightly sloped. Its texture is clay-loam, acidic and with abundant organic matter.
·Cryothents: situated between 4,000 and 4,500 meters altitude. They are formed in situ by shale, sandstone, quartz and limestone. They are located on rolling terrain, with rough country. Good natural drainage; they are moderately deep soils, dark brown in color and low fertility. They represent 45% of the soils in the buffer zone where maca is found.
·Endoaquents: composed of sediment and mud, of a lacustrine character. They are located on flat, smooth country, and have poor natural drainage. As they are found near the lake, they remain saturated most of the year.
·Epiaquents: situated between 4,000 and 4,500 meters altitude, of lacustrine origin and composed by alluvionic muds. Smooth country; normal drainage. They possess abundant organic matter.
·Dystrocryepts: situated above 4,000 meters altitude, they are composed of sandstone, quartz, limonite and shale. They form hillsides with gentle and steep slopes. Lightly rolling country with slopes between 15% and 50%. They represent 15% of the area of the buffer zone associated with the protected nature area.
español al inglés: Al Unico Arbitro General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: (general)
Texto de origen - español CUARTO.- De las comunicaciones cruzadas entre JV y CAPIO VALDEMORO en los meses de febrero y marzo de 2009: las infundadas excusas de CAPIO VALDEMORO para no abonar su deuda, su pretensión de "denuncia" o desistimiento del Contrato, con efectos el día 7 de marzo de 2009, y el despojo del Laboratorio y Equipamiento, por parte de CAPIO VALDEMORO
1. Conforme se ha adelantado, con fecha 12 de febrero de 2009, JV remitió a CAPIO VALDEMORO el burofax que se ha acompañado como Documento n° 74. En dicha comunicación, JV requería a CAPIO VALDEMORO el pago de 2.399.786,45 Euros, que se corresponde con el importe de las facturas emitidas desde el 29 de febrero de 2008 hasta el 31 de diciembre del mismo año, que ya habían sido enviadas a CAPIO VALDEMORO junto con sus correspondientes albaranes.
Asimismo, y sin perjuicio de volver a remitir copia de las facturas, se ponía de manifiesto que CAPIO VALDEMORO podía consultar el detalle de facturas y albaranes tanto a través de la base de datos del Hospital, a la que tenía y tiene acceso, como por medio de la copia en formato digital que se le remitía.
Traducción - inglés FOURTH.- On communications exchanged between JV and CAPIO VALDEMORO in the months of February and March of 2009: CAPIO VALDEMORO's unfounded excuses for not paying its debt, its intention to denounce and desist in its Contract, effective March 7, 2009, and the pillaging of the Laboratory and Equipment, on the part of CAPIO VALDEMORO
1. As we have forwarded, on the date of February 12, 2009, JV sent CAPIO VALDEMORO the fax included here as Document No. 74. In said communication, JV requested a payment from CAPIO VALDEMORO of 2.399.786,45 Euros, which corresponds to the amount for bills issued from February 29, 2008 to December 31 of that year, which had already been sent to CAPIO VALDEMORO along with the corresponding invoices.
Likewise, and despite sending them an additional copy of the bills, we stated that CAPIO VALDEMORO was able to consult billing and invoice details through both the Hospital's data base, to which it had and has access, as well as through the digitally formatted copy they were sent.
español al inglés: CALL TO RESTART THE ECONOMY WITH EMPLOYMENT General field: Otros Detailed field: Periodismo
Con el fin de impulsar la reactivacion economica y generar empleos en la Ciudad de Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, jefe de Gobierno capitalino se reunio con representatntes de Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), una red de emprendedores internacional fundada en 1987, con representacion en Mexico desde 1993.
En dicho encuentro, el mandatorio local expuso las acciones y los compromisos de su administracion a favor de los negocios y el empleo, haciendo hincapie en la necesidad de hacer una economia de innovacion y manejar de manera correcta los recursos con los que se cuenta.
With an eye to jump-start the economic recovery and generate jobs in Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard, Head of Government in the Capital met with representatives from Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), an international network of business-owners founded in 1987, with representation in Mexico since 1993.
At the meeting, local leaders laid out the actions and commitments their administration is taking in favor of businesses and employment, emphasizing the need to create an innovation-based economy and to correctly manage its present resources.
español al inglés: BBVA Financial OFFICE: Planning Ahead AND ACTIVE MANAGEMENT General field: Negocios/Finanzas Detailed field: Finanzas (general)
Texto de origen - español Esta batería de emisiones situó a BBVA en una situación de sólida fortaleza al inicio de la crisis, en el verano de 2007, posición que se vio reforzada después, cuando dicha crisis alcanzó su punto álgido y muchas entidades a nivel internacional encontraron serios problemas para poder financiarse en el mercado. Frente a esta compleja tesitura para buena parte del sector, BBVA ha tenido acceso total a la financiación a corto y largo plazo en los mercados mayoristas. Así, BBVA ‘abrió’ el mercado y entre finales de 2008 y abril de 2009 realizó una emisión de preferentes de 1.000 millones de euros y dos emisiones de deuda, a cinco y tres años, por un importe conjunto de 3.000 millones.
Como resultado de esta estrategia de anticipación, BBVA ha conseguido una estructura de financiación muy equilibrada y adecuada a la situación de los mercados: el 60% procede de depósitos retail y recursos propios; el 25%, de los mercados mayoristas, y el 15% restante, de pasivos líquidos. Además, no tiene una alta concentración de vencimientos en los próximos años –en 2009 contabiliza 6.200 millones–, dispone de una amplia base de fuentes de liquidez por su presencia en Europa, México, América del Sur y EE UU, y cuenta con fuentes adicionales de liquidez por 51.000 millones de euros para descontar en el Banco Central Europeo (BCE).
Traducción - inglés This battery of underwriting put BBVA in a solid situation at the onset of the crises, in the summer of 2007. Its position was reinforced later, when the crisis reached its decisive moment and many entities at the international level were finding serious problems financing themselves in the market. Before the complex situations of much of the sector, BBVA has had complete access to short and long term financing in the wholesale markets. Thus, BBVA “opened” up the market and between the end of 2008 and April 2009 underwrote 1 billion Euros in preferences and two billion in debt, at five and three years, for a combined revenue of 3 billion Euros.
As a result of this strategy of preparation, BBVA has achieved a very balanced financing structure that is suitable for the situation of the markets: 60% comes from retail deposits and its own resources; 25% from wholesale markets, and the remaining 15% from liquid liabilities. Plus, it has a low concentration of maturities in the coming years - in 2009 totaling 6.2 billion-, a wide base of liquidity sources through its presence in Europe, Mexico, South America and the U.S., and relies on additional sources of liquidity from 51 billion Euros in deductions from the European Central Bank (ECB).
español al inglés: Corporate By-laws General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: (general)
Texto de origen - español CAPITULO IV.- DE LOS ORGANOS DE LA ASOCIACION.- ARTICULO DECIMO NOVENO.- La direccion, administracion y vigilancia de la asociacion, estara respectivamente a cargo de: a).- La Asamblea General; b).- El Comite Directivo o el Director General; SECCION I: DE LAS ASAMBLEAS GENERALES.- ARTICULO VIGESIMO.0 La Asamblea General la constituyen todos los asociados activos que concurren a ella e integren por lo menos el quorum que se determina en este ordenamiento.- ARTICULO VIGESIMO PRIMERO.- La Asamblea General es el organo supremo de la Asociacion y sus acuerdos obligan a todos los asociados, presentes y ausentes, siempre que dichos acuerdos se tomen conforme a la Ley y estos Estatutos.
Traducción - inglés CHAPTER IV.- ON ASSOCIATION BODIES.- NINETEENTH ARTICLE.- The management, administration and security of the association, shall be the duties of: a).- The General Assembly; b).- The Management Committee or CEO, respectively; SECTION I: ON GENERAL ASSEMBLIES.- TWENTIETH ARTICLE.- The General Assembly is constituted by all active associates who take part in it and make up at a minimum the quorum determined in this legislation.- TWENTY-FIRST ARTICLE.- The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association and its agreements are binding for all associates, present and absent, as long as said agreements are made in accordance with the Law and these By-laws.-
español al inglés: Course Descriptions: Master of Tropical Caribbean Architecture program at UNPHU General field: Otros Detailed field: Educación / Pedagogía
Texto de origen - español Nombre: Espacio y Simbolo en la Arquitectura Caribena
1. Determinar la influencia de los eventos socio economicos demograficos e historicos que afectaron el desarrollo de manera determinante en la expresion del espacio existencial y arquitectonico de las ciudades del Caribe.
2. Conocer las distintas tendencias estilisticas que conforman el sincretismo arquitectonico de la region.
3.Profundizar en el entendimiento de la semiotica como confirmadora de una cultura urbana y su vinculacion con una arquitectura modernista, de poder, y con las nuevas tendencias estructuradas por el pensamiento contemporaneo.
1. Estudiar la semiotica y la arquitectura de la region del caribe, en sus distintas expresiones estilisticas, a traves de la historia.
2. Dotar al estudiante de una sistematizacion teorico- Conceptual que permita practicar el espacio como una expresion compleja e intelectual respondiendo no solo a condiciones especificas de la region sino a la proteccion del hombre como ente universal.
3. Dotar al estudiante de los criterios suficientes para identificar los patrones socio-culturales que han intervenido en la conformacion del espacio existencial y arquitectonico, siendo capaz de proyectarlo como expresion profunda de la manifestacion cultural del hombre.
Traducción - inglés Name: Space and Representation in Caribbean Architecture
To determine the influence of socio-economic, demographic and historical events that affected the development in a decisive way in the expression of architectural and living space in Caribbean cities.
To become acquainted with different stylistic tendencies that comprise the architectonic syncretism of the region.
To deepen understanding of semiotics as a reinforcement of urban culture and its connection with modern architecture, of power, and with new trends structured by contemporary thought.
To study semiotics and architecture in the Caribbean region, its different stylistic expressions, throughout history.
To provide the student with a theoretical-conceptual systematization that allows him to treat space as a complex and intellectual expression that considers not only specific regional conditions, but also the protection of man as a universal being.
To provide the student sufficient criteria to identify the socio-cultural guides that have played a part in the formation of architectonic and living space, being able to plan it as a deep expression of man’s cultural manifestations.
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