Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al neerlandés
español al neerlandés
italiano al neerlandés

Translation services

Países Bajos
Hora local: 23:40 CET (GMT+1)

Idioma materno: neerlandés Native in neerlandés
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Tipo de cuenta Translation agency/company employee or owner, Identity Verified Identidad verificada
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Blue Board affiliation:
Servicios Translation
Trabaja en
Publicidad / Relaciones públicasAutomatización y robótica
Automóviles / CamionesInformática (general)
Informática: HardwareInformática: Programas
Informática: Sistemas, redesEducación / Pedagogía
Electrónica / Ing. elect.

Experiencia Años de experiencia: 7 Registrado en Dec 2007 Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenciales N/A
Miembro de N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Worldserver, Other CAT tool, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
URL de su página web
- 7 years experience in teaching English.
- several years experience in translating all kinds of projects.
Palabras clave: Agreements, Annual reports, Articles, Books, Brochures, Business Plans, Campaigns, Certificates, Contracts, CVs. See more.Agreements, Annual reports, Articles, Books, Brochures, Business Plans, Campaigns, Certificates, Contracts, CVs, E-mails, Essays, Flyers, Games, Glossaries, Handbooks, Information Leaflets, Installation Manuals, Instructions, Interviews, Legal Documents, Letters, Magazines, Manuals, Manuscripts, Market, Research Reports, Marketing Texts, Medical Directions, Minutes, Presentations, Accounting, Agriculture, Architecture, Automotive, Banking, Botany, Building, Business, Chemistry, Clothing, Communications, Computers, Contracts, Economics, Education, Electronics, Engineering, Finance, Games, General, Government, Health Care, Information Technology, Insurance, Internet, Linguistics, Literature, Logistics, Machinery & Tools, Maritime, Marketing, Materials, Media, Medical, Multi Media, Networking, Nutrtion, Patents, Pshychology, Public Relations, SAP, Software, Surveying, Telecommunications, Tourism & Travel, Transport, Video games, Algemeen, Architectuur, Auto-industrie, Bankwezen, Boekhouden, Bouw, Chemie, Commercie, Communicatie, Computers, Contracten, Economie, Electronica, Financiën, Games, Gezondheidszorg, Informatie technologie, Internet, Kleding, Landbouw, Literatuur, Logistiek, Machines/Gereedschappen, Marketing, Materialen, Media, Medisch, Multimedia, Netwerken, Onderwijs, Onderzoeken, Overheid, Patenten, Plantkunde, Psychologie, Public Relations, SAP, Scheepvaart, Software, Taalkunde, Techniek, Telecommunicatie, Toerisme & Reizen, Transport, Verzekeringen, Videogames, Voeding. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Jan 6, 2020