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Puntos de nivel PRO 636, Preguntas respondidas: 550, Preguntas formuladas: 326
Muestras de traducción: 3
francés al inglés: Translation/Technical Writing - user guide text Detailed field: Informática (general)
Texto de origen - francés Il est nécessaire de faire très attention à l’utilisation des fichiers de configuration car le moindre changement pourrait entraîner des problèmes de stabilité du serveur. Si ces actions avaient lieu sans accord préalable de xxxx ou sans être liées à une demande du support, le dit contrat de support ne serait plus valable.
De même, l'utilisation de certains yyys nécessite une attention particulière.
Traducción - inglés You must pay special attention to how configuration files are used because the slightest modification could imperil the stability of the server. If such actions are carried out without prior agreement from XXXX or if they are not linked to a technical support request, they will entail the annulment of the maintenance contract. Likewise, you should pay special attention when using certain YYYs.
francés al inglés: Java coding conventions General field: Técnico/Ingeniería Detailed field: Informática: Programas
Texto de origen - francés 10 La première lettre de chaque mot du groupe nominal composant le nom de la classe ou de l'interface doit être en majuscule (CamelCase).
L’usage de caractères non alphabétiques est interdit.
L’usage de chiffres est fortement déconseillé. La pratique qui consiste à dupliquer une classe en ajoutant un indice (ex : MaClasse et MaClasse2) ne met pas en évidence les différences de comportement. Elle pénalise donc la lisibilité et la maintenabilité.
11 A moins qu’une classe ne désigne une abréviation courante, (ex : URL), les acronymes sont proscrits.
S’ils sont utilisés, ils sont considérés comme un mot, c'est-à-dire première lettre en majuscule, et lettres suivantes en minuscules.
Traducción - inglés 10 The first letter of each word in the noun phrase that constitutes the class or interface name must be in upper case (CamelCase).
The use of non-alphabetic characters is not allowed.
The use of numbers is strongly discouraged. Duplicating a class by adding an index (e.g., MyClass and MyClass2) does not highlight behavior differences. Therefore it hinders readability and maintenance.
11 Unless a class designates a common abbreviation (e.g., URL), acronyms are not allowed.
If acronyms are used, they are considered one word, that is, the first letter is capitalized and subsequent letters are written in lowercase.
portugués al inglés: Psychological aspects of dieting - book review General field: Ciencias sociales Detailed field: Nutrición
Texto de origen - portugués Saber que não existem fórmulas nem milagres para alcançar o emagrecimento saudável e que é possível sentir prazer saboreando cada alimento é um dos ensinamentos que a nutricionista BBB propõe no livro “CCC”, lançamento da Editora PPP.
Resultado de experiências clínicas adquiridas em mais de 10 anos ao lado do Dr. III, na coordenação da 38ª Enfermaria da Santa Casa, a obra traz histórias de pacientes que tentaram diversas dietas sem sucesso até seguir o planejamento da autora, que criou o que chama de “filosofia nutricional”, pregando a compreensão dos sentimentos diante dos alimentos. Para a autora, temos que aprender nossos padrões de conduta diante das nossas compulsões e a controlar nossa vulnerabilidade. O livro traz ainda um sistema de substituições que pode ajudar o leitor a organizar melhor o cardápio, entendendo a equivalência entre um alimento e outro, privilegiando a substituição no lugar da exclusão.
Traducción - inglés Knowing there are no magic formulas or miracles to achieve a healthy weight loss and that it is possible to feel pleasure savoring every kind of food is one of the lessons that nutritionist BBB imparts in her book “CCC,” a new release by the PPP publishing house.
The book is the result of BBB’s clinical experience, having worked alongside Dr. III for over 10 years, coordinating the 38th Nursing Ward at the Santa Casa Hospital. It brings together stories of patients who tried various diets unsuccessfully until they followed the author's plan. She created what she calls a "nutrition philosophy," encouraging everyone to understand how they feel about food. The author believes we must learn about our behavioral patterns vis-à-vis our food cravings and also how to control our vulnerabilities. In addition, the book features a substitution system that can help the reader to better organize their meals, by understanding the equivalence between different foods, and by giving priority to substituting instead of excluding various foods.
Años de experiencia: 17 Registrado en Mar 2007
Experienced, reliable, and versatile translator and writer currently based in Brazil, after having lived in France and the US.
My native languages are Portuguese (BR) and English (U.S.). French is my third major language (translation source language only).
My principal domains for translation are:
- marketing and communications;
- legal (contracts, leases);
- information technology (software, hardware), Internet, telecommunications;
- tourism, transportation, ecology, and sustainable development;
- varied topics in management and business. See corresponding profile section for more details.