Idiomas de trabajo:
neerlandés al inglés
flamenco al inglés
inglés (monolingüe)

Lucinda Hollenberg

Paramaribo, Paramaribo
Hora local: 20:47 -03 (GMT-3)

Idioma materno: inglés 
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Tipo de cuenta Traductor o intérprete autónomo, Identity Verified Identidad verificada
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Servicios Translation, Editing/proofreading
Se especializa en
VariosMedicina: Salud
Medicina: OdontologíaMedicina: Instrumentos
PsicologíaMedicina: Farmacia
Medicina (general)Medicina: Cardiología

neerlandés al inglés - Tarifas: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR por palabra / 25 - 30 EUR por hora
flamenco al inglés - Tarifas: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR por palabra / 25 - 30 EUR por hora
español al inglés - Tarifas: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR por palabra / 25 - 30 EUR por hora

Actividad en KudoZ (PRO) Puntos de nivel PRO 250, Preguntas respondidas: 361, Preguntas formuladas: 12
Payment methods accepted PayPal
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción Master's degree - University of South Florida - Tampa, USA
Experiencia Años de experiencia: 39 Registrado en Sep 2002 Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenciales neerlandés al inglés (Un.of So Florida-BA English)
español al inglés (MA Spanish and BA English/Tech.English)
inglés (Native Language)
neerlandés al inglés (Uinversity of South Florida, Tampa)
neerlandés al inglés (Un.of So Florida-MA Spanish)

Miembro de N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe reader 9.1, CD-ROM and DVD Player, MS Office Suite 2003, MS Office Suite 2007, MSWindows Vista, MSWindows XP, Windows 7, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV/Resume (DOC)
General Law, Medicine, Oncology, Virology, Internal Medicine, Diabetes, Gyneacology, Tropical Medicine, Cardiology, Endicrinology, Forensic Medicine, Pathology, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Tropical Medicine, Medical Back Translations, Engineering, Technical, Electrical, Maritime, Shipping, Management, PDF documents, hard copies.

This is what I have to offer:

Native language: English

Educational Background: BA in English & Technical English and MA in Spanish.

Quality assurance procedure: 1. I read source text one to two times carefully marking areas, if any, that need further research. 2. I prepare the first draft translation. 3. Read whole document with the source text going word/line by line adding corrections and clarify question areas in the second draft. 4. Reread whole document one time. 5. If time permits I put it away for a bit and then do the final read through.

Areas of expertise: Technical/Medicine/Engineering/Nautical/Teaching.

Sample of translation jobs completed:

Part of a translators' team working on a large, full-time, multi-year military/ naval project (Dutch-English) from 2004-2007; these documents were in Word, PowerPoint and Excel in different sizes. The project is currently on hold.

Highly technical assessment report on electrical power installations in a data centre (5100 words) NL-EN.

Specification lists and other documentation related to the set up of a power house in a bauxite refinery plant (65000 words) NL-EN.

Real estate translations: numerous house listings, housing specifications, financing for housing (Dutch – English).

Tender documentation for the training programme on the use of Stinger Missiles and set up of the training facilities - approximately 100000 words. (Dutch>English)

Tender documents for tank excavations with and without dock facilities (approx. 10000 words) Dutch > English.
Tender documents for the construction of a bauxite processing plant and aluminium refinery.

Steam boilers: several manuals and safety specs for single and double walled steam boilers (Dutch > English) – 30000, 65000, 82000, and 90000 words

Translation on the demolition of several industrial chimneys in a bauxite plant and aluminium refinery

Wastewater engineering: several wastewater management documents among which: Parameters for trickling filter/solids contact and roughing filter/activated sludge; Removal of heavy metals; Wastewater reclamation and reuse.

Construction and repairs of different types of vessels, specifically naval vessels, having to do mostly with the electrical areas, such as the sensors and other electrical parts and weaponry areas. Operation and repairs of different navigation systems.

Maritime/Nautical Curriculum from Dutch>English- approx. 31500 words.
Yacht Technical Manual: Dutch>English, approx. 20000 words

Training material: helicopter safety – Dutch> English, approx. 22000 words.

Technical and training manuals for heavy equipment bauxite industry – Dutch>English and Spanish > English, approx. 42000 words.

Teaching/Training: Taught Technical English to Technicians and Foremen at Alcoa Subsidiary from 1979-1986. Have been teaching High School English at Secondary School since 2000 – now.

Industrial installation: Dutch > English. Calcination and Bauxite Precipitation Plant installation translation (approx. 16000 words.)

Nuclear power plant; Operations manuals – Spanish-English – approx. 34000 words.
Nuclear power plant specs – Spanish-English – approx. 9400 words.

Gas turbines plant; Operations manuals – Dutch-English – approx. 40000 words.
Gas turbine specs – Dutch-English – approx. 7400 words.

Train engine manual – Dutch > English (approx. 9500 words).
Automotive guide – suspension, brakes, engine packing, alternator, etc. (approx. 48000 words) – Dutch > English

Environmental Study (approx. 100 pages) regarding deforestation of large area for the purpose of cultivating oil palm – Dutch-English.

Non-technical translation: Management Book from Dutch into English (Total Performance Scorecard - Prof. K. Rampersad, Publisher Butterworth-Heinemann.) - approx. 250000 words.
Palabras clave: general law, general medicine, medical back translations, oncology, virology, gyneacology, cardiology, tropicalmedicine, patents, diabetes. See more.general law,general medicine,medical back translations,oncology,virology,gyneacology,cardiology,tropicalmedicine,patents,diabetes,forensic pathology, management, engineering,technical,endicrinology,pharmacology,dentistry,maritime,nautical,defense,insurance,financial,banking,weapons,agriculture,medical devices,psychiatry,PDF documents, hard copies. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Aug 6, 2018

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