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francés al inglés: Voice Over Script for Home Hair Colouring
Texto de origen - francés Aujourd’hui 65 % des femmes se colorent les cheveux mais 60% d’entres elles restent réticentes à l’idée de se les colorer elles mêmes. Elles ont peur, ne font pas confiance au produit, et pourtant…
Le marché de la coloration à domicile a énormément changé. Les produits actuels sont plus de en plus de haute qualité, mais la coloration, pendant des années, a eu une connotation de quelque chose de difficile, de dangereux; alors qu’en fait pas du tout.
Nos idées reçues sont-elles à mettre définitivement à la poubelle ?
Maintenant les femmes ont la possibilité de faire elles-mêmes leur coloration, de gérer par elles-mêmes leur image avec des produits qui sont nonagressifs.
Les résultats obtenus, après une bonne analyse de sa propre couleur de base… avec le produit en question…. sont quasiment professionnels.
Si la majorité des femmes franchissent le pas à l’apparition du premier cheveu blanc, l’envie de changer de couleur au gré des saisons est inhérent à chaque âge, le tout restant de trouver sa bonne couleur.
Déjà, il faut être sûr de l’appellation de sa couleur naturelle, qui va être la base pour le choix de la coloration ton sur ton.
Avoir une connaissance parfaite de sa carnation de peau, ce qui va être aussi un élément décisif pour le choix de la couleur.
Si vous avez une peau un peu sanguine, donc avec une tendance à être un petit peu rouge, tournez-vous vers les teintes naturelles, vers les teintes cendrées.
Vous avez également des carnations de peau qui sont très claires à tendance verte. Par contre dans ce cas précis, essayez d’aller plus dans un ton chaud. Les tons chauds commencent au doré jusqu’au rouge acajou.
Une fois la couleur choisie, il faut désormais l’appliquer. Cette manipulation requiert quelques notions fondamentales.
Prévoyez deux bonnes heures car il est important de prendre son temps et d’effectuer les gestes calmement.
48 heures avant l’application il est impératif d’effectuer un test d’allergie. Pour cela, il vous suffit de mettre un peu de produit colorant derrière l’oreille et de le laisser poser. Si aucune trace n’apparaît vous pouvez commencer.
Les notices fournies avec le produit vous livrent toutes les informations nécessaires.
Suivez-les à la lettre et respectez toujours le temps de pose prescrit.
Simple et efficace, à vous de jouer.
Traducción - inglés Today, 65% of women have their hair coloured, but 60% of them remain resistant to the idea of colouring it themselves. They shy away, having no faith in the product, yet…
The home colouring market has changed greatly. Current products are of an increasingly high quality, however, over the years, colouring has acquired the reputation of being something difficult, dangerous; even if it isn't at all.
Is it time, once and for all, to toss our preconceived notions into the bin?
Now, women have the opportunity to do their colouring themselves, to manage their image with products that are non-aggressive. The final results, after a thorough analysis of one’s own base colour… with the product in question…are virtually professional.
While the majority of women take the plunge with the appearance of the first grey hair, the desire to change hair colour with the change of seasons is inherent at any age, all that remains is to find the right colour.
Beforehand, it is essential to be able to identify one's natural colour, which is going to be the basis for choosing tone on tone colouring. Having a perfect understanding of one’s complexion is also going to be a decisive factor in choosing the colour.
If your skin is rosy with a tendency to be a little red, look for natural and ash hues.
Equally, there are skin tones which are very fair with a tendency to green undertones. By contrast, in such cases, try to take it further with a warm tone. The warm tones range from golden to mahogany red.
Having chosen the colour, it has then to be applied. This operation requires some basic preparation.
Allow yourself a good two hours, as it is important to take your time and carry out the movements calmly. 48 hours prior to application, it is vital to perform a skin allergy test. To do this, it will suffice to put a little of the colouring product behind the ear and allow it to rest. If no reaction occurs, you can begin.
The instruction leaflet included with the product will provide you with all of the necessary information.
Follow the instructions to the letter and always keep to the time stipulated. Simple and efficient - now it’s your turn to play!
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Bachelor's degree - University of Exeter
Registrado en Jun 2002 Miembro desde Dec 2006
francés al inglés (University of Exeter, United Kingdom, verified) ruso al inglés (University of Exeter, United Kingdom, verified)
I am a native speaker of English with a BA (Hons) in French and Russian; I also translate from Spanish and German to English, and have been translating, proofreading, editing and transcribing on part-time basis for the last 8 years. I have forged successful, long-term collaborations with agencies and private clients (which can be verified via the WWA section in my profile). My full-time job is working with a local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.
One of my proudest achievements since registering on ProZ is joining the Solidarités team, a group that provides linguistic aid to this French NGO. So far, I have completed 4 projects (French-English) for them. I have also obtained a pass in Literature in Unit 2 of the IOL DipTrans in French-English.
All work will be completed to a high standard of accuracy, and presentation and confidentiality will be thoroughly respected. Deadlines are kept and no job will be undertaken if there is any doubt that these requirements cannot be met.
Translation from French, Russian, Spanish and German into English (mother tongue)
Editing/proofreading following UK and US style guidelines
Voiceover work
Marketing, with particular skills in producing copy for:
• Press releases.
• Voiceover texts for the beauty industry
• Customer surveys
Current affairs
Poetry and literature
Culture and the Arts
Popular culture
Academic papers
Tourism and the leisure industries
General business or journalistic texts
Ongoing editing of English texts for Finnish clients for major city planning competitions, academic texts, and tourism, plus ad hoc material.
RU/DE/FR-EN Market Research translations in the IT field.
US Eng-UK Eng – Localisation project for a major internet service provider – ongoing for 6 years.
RU-EN translations for high-end cosmetics and fashion brands
FR-EN Marketing and HR texts for various agencies. Ongoing
DE-EN/RU-EN – translations for art catalogues and artists
Ru/De/Fr-En – Ongoing work on cultural/business/political/social themes for a Maltese agency.
Ru-En – Recently commissioned to translate the third book in a trilogy of children’s adventure stories, after close editing work with the author on previous volumes (January-April 2009). Volume: 160,000 words. Ongoing.
Fr/Ru/De-En – Ongoing translation of articles from high-profile European fashion magazines and journals for the Italian fashion house Bottega Veneta.
Ru-En – Translations for an internationally renowned hair care company.
En-En – Academic/commercial editing and proofreading for a US and Finnish agency – ongoing collaboration for 5 Years.
Ru-En – Ongoing translation/proofreading/editing and evaluation for a Russian agency.
Proofreading a 20,000 word project on Anglo-US relations for publication.
Voiceover and editing services for a project enabling mobile phone users to download language specific phrasebooks onto their own mobile (cell) phones.
3 Fr-En translation projects for a French NGO.
Please request table of rates
Broadband connection, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Wordfast Classic & Pro, PowerPoint.
BA (Hons) French & Russian – University of Exeter, IOL DipTrans French-English (Unit 2, Literature)
REFERENCES Further references happily supplied upon request.
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Total de ptos. obtenidos: 621 Puntos de nivel PRO: 378
Palabras clave: French to English, Russian to English, Spanish to English, German to English, Art, Literature, Poetry, Media, Social Sciences, Cuisine. See more.French to English, Russian to English, Spanish to English, German to English, Art, Literature, Poetry, Media, Social Sciences, Cuisine, Social & Current Affairs, History, Politics, Humour, Beauty and Cosmetics, General Health, General Topics, Science, Miscellaneous, Tourism, Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Localisation, NGOs, SOLIDARITES, Human Rights, Surveys, Voice Work, Accuracy, Elegance of Style, Reliability, Deadlines Kept. See less.