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Puntos de nivel PRO 303, Preguntas respondidas: 171, Preguntas formuladas: 264
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69 comentarios
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alemán al italiano: Anwendugsbeobachtung Detailed field: Medicina: Farmacia
Texto de origen - alemán Bei 1064 Patienten wurden im Rahmen einer dreimonatigen An−
wendungsbeobachtung (AWB) Wirksamkeit, Verträglichkeit und
Akzeptanz der topischen Anwendung von Azelainsäure (AzS)
15% Hydrogel (Skinoren 15% Gel) in der Therapie der Rosazea
papulopustulosa dokumentiert. In die Auswertung gingen die
Daten von 1059 Patienten ein.
Insgesamt zeigte sich mit einem Therapieerfolg von 85,3% eine
gute Wirksamkeit der Behandlung mit AzS 15% Gel. Die Verträg−
lichkeit des Präparates in der topischen Rosazea−Therapie war
gut. Es traten nur bei 4 von 1059 Patienten im Laufe der AWB un−
erwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen (darunter keine schwerwie−
genden) auf, bei denen es sich hauptsächlich um Hautirritatio−
nen handelte. Die Bewertung der Verträglichkeit ergab am Be−
obachtungsende bei 95,4% der Patienten ein gutes bis sehr gutes
Urteil. Die kosmetische Akzeptanz wurde von 92,2% als sehr gut
oder gut beurteilt.
Traducción - italiano
Su 1064 Pazienti nell’ambito di uno studio osservazionale di tre mesi (AWB) è stata documentata l’efficacia, la tollerabilità e l’accettabilità del trattamento topico con Acido azelaico (AzS) 15 % Idrogel (Skinoren" 15 % Gel) nella terapia della rosacea papulopustolosa . Nell’analisi sono stati immessi i dati di 1059 Pazienti.
Nell’insieme si è manifestato con un successo terapeutico del 85,3% una buona Efficacia del Trattamento con AzS 15 % Gel. La Tollerabilità del preparato nella terapia della rosacea era buona. Solo in 4 dei 1059 Pazienti si è manifestato nel corso del AWB degli effetti farmacologici indesiderati (nessuno di essi era grave), nei quali si trattava principalmente di irritazioni cutanee. La valutazione della Tollerabilità ha dato come risultato alla fine dello studio nel 95,4% dei Pazienti un giudizio da buono a molto buono. L’accettabilità cosmetica è stata giudicata dal 92,2 % come buona o molto buona
inglés al italiano: Manual of a electronic meter Detailed field: Electrónica / Ing. elect.
Texto de origen - inglés
In addition to the conventional data from the energy
registers, instantaneous values can be read for the
following electrical quantities:
Current in each phase
All phase - phase voltages
All phase - neutral voltages
Power factor
Phase angle
Active power in each phase
Total active power
Total reactive power
Total apparent power
These values are calculated each second, based on
data sampled during the previous second. This
means that the instantaneuos values are available
for reading with a delay of 1-2 seconds.
Traducción - italiano Oltre ai convenzionali dati dai registri energetici, i valori istantanei possono essere letti per le seguenti quantità elettriche.
corrente in ogni fase
tutte le fasi – fasi di voltaggio
tutte le fasi – voltaggi neutri
fattore di potenza
angolo di fase
potenza attiva in ogni fase
potenza attiva totale
potenza reattiva totale
potenza apparente totale
Questi valori sono calcolati ogni secondo in base al campione di dati del secondo precedente. Ciò significa che i valori istantanei possono essere letti con un ritardo di 1-2 secondi.
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Master's degree - Specialistic degree in "Technical and scientific translator"
Años de experiencia: 24 Registrado en Nov 2005
inglés al italiano (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) alemán al italiano (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) alemán al italiano (Zweisprachigkeitsnachweis A - Provinz Bozen) alemán al italiano (Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma) inglés al italiano (Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma)
italiano al alemán (Provinz Bozen) italiano al inglés (Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma)
Miembro de
Across, AutoCAD, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, AutoCad, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power point, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, STAR Transit, Text United Software, Trados Studio, Wordfast
-Full time interpreter / translator since
- Navy of Taranto: technical interpreter on board engines
(Interpreting + Workshop, March / July 2019, Sept-Ott 2020. March – July 2021, April - July 2023)
-UNHCR: Bari sept 2022, interpreter DE > ITA < DE
-Technical interpreter DE > ITA for Heidelberg Printing machines (1 month training course)
-Technical interpreter ENG > DE in Meran (2 week training course)
-Remote interpreter for Metaverse Meetings (once a month since sept 2022)
-Remote interpreter for marketing research and
business meeting
-Remote interpreter for B2C (confindustria, CIPA)
-Monthly based Remote interpreting board meeting (nuovo Pignone)
-Monthly based Remote interpreting board meeting (ERG Gruoup)
-Interpreter Fancy Food 2022 in New York
-Interpreter in TV show “Guinness World record”
-Interpreter B2B – B2C for german companies
- Exhibition interpreter for trade and tourism
fairs. Online interpreter for business negotiations and correspondence.
- Remax Real estate companies interpreter
- ONsite interpreter for European Labour agency - Nawamed Conference 3-5 Oct. 2022 - Remote interpreter monthly appointment bitcoin conference - Remote interpreter Medea Medical Fertility Centre
- English teacher at ITS Catania (maritime english "Marlins", English for Logistics, English for Energy)
TECHNICAL TEXTS Translator and proofreader of texts related to waste-to-energy
plants, waste classification and disposal plants, filter purifiers for
liquid waste fractions. Industrial machines / devices / products / manuals
- Printer / Printing machines user manuals and GUIs
- Pool water treatment devices/pumps
- Sewage treatment plants
- Several Photovoltaic websites and brochure
- Several Photovoltaic products anc components brochure
- Several CNC machines manual
- Waste management machines
- Chemicals for waste management
- Waste press filter
- Industrial recyling policy
- PATENT INV. HO4R1/10 HO4R5/J33
- Auto accessories description (agency)
- Auto Car manuals (German producer) (agency)
- Brochure und manual (German producer) (agency)
- Software for Automotive parts mounting (agency)
- (all about industrial products, steady translator) (firm)
- Italian version and brochures
- Modellbau RC Brochures und info, info fuer websites
- Italian version and brochures
- Manuals of pumps and compressors
- Website content of moisture meters
- Several manual of box ventilator, fan.
- Italian version Serco A4 inmate tracking system
- Nuclear Decommissioning & Facilities Management Unit (agency)
- Website Hydraulik-Zylinder
- Feuchtigkeitmesser (agency)
- Website of tracking device
- Videocamera monitoring system (agency
- KU Anlagen - PUMPEN (agency)
- Fahrzeugbrief verschiedener Autos (direct clients)
- Fontijne-Grotnes - Manual of CNC flow forming machines and software (agency)
- Manual of Stacking/destacking machine (agency)
- Manual of edge conditioning machine (agency)
- Manual of rim welding machine (agency)
-Manual of electric equipment of RIM PREPARATION EQUIPMENT
- CNC Machines - Dreh - Borhmaschinen(agency)
- Seepex Pumpen ( agency)
- Euro-Tyre BV website (agency)
- Manual of grinding machines (agency)
- Manual and brochure for Barbecues (agency)
- Catalogue of air conditioning for Yacht (agency)
- Steady collaborator of BARIX AG (voice over IP technology)
- Knorr BREMSEN - Versuchsbericht ueber S-Bahn Kopenhagen (agency)
- Slurry-Versorgungssystem (agency)
- Chemikalien Versorgungssystem (agency)
- Manual of gas preheaters (agency)
- Manual of filterpresse (agency
- Manual of sandblasting machine (agency)
- Manual of maintenance gas turbine (agency)
- Technische Dokumentation , Fosclean (agency)
- INverter manuals (agency)
- Solar panels manual (agency)
- Filtration System: UFA - AC operation manual (agency)
- Packaging Line specification (agency)
- Kuehlanlagehandbuch (agency)
- Manual of gas preheaters (Agency)
- Specifications of Vacuum Sewer System (agency)
- Werkstatt Ausrüstungs AG, Briefe (agency)
- Heat Exchanger manual (agency)
- Meurer Verpackungssysteme GmbH (agency)
- Coated Metal Roof - brochures (agency)
- Tyres description (agency)
- Operation manual aftercooler series RA/PN (agency)
- Manual of Bio wave generator 777 (agency)
- Brochures of eletric bikes
-Qualitaetsichernde Massnahme fuer Abfuellungsanlage (direct compay)
- - Gas analyser system (agency)
- Baumer HHS - Xtend 2 System fuer Leimauftrag
- Manual of elektromotoren
- Manual of frequency inverter OMRON (agency)
- Manual of IROX thermometer (agency)
- Description of "Papierbleicheanlage" BVG 739 (agency)
- Manual of "Filteranlage KU 32 – 42"
- Universal Präge-Stanz-Maschine (agency)
- 6 user manuals of air conditioning devices (agency)
- Mounting instruction of grills
- Bedienungsanleitung Leitersystem
- Bedienungsanleitung Kettensaegen
- Bedienungsanleitung Brunnen
- Bedienungsanleitung Poliermaschinen
- Bedienungsanleitung Lux Messgeraete
- military equipment (agency)
- Dispositivi di avvolgimento tubi (agency)
- manual MK0707 (agency)
Business/ Legal / Safety texts:
- More than 20 online training courses related to: employer/manager behaviour, money laundring, taxes etc.
- Viele AGB von Import/Export Firmen
- Viele Kaufvertraege
- Dienstbarkeitsvertraege
- Sacheinlagevetraege
- Überlassungvetraege
- "American Express" manual for sellers
- sale strategy"
- "Sales questionnaire" TUI Travel Group
- Patent agreement and description (orthopedic shoes)
- Bodenschweiz - promotional brochure (agency)
- Internal documentation of Companies (agency)
- Description of Software BasWare Invoice Automation (agency)
- Codes of conduct
- Script about safety awareness (Agency)
- DVD safety course - whole italian version of 12 courses - COASTAL Holland (firm)
- More than 300 surveys - (agency)
- Privacy policy of several companies(agency)
- Rechtliche Hinweise fuer verschiedene Firmen (agency)
- Allgemeine Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen (agency)
- Documents about saftey precautions in the electrical plants (agency)
- Questionnaire and marketing researches texts related to PHILIPS
- Questionnaire and marketing researches texts related to Vodafone
- Questionnaire and marketing researches texts related to Audi, BMW (agency)
arketing researches texts related to BOSCH (agency)
- Questionnaire and marketing researches texts related to E.ON Energy
- Safety in industrial plants, VIDEO COURSE (firm)
- Safety precautions for personneln (agency)
- Scoperta, world trade fair 2007 (agency)
- Deutsch Akademie website update (agency)
- Magazine und Werbeblaetter verteilt of Flight companiesauf "Swiss airline" and "Lufthansa" (agency)
- Commercial letters of tiles, wood and motor industries (agency)
- Korrespondez fuer NESTLE' (agency)
- Capezio shoes website (agency)
- Internal documents of Swiss companies (agency)
- Signatur Bodenbelag (agency)
- Website "Hot-Zone Snowboard Proshop" (agency)
- Study on the teaching of the euro and European monetary union
-Stonewave brochure (agency)
Electric/electronic devices and manuals/ Computer/Hardware-software/IT
- Software and manual for painting plant (agency)
- Software of car assembly plant
- Italian version of website betalayout (PCB)
- Newsletters for antispam software house (agency)
- Steady collaborator of Clarity Net (custom course maker)
- Autodesk lesson (agency)
- Software for grinding CNC machines
- Catalogue electric equipment/electronic devices (agency)
- Software Manual : ProMeter installation, power generator (agency)
- DELL product offer and online brochures
- DELLD - UPDATE Deal Registration EqualLogic
- Manual of safety in industrial Plants (agency)
- More than 20 manuals of electronic devices, MP3/DVD/VIDEOCAM/DIGITAL CAM
- Manual Ricatech digital devices (agency).
- Manual of E7Z Quick Start Guide, YASKAWA (agency)
- Manual of F7Z Quick Start Guide, YASKAWA (agency)
- Manual of L7Z Quick Start Guide, YASKAWA (agency)
- Manual of V1000 IP66Quick Start Guide, YASKAWA (agency)
- Manual of J1000 Quick Start Guide, YASKAWA (agency)
- Manual of A1000 Quick Start Guide, YASKAWA (agency)
- Brochure UVOX products (agency).
- Camping Sat-Anlage (agency).
- Prüfgrundlage Primus Line (agency).
- Software manual (System 1 TM) (agency)
- Software Manual systemone quickstart (agency)
- Manual of software related to wheel centring station
- Software Strings for robotic automation and CNC machines (agency)
- Software manual : ProMeter Presentation, power generator (agency)
- Whole italian manual of rendering software V-Ray (private website)
- Simatic Net , software for mobile phone (agency)
- Aslan Klebfolien website, brochure italian version (agency)
- Manual of CNC Machines software - Calibration procedures (agency)
- LT Electronic - Germany - articles about heat transmission in industrial PCs
- Intergraph's articles about Integration and Interoperability of information (agency)
- C3 internal software for customer course maker Clarity(R) (firm)
- Translation Logistic softwares
- UseNext italian version website (agency)
Medical texts :
- Interlab blood sample analysy device
- Entlassungsbriefe (Gynäkologie, Urologie, Chirurgie)
- Interlab ascite sample analysy device
- TelemetrieKatheter Bedienungsanleitung
-Imtec Dentalimplantat , Katalog
- Second edition of a 250 pages book "Rapid reference influenza 2nd edition" (agency)
- TheraSphere(R) brochure for HCC (hepatocarcinoma)
- Occlutech Figulla (heart operation devices)
- Manual of endodontic dental system
- Defibrillator manual
- Gebrauchsanweisungen Kryotherm Produkte
-HDI Hybrid Quick Reference Guide (dental instruments)
- Screening and questionnaires for analysts about HCV and HIV blood tests
- Screening and questionnaires for doctors about Von Willebrand disease (VWD)
- Screening and questionnaires for doctors about Gaucher disease
- Website about Aminoacids
- Medtech engineering- manual EPM4
- Localisation od software Med Folio (Nexus GmbH) (Agency)
- Translation of software TraumaCad - Ortocrat (Agency)
- Vizier project about RNA virus and replicative machine (agency)
- M.Twain : “Amyloid B-peptide” (p.customer)
- Biopsy test
- Dental otturation device (Beefill), (agency)
- Occlutech GmbH : Schraubdraht fuer Implantat (Agency)
- L.Kowalzick , R. Zaumseil : “Dreimonatige Anwendungsbeobachtung mit
Azelainsaeure 15%” , (p.customer).
- Chronic pain (Boston Scientific Corporation, USA) (agency)
- Articles about spine diseases (agency)
- FAQ about chronic Pain (Boston Scientific Corporation, USA) (agency)
- The diabetes epidemic in the industrialised world (Boston
Scientific Corporation, USA) (agency)
- TAXUS stent in diabetes (Boston Scientific Corporation, USA) (agency)
- Articles about Humanforschungsgesetz (FSP , Schweiz) (agency)
- Medical divulgative articles (agency)
- Glossary Colorectal Clinical Skills for Online Training
Touristic texts :
- Whole Italian version of FTO "preferred code of practice" related to hotel management (agency)
- Whole Italian version of FTO "Land transport code"
- Manchester United Soccer Schools
- Italian version of website "Angsana riads"
- Italian brochure website "tirolarena"
- Brochure Domaso surfing school
- Website Hotel Europaisches Hof (agency)
- Website Hotel Schwaigerhof (agency)
- Website Hotel Retsch (agency)
- Website Hotel Casa Montana (agency)
-Website Parkhotel Matrei (agency)
- Website Leogang Saafelden (agency)
- Website Seefeld (agency)
- Website Hotel Augart Neustift (agency)
- Brochure Langlauf auf Dolomiten (agency)
- Brochure und pressemitteilung Ferienland Kufstein (agency)
- Brochure Hotel Postwirt (agency)
- Brochure Hotel Strassenwirt (agency)
- Brochure Eggental (agency)
- Brochure Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Osttirol (agency)
- Brochure Defereggental (agency)
- Brochure Hochpustertal (agency)
- Brochure Lienzer Dolomiten (agency)
- Brochure Steirisches Termenland mit verschiedenen Hotel (agency)
- TUI survey about sustainable development
- TUI Sure2Care online System
- Italian version of Helvetic airways (agency)
- Medienservice Pressaussendung EUROJOBS (agency)
- Website of B&B "La dimora dell’antiquario" (agency)
- Tour guide “Calatabiano and its treasures” (firm)
- Website of B&B "La memoria ritrovata" (P.customer)
- Website of touristic portal (sicily vacancy) (agency)
- Bodensee tour guide (agency)
- Casino, lottery, gambling texts and websites
Italian version of ParadiseCasino and flash lottery, XXL lottery
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