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francés al inglés - Tarifas: 0.06 - 0.08 USD por palabra / 25 - 35 USD por hora español al inglés - Tarifas: 0.06 - 0.08 USD por palabra / 25 - 35 USD por hora portugués al inglés - Tarifas: 0.06 - 0.08 USD por palabra / 25 - 35 USD por hora
portugués al inglés: Customs regulations (Brazil) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: impuestos y aduanas
Texto de origen - portugués Prezado Cliente,
Face a publicação da Medida Provisória numero 135, DOU de 31/10/03, possuir diversos artigos relacionados à legislação aduaneira, ressaltamos aqui alguns pontos importantes da mesma:
De acordo com o Artigo 53, Parágrafos 1º e 2º será aplicada multa de no máximo 10% do valor total das mercadorias constantes da D.I. no caso de omitir ou prestar de forma inexata ou incompleta os dados do importador/exportador; adquirente/fornecedor, fabricante, agente de compra ou de venda e representante comercial; destinação da mercadoria importada; descrição da mercadoria (deverão conter todas as características como: espécie, marca comercial, modelo, nome comercial ou científico e outros atributos); país de origem, de procedência e de aquisição e portos de embarque e descarga.
De acordo com o Artigo 61 o Artigo 107 do decreto-Lei 37, de 1966 em seu Inciso VIII passa a vigorar a multa de R$ 500,00 (alínea "e"), pela não apresentação do packing-list nos documentos de instrução da declaração aduaneira.
De acordo com o Artigo 61 o Artigo 107 do decreto-Lei 37, de 1966 em seu Inciso X passa a vigorar a multa de R$ 200,00 (alínea "c"), pela apresentação de fatura comercial em desacordo com uma ou mais das indicações estabelecidas no Regulamento Aduaneiro aprovado pelo Decreto 4543/02, como descrito nos Artigos abaixo:
Art. 497. A fatura comercial deverá conter as seguintes indicações:
I - nome e endereço, completos, do exportador;
II - nome e endereço, completos, do importador;
III - especificação das mercadorias em português ou em idioma oficial do Acordo Geral sobre Tarifas e Comércio, ou, se em outro idioma, acompanhada de tradução em língua portuguesa, a critério da autoridade aduaneira, contendo as denominações próprias e comerciais, com a indicação dos elementos indispensáveis a sua perfeita identificação;
IV - marca, numeração e, se houver, número de referência dos volumes;
V - quantidade e espécie dos volumes;
VI - peso bruto dos volumes, entendendo-se, como tal, o da mercadoria com todos os seus recipientes, embalagens e demais envoltórios;
VII - peso líquido, assim considerado o da mercadoria livre de todo e qualquer envoltório;
VIII - país de origem, como tal entendido aquele onde houver sido produzida a mercadoria ou onde tiver ocorrido a última transformação substancial;
IX - país de aquisição, assim considerado aquele do qual a mercadoria foi adquirida para ser exportada para o Brasil, independentemente do país de origem da mercadoria ou de seus insumos;
X - país de procedência, assim considerado aquele onde se encontrava a mercadoria no momento de sua aquisição;
XI - preço unitário e total de cada espécie de mercadoria e, se houver, o montante e a natureza das reduções e dos descontos concedidos ao importador;
XII - frete e demais despesas relativas às mercadorias especificadas na fatura;
XIII - condições e moeda de pagamento; e
XIV - termo da condição de venda (incoterm).
Parágrafo único. As emendas, ressalvas ou entrelinhas feitas na fatura deverão ser autenticadas pelo exportador.
Art. 498. Os volumes cobertos por uma mesma fatura terão uma só marca e serão numerados, vedada a repetição de números.
§ 1° É admitido o emprego de algarismos, a título de marca, desde que sejam apostos dentro de uma figura geométrica, respeitada a norma prescrita no § 2° sobre a numeração de volumes.
§ 2° O número em cada volume será aposto ao lado da marca ou da figura geométrica que a encerre.
§ 3° É dispensável a numeração:
I - quando se tratar de mercadoria normalmente importada a granel, embarcada solta ou em amarrados, desde que não traga embalagem; e
II - no caso de partidas de uma mesma mercadoria, de cinqüenta ou mais volumes, desde que toda a partida se constitua de volumes uniformes, com o mesmo peso e medida.
Art. 499. A primeira via da fatura comercial será sempre a original, podendo ser emitida, assim como as demais vias, por qualquer processo.
Parágrafo único. Será aceita como primeira via da fatura comercial, quando emitida por processo eletrônico, aquela da qual conste expressamente tal indicação.
Art. 500. Equipara-se à fatura comercial, para todos os efeitos, o conhecimento de carga aéreo, desde que nele constem as indicações de quantidade, espécie e valor das mercadorias que lhe correspondam (Decreto-lei no 37, de 1966, art. 46, § 1°, com a redação dada pelo Decreto-lei no 2.472, de 1988, art. 2°).
Art. 501. Poderá ser estabelecida, por ato normativo da Secretaria da Receita Federal, à vista de solicitação da Câmara de Comércio Exterior, a exigência de visto consular em fatura comercial (Decreto-lei no 37, de 1966, art. 46, § 2°, com a redação dada pelo Decreto-lei no 2.472, de 1988, art. 2°).
Parágrafo único. O visto a que se refere o caput poderá ser substituído por declaração de órgão público ou de entidade representativa de exportadores, no país de procedência ou na comunidade econômica a que pertencerem.
Art. 502. A Secretaria da Receita Federal poderá dispor, em relação à fatura comercial, sobre:
I - casos de não-exigência;
II - casos de dispensa de sua apresentação para fins de desembaraço aduaneiro, hipótese em que deverá o importador conservar o documento em seu poder, pelo prazo decadencial, à disposição da fiscalização aduaneira;
III - quantidade de vias em que deverá ser emitida e sua destinação; e
IV - outros elementos a serem indicados, além dos descritos no art. 497.
Traducción - inglés Dear Customer,
In view of the publication of Provisional Measure Number 135, dated October 31, 2003, having various articles relating to customs legislation, we are highlighting here some of the important points therein:
Pursuant to Article 53, Paragraphs 1 and 2, a fine of no more than 10% of the total value of merchandise stated on the Import Declaration will be assessed in the event of omission or provision of imprecise or incomplete information by the importer/exporter, purchaser/supplier, purchasing or sales agent or business representative; destination of the imported goods; description of the merchandise (should include all characteristics such as: type, brand, model, commercial or scientific name and other attributes); country of origin, country from which it is being sent and country of purchase, and ports of embarkation and unloading
Pursuant to Article 61 or Article 107 of Decree-Law 37, dated 1966, in subparagraph VIII, a fine of $500 Reals (item “e”) will be assessed for not presenting a packing list with the documents of instruction of the customs declaration.
Pursuant to Article 61 or Article 107 of Decree-Law 37, dated 1966, in subparagraph X, a fine of $200 Reals (item “c”) will be assessed for the presentation of a commercial invoice not in compliance with one or more of the pro- visions set forth in the Customs Regulations approved by Decree 4543/02, as described in the Articles below:
Art. 497. The commercial invoice must include the following information:
I – Full name and address of the exporter;
II - Full name and address of the importer;
III – Specification of merchandise in Portuguese or in an official language of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or, if in another language, accompanied by a translation into Portuguese, at the discretion of the customs official, containing the individual and commercial names, with an indication of the elements that are indispensable to its unambiguous identification
IV – Brand, serial number, and, if applicable, reference numbers for each item;
V – Number and type of items;
VI – Gross weight of items, which means, the weight of the merchandise with all its containers, wrapping and other packaging;
VII – Net weight, which refers to the merchandise free of any and all packaging;
VIII – Country of origin, which means, the country where the merchandise was produced or where it underwent its last substantial transformation;
IX – Country of purchase, which means, the country from which the merchandise was purchased to be exported to Brasil, regardless of the country of origin of the merchandise or its components;
X – Country from which it is being sent, which means, the country where the merchandise was located at the time of its purchase;
XI – Unit price and total price of each kind of merchandise, and, if applicable, the amount and kind of discounts and deductions granted to the importer;
XII – Shipping and other expenses relating to the merchandise specified in the invoice;
XIII – Terms and currency of payment; and
XIV – Affidavit of condition of sale (incoterm)
Sole Paragraph. Amendments, corrections, or annotations made to the invoice should be authenticated by the exporter.
Art. 498. Items covered by a single invoice shall be of the same brand, and shall be numbered, with the repetition of numbers being forbidden.
§ 1st The use of numerals in the brand name is permitted, as long as they are included within a geometric figure, in keeping with the standards set forth in item 2 on the numbering of items.
§ 2nd The numbering of each item shall be placed next to the brand name or geometric figure that contains it.
§ 3rd Numbering is not required:
I – In cases of merchandise that is normally imported in bulk, shipped loose or in large bundles, as long as it is not packaged; and
II – In cases of batches of the same merchandise, of fifty or more items, as long as the entire batch consists of uniform items with the same weight and volume.
Art. 499. The first copy of the commercial invoice will always be the original, and it may be dispatched like the other copies for any procedure;
Sole Paragraph. When issued by electronic processing, the copy of the commercial invoice that will be accepted as the first copy will be the one expressly indicated as such.
Art. 500. The air freight bill can serve for all purposes as the commercial invoice, as long as it includes the quantity, type, and value of the merchandise in question (Decree-Law no. 37, dated 1966, Article 46, § 1st, with the revision supplied by Decree-Law no. 2,472, dated 1988, Article 2)
Art. 501. The requirement of consular approval of the commercial invoice may be established via normative act of the Secretary of Federal Receipts, if requested by the Chamber of Foreign Trade (Decree-Law no 37, dated 1966, Article 46, § 2nd, with the revision supplied by Decree-Law no. 2,472, dated 1988, Article 2)
Sole Paragraph. The approval referred to in the heading above can be replaced by a statement issued by a government agency or an entity representing exporters, in the country of embarcation or the economic community to which they belong
Art. 502. In relation to the commercial invoice, the Secretary of Federal Receipts may rule over:
I – Cases where it is not required;
II – Cases in which presentation is waived for purposes of expediting customs procssing, in which circumstance the importer should retain the document until the expiration of the required period, keeping it available for customs inspection;
III – Number of copies with which it should be sent and its destination; and
IV – Other elements to be determined, besides those described in Article 497.
español al inglés: Legal argument (Argentina) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: (general)
Texto de origen - español XIV.- LA MULTA
Esta parte de la resolución es de un grado de arbitrariedad fenomenal. El articulo 46 de la ley en su inciso b) establece que la multa “se graduara en base a: 1. La perdida incurrida por todas las personas afectadas por la actividad prohibida; 2. El beneficio obtenido por todas las personas involucradas en la actividad prohibida; 3. El valor de los activos involucrados de las personas indicadas en el punto 2 precedente, al momento en que se cometió la violación.”
Como presupuesto básico para que se pueda aplicar la multa esta el que se haya cometido la violación a la ley.
En el artículo 49 se establece que se deberá considerar la gravedad de la infracción, el daño causado, los indicios de intencionalidad, la participación del infractor en el mercado, el tamaño del mercado afectado, la duración de la práctica o concentración y la reincidencia o antecedentes del responsable, así como su capacidad económica.
Es importante señalar que aparece como una constante para la fijación de la multa la existencia de un daño, y por el otro lado el beneficio obtenido. No se requiere mayor análisis para comprender que si no se ha causado daño, no ha habido beneficio ilícito.
También es interesante destacar que al exigirse daño, se requiere una conducta efectivamente llevada a cabo en el mercado, ya que si tal conducta no existió, no pudo haber existido daño, ni al interés económico general ni a nada.
Comienza la Comisión por señalar la dificultad que existe en fijar una multa. Desde luego que esta afirmación constituye la introducción para fijar una multa con la arbitrariedad más absoluta. Para la Comisión el que sea difícil fijar la multa, le permite hacer cualquier cosa, como enseguida veremos.
Además, no es nada difícil fijar una multa cuando hechos y cifras están debidamente probados. En el caso, ¿que otra cosa puede decir la Comisión si no ha probado ni hechos ni cifras?
Recurre entonces la Comisión, a la “experiencia internacional”, como si fuera el salvoconducto a la arbitrariedad. Dice que los daños que el cartel provoca se estiman mayores que el beneficio ilícito obtenido por los participantes. No nos consta que la experiencia internacional, arroje esta conclusión, pero de todas maneras nos preguntamos, y le preguntamos a V.E.¿El que pase algo en otro lado significa que pasó aquí? No nos sorprende que la Comisión, ante la ausencia total de pruebas, recurra otra vez a la generalización fácil y a la invocación de “experiencias internacionales” para sustentar su caso. Pues bien, la Comisión, que no probó hecho alguno, tampoco probó que hubiera habido daño sobre la población, ni probó que hubiera beneficio ilícito.
Explica su razonamiento la Comisión, sosteniendo que al precio colusivo las cantidades son inferiores a las correspondientes al precio de competencia. La Comisión no ha probado que hubiera tal precio colusivo. ¡No hay un solo ejemplo en el que la Comisión pueda decir que las condenadas acordaron y vendieron a un determinado precio! A pesar de ello, la Comisión se permite hablar de precio colusivo. Observe V.E. que la propia Comisión al hablar del “umbral” de los $2, reconoce la enorme disparidad de precios que hay entre las partes?. La Comisión habla de “precio colusivo”, y luego sanciona a los “precios dispares?”.
Traducción - inglés 14. – THE FINE
This part of the ruling displays an extraordinary degree of arbitrariness. Article 45 of the law in its subparagraph b) establishes that the fine "shall be calibrated on the basis of: 1. The loss incurred by the parties who were affected by the proscribed behavior; 2. The benefit obtained by all those involved in the proscribed behavior; 3. The value of the assets involved of the persons indicated in the foregoing item 2 at the moment when the violation occurred.”
A basic requisite for applying this fine is that there must have been a violation of the law.
Article 49 establishes that the gravity of the infraction must be taken into account, the damage caused, the indications that it was intentional, the conduct of the offender in the market, the size of the market affected, the duration or intensity of the activity, whether it is a repeated offense or the culprit has a criminal record, as well as his economic standing.
It is important to point out that what appears as a constant requisite for setting the fine is that harm has taken place, and on the other hand, what benefit has been obtained. It requires no further analysis to understand that if no damage has occurred, no illicit benefit has been gained.
It is also interesting to emphasize that in claiming such damage, conduct carried out in the marketplace is also required, for if there was no such conduct, there can not have been any harm, to the general economic interest or to anything else.
The Commission starts by pointing out the difficulty of setting a fine. Needless to say, this affirmation serves as a prelude to setting a fine in an extremely arbitrary manner. For the Commission, the fact that it is difficult to set the fine allows it to do anything, as we shall soon see.
Furthermore, there is not the slightest difficulty in setting a fine when facts and figures have been duly proven. In the present instance, what else could the Commission say, considering that it has not proven the facts or the figures?
Here the Commission invokes "international experience,” as if this were a veritable safe conduct pass passport to arbitrariness. It says that the damages caused by the cartel are estimated to be greater than the illicit benefit obtained by the participants in the scheme. It would not appear that international experience demanded this conclusion, but in any case we do wonder and ask the Court to consider, does the fact that something happened somewhere else mean that it happened here? It does not surprise us that the Commission, faced with a total absence of evidence should turn once more to facile generalization and invoke “international experience” to shore up its case. Very well, the Commission, which has not established a single fact, has also not proved that there was any damage to society nor proved that any illicit benefit was obtained.
The Commission explains its reasoning by maintaining that the rigged price is lower than the corresponding market price. The Commission has not proved that there was a rigged price. There is not a single instance in which the Commission can state that the defendants agreed upon a given price and sold at that price! In spite of this, the Commission permits itself to speak of a rigged price. May it please the Court to observe that the Commission itself, when it speaks of a “threshold price” of $2, recognizes the enormous disparity of prices there is among the parties? The Commission speaks of a “rigged price” then proceeds to sanction “different prices.”
portugués al inglés: Contract excerpt (Portugal) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - portugués Cláusula 39ª
(Incumprimento da prestação de serviços)
1. O incumprimento, por uma das Partes, dos deveres resultantes da prestação de serviços, confere, nos termos gerais de direito, à outra Parte o direito de rescindir o presente contrato, sem prejuízo das correspondentes indemnizações legais.
2. Para efeitos do número anterior, considera-se incumprimento da Subconcessionária:
a. A falta de disponibilidade física de produto no Parque, quando o saldo da conta de produto da XXXXX seja maior ou igual aos levantamentos solicitados;
b. A contaminação do produto, sua perda total ou parcial e a existência de derrames que excedam os limites acordados, salvo se estas circunstâncias forem devidas a casos de força maior, caso fortuito ou acção de terceiros, e completamente alheios à Subconcessionária, que fez o necessário para evitar os prejuízos, avisando imediatamente a XXXXX;
c. Qualquer outro incumprimento grave das condições fixadas no presente contrato, que seja imputável à Subconcessionária e que cause um prejuízo à XXXXX, por implicar ou acarretar directa ou indirectamente, uma violação das obrigações assumidas pela XXXXX perante a YYY, em especial:
- Desvio do fim da concessão;
- Oposição repetida ao exercício da fiscalização ou reiterada desobediência às determinações legitimas da YYY, ou de outras entidades competentes;
- Violação grave da lei e dos regulamentos;
- Procedimento judicial com decretamento
de penhora, arresto, arrolamento ou qualquer outro que tenha por objecto a apreensão dos bens que
se situem na área concessionada;
- Interrupção da exploração das instalações construídas na área concessionada, por um período superior a seis meses.
3. A indemnização por danos e prejuízos provocados à XXXXX será calculada com base na seguinte fórmula:
I = V* (1/2 T), sendo que:
I = Indemnização a receber pela XXXXX;
V = Volume anual movimentado no ano imediatamente anterior ao ano em causa, multiplicado pelo preço/tarifa variável que estiver acordada;
T = Tempo de duração do contrato que reste por cumprir, contado da data da
interpelação escrita feita pela XXXXX à Subconcessionária.
4. Para efeitos desta cláusula, a prestação de serviços considera-se incumprida pela Subconcessionária caso esta, após ter sido interpelada por escrito pela XXXXX para o fazer, não tenha sanado a sua actuação no prazo dado para o efeito pela XXXXX.
Traducción - inglés Article 39
(Breach of Contract)
1. Non-fulfillment by either one of the Parties of the obligations arising from the provision of services confers upon the other Party in general legal terms the right to rescind this contract, without detriment to the corresponding legal indemnifications.
2. For the purposes of the foregoing Section, the following are considered breach of contract on the part of the Subcontractor:
a. Lack of physical availability of the product at the Park when the balance of the product account of XXXXX is greater or equal to the amount that is being requested.
b. Contamination of the product, its total or partial loss and the occurrence of spills that exceed the agreed limits, unless these circumstances should be owing to cases of force majeure, acts of God or actions by third parties, and completely unrelated to the Subcontractor, who did what was necessary to avoid losses, and immediately informed XXXXX;
c. Any other serious breach of compliance of the fixed conditions of this contract that can be imputed to the Subcontractor and that cause a loss to XXXXX, by implying or causing directly or indirectly a violation of the obligations assumed by XXXXX with respect to YYY, in particular:
- Thwarting the purpose of the contract;
- Repeated opposition to the conduct of oversight or ongoing disobedience of the legitimate determinations of YYY or other competent entities;
- Serious breach of the law and the regulations;
- Legal proceedings resulting in a sentence of seizure, attachment, conducting an inventory or any other that has as its object the seizing of property that is located in the contracted area;
- Interruption of the use of the facilities constructed in the contracted area, for a period greater than six months.
3. Indemnification for damages and losses caused to XXXXX shall be calculated on the basis of the following formula:
I = V* (1/2 T), where:
I = Indemnification due to XXXXX;
V = Annual volume shipped during the year immediately preceding the current year multiplied by the price or variable rate that has been agreed upon;
T = Time of the duration of the contract that remains to be fulfilled, counting from the date of the written judicial notice served on the Subcontractor by XXXXX.
4. For the purposes of this Article, the Subcontractor is considered in breach of contract if the latter has not remedied its conduct after having been served by XXXXX with a citation requiring it to do so within the period allowed for such purpose by XXXXX.
español al inglés: Legal ruling (Ecuador) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: (general)
Texto de origen - español La Sala de la Corte Suprema consideró lo siguiente: “visto el dictamen fiscal: PRIMERO: A la fecha de la sentencia de segunda instancia, 20 de noviembre de 19xx, (fa. 10, n. 12v.) se hallaban vigentes las reformas a la Ley de Licitaciones y Concurso de Ofertas publicadas en el Registro Oficial el 27 de agosto de 19xx. SEGUNDO: Según el Artículo 61 establecido por dicha reforma, de la sentencia de segunda instancia no hay recurso de tercera. TERCERO: El referido precepto se refiere a las controversias judiciales sobre los contratos en los que sea parte el Estado o Entidades del sector público, y por ende sobre el presente juicio. CUARTO: Con arreglo a la regla vigésima del Art. 7° del Código Civil las Leyes concernientes a la sustanciación y ritualidad de los juicios prevalecen sobre las anteriores desde que comienzan a regir—puntualizando excepciones que no vienen al caso. Por lo expuesto, siendo improcedente el recurso de tercera instancia y la consulta, la Sala se inhibe de conocer la causa y ordena devolver el proceso al Tribunal remitente para los fines de Ley.
Traducción - inglés The Chamber of the Supreme Court found as follows: “regarding the supervisory ruling: FIRST: On the date of the judgment of the second instance, November 20, 19xx (p. 10, v. 12) the amendments to the Law for Solicitation of Contracts and Competitive Bidding published in the Official Registry on August 27, 19xx were in effect. SECOND: According to Article 61 established by the amendment in question, there is no appeal to the third instance for decisions of the second instance. THIRD: The aforesaid precept concerns lawsuits involving contracts to which the Government or Public Sector agencies are a party, and therefore applies to the present case. FOURTH: In view of Article 7, regulation 20 of the Civil Code, laws concerning the conduct and procedural order of trials prevail over the preceding considerations inasmuch as the latter base themselves upon objections that are not relevant. Therefore, since the appeal to the third instance and the review are without standing, the Court refuses to hear the case and orders it returned to the issuing Tribunal for the purposes of the Law.
español al inglés: Contract excerpt (Spain) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - español CONTRATO DE DEPOSITO MERCANTIL
En [ESPAÑA], a de de 2.00
De una parte D. mayor de edad, con D.N.I. nº , en nombre y representación de , CIF , con domicilio social en , calle , en lo sucesivo denominado CLIENTE.
Y de otra, D. CCCCC, con poderes suficientes en virtud de Escrituras de Poder otorgadas ante Notario del Ilustre Colegio de Barcelona, D. DDDD, el día 16 de febrero de 2.00x, bajo número 444 de su protocolo, en representación de COMPAÑIA XXXXX, S.A., CIF A-IIIIIIII , con domicilio social en [ESPAÑA], [CALLE], 1, en lo sucesivo denominado XXXXX.
Se reconocen, mutuamente, la capacidad legal necesaria para contratar y obligarse en la calidad en que actúan y libremente
1ª) Que CLIENTE precisa salvaguardar y mantener siempre disponibles ciertos bienes de su propiedad, consistentes en soportes informáticos (los cuales contendrán copias de seguridad de datos) y/o soporte papel (documentación crítica) y, para ello, concertar su custodia con empresa especializada.
2ª) Que XXXXX dedica su actividad al depósito de bienes (copias de seguridad de datos informatizados y documentación crítica), propiedad de sus clientes, disponiendo de los medios precisos y suficientes a tal fin.
3ª) Que CLIENTE está interesado en que XXXXX le preste los servicios precisos para cubrir las necesidades reseñadas de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones que se establezcan en el presente contrato.
4ª) Que XXXXX está interesada en prestar a CLIENTE los servicios que se detallan en el presente documento.
5ª) Que para una mejor comprensión del presente documento, se explicitan las siguientes definiciones, a modo de
Dentro del marco del ejercicio de los derechos y obligaciones de ambas partes dimanantes del presente contrato, los conceptos empleados en lo sucesivo tienen el siguiente significado:
6ª) Que interesa a ambas partes la formalización del presente CONTRATO DE DEPOSITO MERCANTIL, que se regirá por el Código de Comercio y leyes especiales que le sean de aplicación, las reglas supletorias de derecho común y, en especial, por los siguientes
Traducción - inglés BAILMENT AGREEMENT
In [SPAIN], on 200
On one hand, M(r) (s) , adult, with ID no. , acting on behalf of , Tax ID (CIF) , with company offices at , street , hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT.
And on the other hand, Mr. CCCCC, with sufficient powers as a result of Powers of Attorney granted before a Notary of the Illustrious College of Notaries of SPAIN, Mr. DDDD, on February 16, 200x, under number 444 in his protocol, on behalf of XXXXX COMPANY., Tax ID (CIF) IIIIIIIII, with offices at [SPAIN], calle STREET, 1, hereinafter referred to as XXXXX.
Each recognizes in the other the necessary legal authority to enter into contracts and undertake obligations, and freely acting in such capacity they do now therefore
1. WHEREAS the CLIENT needs to safeguard and maintain available at all times certain items of his property, consisting of software storage media (which shall contain backup copies of data ) and/or information stored on paper (essential documentation) and for this purpose, to make arrangements for their protection with an enterprise specializing in this; and
2. WHEREAS XXXXX is engaged in the storage of goods (backup copies of digital data and critical documentation), which is the property of its clients, having at its disposal the specific and necessary means to such ends; and
3. WHEREAS the CLIENT is interested in having XXXXX provide the specific services to attend to the aforementioned needs in keeping with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement; and
4. WHEREAS XXXXX is interested in providing to the CLIENT the services set forth in this document; and
5. WHEREAS for a better understanding of this document, the following definitions are explicitly set forth in the form of a
within the framework of the exercise by both parties of the rights and obligations arising from this agreement, the terms used hereinafter have the following significance:
[ … ]
6. WHEREAS both parties are interested in the formalization of this BAILMENT AGREEMENT, which shall be governed by the Commercial Code and such special laws as may be applicable, supplementary rules of common law and in particular, by the following
español al inglés: Motion for nullification (Mexico) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: (general)
Texto de origen - español Fundamos la demanda en los siguientes hechos y consideraciones de derecho.
1.- En fecha veintiuno de febrero del año dos mil xx, se celebró asamblea extraordinaria de propietarios del XXXXX, misma que se protocolizó el día veinticinco de febrero del año dos mil xx, ante la fe del notario público número YY en el Estado de Alguno, Licenciado Fulano de Tal. Bajo el número de escritura 45xx cuatro mil quinientos xx, inscrita en el registro público de la propiedad bajo el numero 888, a fojas 888-889, del tomo VIIIVIII, SECCION I.
2.- La asamblea de la cual se pretende la nulidad descrita en el hecho que antecede, se realizo fundada conforme a lo previsto en los artículos 2xx fracción I y 2xxa fracción XII, y conforme al artículo x y demás artículos relacionados del reglamento del condominio, los propietarios representando por lo menos el 25% veinticinco por ciento del pro indiviso, convocan a asamblea extraordinaria a los condóminos de solymar, preceptos que continuación se transcriben a la letra:
Artículo 2xx.- La asamblea de condóminos es el órgano supremo del condominio. Serán asambleas de grupo las convocadas para resolver casos como los previstos en el artículo 2yy. Las demás serán generales. Para una y otras rigen las siguientes prevenciones:
I.- Las generales se celebrarán por lo menos una por año, y tanto ellas como las de grupo, cuantas veces sean convocadas conforme a lo dispuesto por este título y el reglamento del condominio;
Artículo 2xxa.- Corresponderá al administrador:
XII.- Convocar a asamblea, cuando menos con diez días de anticipación a la fecha de la misma, indicando lugar dentro del condominio o el que se haya fijado en el reglamento, así como el día y la hora en que se celebrará, incluyendo el orden del día. Los condóminos y acreedores registrados o sus representantes serán notificados en el lugar que para tal efecto hayan señalado, mediante nota por escrito.
Traducción - inglés We base this claim on the following facts and considerations of law.
1.- On February 21, 20xx, a special assembly of the owners of XXXXX was convened, which was recorded in a protocol on February 25, 20xx, sworn to before Notary Public number YY in the State of Alguno, Licenciado Fulano de Tal. Under deed number 45xx (four thousand five hundred and xx) entered into the public registry of property under number 888, on pages 888, of volume 88, SECTION I.
2.- The assembly described in the foregoing paragraph whose nullification is being sought was held in accordance with the terms set forth in Article 2xx Sub-section I and 2xxa Sub-section XII, and pursuant to Article x and other related articles of the by-laws, the owners representing at least 25% (twenty-five percent) of the shares held in common, convened a special assembly of the owners of XXXXX, which precepts are hereby written out in full:
Article 2xx.- The Assembly of Condominium Owners is the supreme governing body of the condominium. Assemblies convened to settle cases such as those set forth in Article 2yy will be group assemblies. All others will be general assemblies. For both kinds of assembly the following terms apply:
I.- General assemblies will be held at least once a year, and both general as well as group assemblies shall occur as many times as they may be convened pursuant to the terms of this document and the condominium by-laws;
Article 2xxa.- It shall be within the purview of the administrator:
XII.- To convene an assembly, no sooner than ten days before the date on which it is to be held, indicating the place within the condominium or other place which has been determined in the by-laws, as well as the day and hour on which it will be held, including the meeting agenda. The condo- minium owners and registered credi- tors or their representatives shall be so notified in writing at such place as shall have been indicated for such purpose.
español al inglés: Contract excerpt (Venezuela) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - español 1.2.- LA PROPIETARIA y LA ARRENDATARIA efectuaron en fecha _____ de _____ de ________ una modificación al texto del contrato identificado en la sección 1.1.- mediante la cual LA ARRENDATARIA entregaría el xx % de las ganancias brutas de operaciones del Hotel a LA PROPIETARIA con una periodicidad mensual.
1.3.- (identificar los diferentes contratos de arrendamiento suscritos por las partes y los referentes a los subarrendamientos)
1.4.- LA ARRENDATARIA tiene un capital suscrito a la fecha de Bs. x.000.000,00, monto que resulta insuficiente a fin de responder por las resultas de su operaciones comerciales tanto frente a LA PROPIETARIA como ante terceros, dada la naturaleza, volumen y objeto de las actividades que realiza en ejecución del contrato identificado en las secciones 1.1.- y 1.2.-.
LA PROPIETARIA y LA ARRENDATARIA convienen en este acto en dar por terminado el contrato de arrendamiento identificado en las secciones 1.1.- y 1.2.-; a tal efecto, LA ARRENDATARIA, conforme a las estipulaciones contenidas en el citado contrato, entregará a LA PROPIETARIA en un plazo de seis (6) meses contados a partir de la fecha de suscripción del presente contrato: a) la relación de los ingresos brutos tanto por la operación de EL HOTEL, como por los arrendamientos y subarrendamientos [ … ]
En el mismo orden, LA ARRENDATARIA procederá a realizar en el plazo de treinta (30) días contados a partir de la fecha de suscripción del presente documento, la entrega material y efectiva de las instalaciones, bienes muebles, equipos de operación, sistemas y equipos informáticos, inventarios de alimentos y bebidas, así como los demás elementos y enseres destinados a la prestación de los servicios de hospedaje de EL HOTEL a LA OPERADORA quien fungirá a los efectos legales y específicos para la recepción de los mismos, como mandataria de LA PROPIETARIA, sin que ello comporte el pago de contraprestación alguna a favor de LA OPERADORA, obligándose esta al cumplimiento de las normas reguladoras previstas y sancionadas en las leyes de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela aplicables a la materia.
Traducción - inglés 1.2.- THE PROPRIETOR and THE LESSEE on the date of _____ _____, ________ made a modification to the text of the agreement identified in section 1.1, whereby THE LESSEE would hand over xx % of the gross profits from the operations of the Hotel to THE PROPRIETOR on a monthly basis.
1.3.- (identify the different lease agreements subscribed by the parties and those having to do with sub-leases)
1.4.- THE LESSEE has a subscribed capital at the present date of Bs. x,000,000.00, an amount that is insufficient to answer for the results of its commercial operations both with respect to THE PROPRIETOR as well as with respect to third parties, given the nature, volume and purpose of the activities it performs in execution of the agreement identified in sections 1.1.- and 1.2.-.
THE PROPRIETOR and THE LESSEE hereby agree to terminate the lease agreement identified in sections 1.1.- and 1.2.-; to such end, THE LESSEE, pursuant to the stipulations contained in the aforesaid agreement, shall deliver to THE PROPRIETOR within a period of six (6) months counting from the date of the siging of this agreement: a) a statement of gross profits both from the operation of THE HOTEL, as well as from the leases and sub-leases [ … ]
By the same token, THE LESSEE shall undertake to bring about within a period of thirty (30) days counting from the date of the signing of this document, the effective material delivery of the installations, furnishings, operating equipment, information systems and hardware, inventories of food and beverages, as well as the other elements and accoutrements used for the provision of services to the guests of THE HOTEL to THE OPERATOR who shall see to all legal and specific arrangements for the receipt of such items, as agent of THE PROPRIETOR, without this entailing making any payment of compensation to THE OPERATOR, the latter being obliged to comply with the regulations set forth and enshrined in those laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela appertaining thereto.
portugués al inglés: Confidentiality Clause (Brazil) General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - portugués CLÁUSULA NONA – DA CONFIDENCIALIDADE
9.1 As partes concordam que todos os termos e condições deste Contrato e todas as questões referentes ao mesmo, incluindo, sem limitação, quaisquer informações referentes à existência deste Contrato, preço, prestação dos Serviços ou outras informações confidenciais ou exclusivas de uma das partes com respeito a este Contrato serão tratadas como segredos de negócio para os fins e efeitos do Artigo 195, inciso XI, da Lei nº 9.279/96, sendo que cada uma das partes concorda em não divulgar e em não tornar tais informações disponíveis a qualquer outra pessoa física ou jurídica (salvo, na medida em que seja, de outra forma, necessário para cumprir os termos deste Contrato ou da forma exigida por lei), a menos que a divulgação seja expressamente autorizada por escrito pela outra parte. As partes reconhecem que a violação das disposições previstas nesta Cláusula, por uma das partes (“a Parte Inadimplente”), resultará em danos irreparáveis para a outra parte (a “Parte Afetada”). O acordo de confidencialidade e não divulgação previsto neste parágrafo subsistirá ao término deste Contrato.
9.2 A obrigação de confidencialidade aqui prevista não será aplicável quando as informações:
a) forem de conhecimento público; e
b) sejam reveladas por exigência legal ou ordem judicial.
9.3 Se alguma das partes for obrigada a apresentar informações de natureza confidencial, em decorrência das duas hipóteses acima, deverá, dentro de 24 horas, notificar a outra parte de tal obrigação, a qual analisará a razoabilidade da exigência legal ou ordem judicial. Caso seja verificado que tal exigência ou ordem não possui fundamento relevante, as partes se comprometem a apresentar oposição fundamentada à divulgação da informação pertinente.
9.4 As partes se obrigam a utilizar as informações, exclusivamente, para a consecução dos objetivos previstos no presente contrato, sendo terminantemente proibida a utilização de tais informações de forma ou propósito diverso do aqui pactuado.
Traducción - inglés ARTICLE 9. – CONFIDENTIALITY
9.1 The parties agree that all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all matters referring to same, including but not limited to any information having to do with the existence of this Agreement, prices, provision of services, or other confidential or exclusive information of one of the Parties with respect to this Agreement shall be treated as trade secrets, pursuant to Article 195, subparagraph 11, of Law No. 9.279/96, so that each of the Parties agrees not to disclose and not to make available such information to any other individual or juridical person (except to the extent that it may be necessary to execute the terms of this Agreement or so as to be in compliance with the law), unless such disclosure should be expressly authorized in writing by the other party. The Parties recognize that any violation of the terms set forth in this Article by one of the Parties (the Non-compliant Party), shall result in irreparable damage to the other party (the Affected Party). This agreement of confidentiality and non-disclosure shall survive beyond the end of this Contract.
9.2 The obligation to maintain confidentiality provided for herein shall not be applicable when the information in question:
a) is a matter of public knowledge; or
b) has been disclosed due to legal necessity or court order
9.3 If either of the Parties hereto should be obliged to divulge information of a confidential nature as a result of either of the exceptions above, it shall, within 24 hours, notify the other party of said ob-ligation, and shall analyze whether the legal necessity or court order is reason- able. If it should be determined that the requirement is without foundation, the Parties undertake to show cause why the information in question should not be divulged.
9.4 The Parties undertake to use the information exclusively for the realization of the objectives set forth in this Agreement, it being strictly forbidden to use such information in a manner or for a purpose at variance with what has been agreed upon herein.
francés al inglés: Power of Attorney to Transact Sale General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: (general)
Texto de origen - francés PROCURATION POUR VENDRE
Madame XXX DUPONT, retraitée, demeurant à xxx (ETATS-UNIS) 8xxx xxx Road, Apt xxx,
Née à xxx le xx janvier 19xx,
Divorcée de Monsieur XXX SMITH et non remariée depuis.
Ayant la doube nationalité française et américaine..
Non résidente au sens de la réglementation fiscale.
N’ayant pas conclu un pacte civil de solidarité ainsi déclaré.
Figurant ci-après sous la dénomination « le constituant » ou « le mandant ».
Le constituant a, par ces présentes, désigné pour mandataire spécial :
Maître Xxx, Avocat à la Cour, domicilié à PARIS Xème arrondissement, xx rue xxx.
Ou tout personne dépendant de son Cabinet
A qui il donne pouvoir pour lui et en son nom, à l’effet de CEDER A TITRE DE LICITATION NE FAISANT PAS CESSER L'INDIVISION, aux charges et conditions que le mandataire jugera convenables, à :
Monsieur Xxx DUPONT, demeurant à XXX, rue xxx, divorcé en premières noces et non remarié de Madame xxx, né à XXX, le xx avril 19xx,
La MOITIE INDIVISE, en toute propriété, appartenant au constituant dans les BIENS ci-après désignés :
Désignation de L’ENSEMBLE IMMOBILIER dont dépendent les BIENS :
Un ensemble immobilier situé à XXX 4x, rue xxx :
Comprenant quatre bâtiments, dont un bâtiment principal dénommé bâtiment A et trois autres bâtiments, dénommés bâtiments B, C et D.
Le bâtiment A, bâtiment principal est composé d'un rez-de-chaussée sur cave et de trois étages carrés, le tout couvert en tuiles.
Cour et jardin.
Lot numéro douze (12) :
Dans le bâtiment A, au premier étage à gauche, un appartement comprenant une entrée, cuisine, cabinet de toilette, salle à manger, chambre et débarras.
Et les cent vingt/mille cent trente cinquièmes (120/1135 èmes) de la propriété du sol et des parties communes générales.
Lot numéro dix neuf (19) :
Dans le bâtiment A, au sous-sol, une cave portant le numéro deux..
Et les deux/mille cent trente cinquièmes (2/1135 èmes) de la propriété du sol et des parties communes générales.
Lot numéro vingt neuf (29) :
Dans le bâtiment C, un box.
Et les dix sept/mille cent trente cinquièmes (17/1135 èmes) de la propriété du sol et des parties communes générales.
OBSERVATION faite que par suite de travaux effectués sans appropriation de parties communes, l’appartement comprend actuellement : entrée, salle d'eau/WC, cuisine, séjour, chambre, dressing..
Tels que lesdits BIENS existent, se poursuivent et comportent avec tous immeubles par destination pouvant en dépendre, sans aucune exception ni réserve.
Le règlement de copropriété établi aux termes d'un acte reçu par Maître XXX, Notaire à XXX, le xx octobre 19xx dont une copie authentique a été publiée au xème bureau des hypothèques de xxx, le xx décembre 19xx volume 5xxx numéro 8xxx.
Ledit état descriptif de division - règlement de copropriété a été modifié :
- aux termes d'un acte reçu par Maître XXX, Notaire à xxx, le xx mars 19xx (contenant : - division du lot 1 en lots 11 et 18, - division du lot 2 en lots 12 et 19, - division du lot 3 en lots 13 et 20, - division du lot 4 en lots 14 et 21, - division du lot 5 en lots 15 et 22, - division du lot 6 en lots 16 et 23 - division du lot 7 en lots 17 et 24, et création de 8 lots numérotés de 25 à 32 issus des parties communes et les tantièmes de copropriété désormais exprimés en 1135èmes) , dont une copie authentique a été publiée au xème bureau des hypothèques de xxx, le xx avril 19xx volume 1xxx numéro 3xxx.
Mention obligatoire de superficie
Conformément aux dispositions de la loi numéro 96-1107 du 18 Décembre 1996 intégrées dans l’article 46 de la loi du 10 Juillet 1965, le vendeur a fourni la superficie de la partie privative des lots, objet des présentes, soumis à ladite loi ainsi qu’à ses textes subséquents, savoir :
- xx,xx mètres carrés pour le lot 12, ainsi qu’il résulte d’une attestation établie par le cabinet xxx, 7x rue xxx à PARIS, xxth arrondissement, Mesurage à la seule charge du CEDANT.
Le mandant déclare être informé de la possibilité réservée par cette loi à l’acquéreur d’agir en révision du prix si, pour au moins un des lots, la superficie réelle est inférieure de plus d’un vingtième à celle exprimée aux présentes. En cas de pluralité d’inexactitude, il y aura pluralité d’actions, chaque action en révision de prix ne concernant que la propre valeur ci-après définie du lot concerné.
La révision du prix dont il s’agit consistera en une diminution de la valeur du lot concerné proportionnelle à la moindre mesure.
L’action en diminution, si elle est recevable, devra être intentée par l’acquéreur dans un délai d’un an à compter du jour de la signature de l’acte authentique de vente, et ce à peine de déchéance.
Une attestation mentionnant les dispositions de l’article 46 de la loi numéro 65-557 du 10 Juillet 1965 ou une copie de l’acte de vente devra être remise par le Notaire rédacteur aux parties, où à leur représentant, lors de la signature de l’acte authentique de vente.
Le constituant déclare que la vente aura lieu moyennant un prix de XXX MILLE EUROS (xx.000,00 EUR) payable comptant.
Le mandataire devra :
Etablir la désignation et l'origine de propriété dudit immeuble, fixer l'époque d'entrée en jouissance au jour de la signature de l'acte authentique, elle a lieu savoir :
- pour les lots 12 et 19 par la prise de possession réelle, les biens étant libres de toute location ou occupation quelconque.
- pour le lot 29, par la perception des loyers, ledit bien étant loué à Monsieur XXX.
Recevoir le prix ainsi qu’il est dit ci-dessus et en donner quittance.
Constituer le cas échéant tout séquestre nécessaire à l’accomplissement des conditions de la vente.
Consentir toutes délégations aux créanciers inscrits s’ils existent.
Vendre le bien dans l’état où il se trouve, avec toutes ses aisances et dépendances.
Exiger de l’acquéreur le remboursement du prorata de l’impôt foncier.
Déclarer pour le compte du mandant être à jour des taxes et impôts locaux mis en recouvrement se rapportant au bien et à son usage.
Faire toutes déclarations notamment comme le constituant le fait ici sans en justifier et sans que ces déclarations puissent dispenser les tiers d'exiger les justifications nécessaires :
- Qu'il n'existe aucun obstacle à la libre disposition du bien ainsi qu’à sa capacité civile de contracter.
- Qu’il n’est pas, lui-même, ni en état de cessation de paiement, de redressement ou liquidation judiciaire à quelque titre que ce soit, civil ou commercial, ni soumis à de telles procédures ;
- Qu’il n’est pas un associé tenu indéfiniment et solidairement du passif social dans une société soumise actuellement à une procédure de redressement ou de liquidation.
- Que son identité complète est celle indiquée aux présentes.
Obliger le constituant à toutes garanties et au rapport de toutes justifications et mainlevées, et de tous certificats de radiation des inscriptions pouvant être révélées par l’état hypothécaire qui sera délivré lors de la publication de la vente.
De toutes sommes reçues, donner quittance, consentir toutes mentions ou subrogations.
Le mandant déclare :
- avoir été averti des conséquences de sa qualité de non résident qu’il revendique sur la taxation des plus-values ;
- dépendre de la recette des impôts des non résidents sise xx rue xxx à xxx.
La présente vente étant d’un prix inférieur ou égal à cent cinquante mille euros, la dispense de représentant fiscal est automatique.
- qu'il a recueilli la moitié des biens sus désignés, dans la succession de Madame xxx DUPONT, en son vivant demeurant à XXX, xxx, 3x rue xxx, veuve en premières noces et non remariée de Monsieur xxx, née à XXX, le xx janvier 19xx, décédée à XXX, xxx le xx mars 20xx, le transfert de propriété a été constaté par un acte reçu par Maître XXX, Notaire à PARIS le xx novembre 20xx, et la valeur portée dans la déclaration de succession est de xx.000,00 Euros, soit pour la moitié revenant au cédant xx.000,00 Euros.
- qu’il n'est pas redevable de l'impôt sur le revenu afférent à la plus-value immobilière des particuliers sur la vente à intervenir, par suite des différents calculs qui ont été effectués.
Toutefois, la déclaration de plus-value sera déposée à l'occasion de la publication ou de l'enregistrement du présent acte.
A la suite de ces opérations, le mandataire sera bien et valablement déchargé de tout ce qu’il aura effectué en vertu du présent mandat et des déclarations du constituant par le seul fait de l’accomplissement de l’opération, sans qu’il soit besoin à cet égard d’un écrit spécial.
Aux effets ci-dessus, passer et signer tous actes, documents et pièces, élire domicile, substituer et généralement faire le nécessaire.
Conformément à l'article 32 de la loi n°78-17 «Informatique et Libertés» du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, l’office notarial dispose d’un traitement informatique pour l’accomplissement des activités notariales, notamment de formalités d’actes. A cette fin, l’office est amené à enregistrer des données vous concernant et à les transmettre à certaines administrations. Vous pouvez exercer vos droits d’accès et de rectification aux données vous concernant auprès de l’office notarial : Etude de Maîtres XXX, Notaires Associés à PARIS xxth arrondissement, xx, Avenue. Téléphone : Télécopie : Courriel : .
Fait à
Certification de la signature
Le soussigné certifie véritable la signature ci-dessus apposée
Identité et signature du certifiant :
Madame XXX DUPONT, retired , residing at xxx (UNITED STATES) 8xxx xxx Road, Apt xxx,
Born in xxx () on January xx,19xx,
Divorced from Monsieur XXX SMITH and not subsequently remarried.
Having double citizenship of France and the United States.
Non-resident with respect to tax legislation.
Has not entered into a civil union stated as such.
Hereinafter referred to as « the constituent » or « the principal ».
The constituent has, by these presents, appointed as special agent:
Maître Xxx, Attorney at Law, with offices at PARIS Xth arrondissement, xx rue xxx.
Or any person employed by his Office
To whom he [sic, i.e., she] gives power to act on her behalf for the purpose of TRANSFERRING THROUGH SALE BY LICITATION WITHOUT ALTERING ITS UNDIVIDED STATUS, on such terms and conditions as the agent shall deem to be suitable, to:
Monsieur Xxx DUPONT, residing at XXX, xx rue xxx, divorced, and not remarried, from his first wife Madame xxx, born in XXX, on April xx, 19xx,
The UNDIVIDED HALF, in full ownership, belonging to the constituent of the ASSETS specified hereinafter:
Designation of the REAL ESTATE PROPERTY to which the ASSETS are attached:
A real estate property located at xxx 4x, rue xxx :
Consisting of four buildings, of which there is a main building called building A and three other buildings, called buildings B, C and D.
Building A, the main building, consists of a ground floor over a cellar and three storeys, all covered in tiles.
Yard and garden.
Name of place Surface area
Name of place "4x rue xxx" 00ha 03a xxca
Specification of ASSETS:
Lot number twelve (12) :
In building A, on the first floor to the left, an apartment consisting of an entrance, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, bedroom and storage room.
And one hundred and twenty / one thousand one hundred and thirty-fifths (120/1135ths) of the ownership of the ground and commonly held areas.
Lot number nineteen (19) :
In building A, below ground, a cellar bearing the number two.
And two/ one thousand one hundred and thirty-fifths (2/1135ths) of the ownership of the ground and commonly held areas.
Lot number twenty-nine (29) :
In building C, a garage .
And seventeen/ one thousand one hundred and thirty-fifths (17/1135ths) of the ownership of the ground and commonly held areas.
OBSERVATION made that as a result of work done without impinging on commonly held spaces, the apartment currently consists of: an entrance, bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, bedroom and dressing area.
In the condition that the aforesaid ASSETS exist, they accompany and encompass any property appertaining thereunto, with no exceptions or reservations.
The regulations for co-ownership, drawn up in a registered document received by Maître XXX, Notary at XXX, on October xx, 19xx of which one authentic copy was published at the x mortgage office of xxx , on December xx, 19xx volume 5xxx number 8xxx.
The aforesaid descriptive statement of division – regulations for co-ownership has been modified:
- by the terms of a registered document received by Maître xxx, Notary at xxx, on March xx, 19xx (containing : - the division of lot 1 into lots 11 and 18, - the division of lot 2 into lots 12 and 19, - the division of lot 3 into lots 13 and 20, - the division of lot 4 into lots 14 and 21, - the division of lot 5 into lots 15 and 22, - the division of lot 6 into lots 16 and 23 - the division of lot 7 into lots 17 and 24, and the creation of 8 lots numbered from 25 to 32 taken from the commonly held areas and the fractions of co-ownership subsequently expressed as 1135ths) , of which an authentic copy has been published at the x mortgage office of xxx , on April xx, 19xx volume 1xxx number 3xxx.
Required Statement of Surface Area
Pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 96-1107 of December 18, 1996 integrated into Article 46 of the Law of July 10, 1965, the seller has provided the surface area of the privately held area of the lots, which is the object of these presents, subject to the aforesaid law as well as to its subsequent texts, as follows :
- xx.xx square meters for lot 12, as results from an affidavit drawn up by the office xxx, 7x rue xxx PARIS, xxth arrondissement, Measurement at the sole expense of the CONVEYOR.
The principal states that she is informed of the possibility stipulated by this law for the purchaser to seek an adjustment of the price if, for at least one of the lots, the real surface area is less than more than one twentieth of what is stated by these presents. In the case of more than one inaccuracy, there can be more than one such action, each action for an adjustment of the price only concerning the actual value set forth hereinafter for the lot in question.
The adjustment of the price at issue here shall consist of a reduction of the value of the lot in question proportional to the smallest measurement.
The action to reduce the price, if viable, must be undertaken by the purchaser within a period of one year starting from the day of the signing of the authentic deed of sale, and that subject to penalty of forfeiture.
An affidavit stating the provisions of Article 46 of Law No. 65-557 of July 10, 1965 or a copy of the deed of sale should be provided by the Notary drafting the documents to the parties, or to their representative, at the time of the signing of the authentic deed of sale.
The constituent states that the sale will be transacted for a price of XXX THOUSAND EUROS (xx.000,00 EUR) payable in cash.
The agent shall:
Establish the designation and origin of the ownership of the aforesaid property, set the time for the transfer of ownership on the day of the signing of the authentic deed, as follows:
- for lots 12 and 19 by the actual taking of possession, the assets being free for any rental or occupation of any kind whatsoever.
- for 29, by the receipt of the rent, the aforesaid asset being rented to Monsieur XXX.
To receive the price as stated above and provide quittance thereto.
To institute as appropriate any distraint that may be necessary for the fulfillment of the conditions of sale.
To approve all transfers to registered creditors, if there are any.
To sell the asset as is, with all its appurtenances and dependencies.
To require of the purchaser reimbursement for the pro rated amount of the land tax.
To declare on behalf of the principal that local fees and taxes are up to date, in process of collection as far as the property is concerned, and report on its state of repair.
To make any and all declarations, precisely as the constituent does herein, without providing proof for them and without such declarations precluding the capacity of prevent third parties to demand such proof as may be necessary:
- That there is no obstacle to the free disposal of the asset or to his civil capacity to execute the transaction.
- That he is not, himself, either in a state of default, of judicial settlement or liquidation of any kind whatsoever, either civil or commercial, nor subject to such procedures;
- That he is not a partner jointly and severally bound by the liabilities of a company currently subject to a procedure of settlement or liquidation.
- That his complete identity is the one indicated in these presents.
To undertake on behalf of the constituent any guarantees or anything involving provision of proof or withdrawals, or any certificates of cancellation of mortgage payments that may be disclosed by the mortgage statement that is to be delivered at the time of the publication of the sale.
For all sums received, to give quittance, and approve all entries or substitutions.
The principal declares:
- that she has been apprised of the consequences of her status as a non-resident as they bear on the taxation of capital gains;
- that she is in communication with the office for non-resident taxation located at 10 rue xxx in xxx.
This sale being at a price below or equal to one hundred thousand euros, the waiving of the need for a fiscal representative is automatic.
- that he [sic, i.e., she] has received half of the specified assets as an inheritance from Madame xxx DUPONT, who while living resided at XXX, xxx, 3x rue xxx, a widow, and not remarried, of her first husband Monsieur xxx, born in XXX, on January xx, 19xx, deceased in XXX, xxx on March xx, 20xx, the transfer of ownership having been ascertained through a deed received by Maître XXX, Notary in PARIS on November xx, 20xx, and the value noted in the statement of succession is xx,000.00 Euros, with half going to the conveyor in the amount of xx,000.00 Euros.
- that he [sic, i.e., she] is not owing income tax for real estate capital gains as a result of the particulars of the pending sale, according to the various calculations that have been made.
At all events, the statement of capital gains shall be submitted at the time of the publication or recording of this registered document.
Following these operations, the agent shall be well and fully discharged of all that had been entrusted to him through this power of attorney and the declarations of the constituent through the sole fact of the accomplishment of the operation, without there being any need in this regard for a special document to be issued.
To the ends set forth above, to proceed to sign all deeds, documents and papers, choose an address, appoint substitutes and generally do whatever is necessary.
Pursuant to Article 32 of Law n°78-17 «Software and Freedoms» amended on January 6, 1978, the notary office has a digital procedure for the conduct of notarial activities, notably the formalities of registered documents. To this end, the office is bound to record data concerning you and transmit such data to certain authorities. You may exercise your rights of access and correction of the data concerning you through the notary office : Etude de Maîtres XXX, Notaires Associés in PARIS xxth arrondissement, xx, Avenue xxx. Phone: Fax: e-mail: [email protected] .
Done in
Certification of signature
The undersigned certifies as genuine the signature affixed above
Identity and signature of certifier:
francés al inglés: General Purchase Conditions General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - francés CONDITIONS GENERALES D'ACHAT
Les présentes conditions générales d’achat régissent l’ensemble des relations entre le Fournisseur et la Société. Tout Fournisseur qui contracte avec la Société s’engage à respecter ses critères de qualité, son code de déontologie, ainsi que le cahier des charges qui lui est remis par la Société. Sur tous les documents (bordereaux de livraison, factures, correspondances...), les références à rappeler sont : le nom du Fournisseur, le numéro du bon de commande et/ou le numéro du plan de lancement.
1. Portée
Les conditions particulières figurant au recto et/ou sur les plans de lancement successifs prévalent sur les clauses contraires des présentes conditions générales d’achat qui prévalent elles-mêmes sur les conditions de vente du Fournisseur.
2. Commande
La commande (de fournitures et/ou de fabrication) précise les conditions techniques, commerciales et administratives, ainsi que les délais demandés au Fournisseur. Aucune modification à ces conditions et à ces délais ne peut être prise en considération si elle n'a pas fait l'objet d'un accord écrit des deux parties. Prix, quantités, qualité et délais d’exécution sont des conditions essentielles de l’accord des parties.
3. Acceptation de la commande
Faute par le Fournisseur de dénoncer la commande dans les sept jours calendaires de son envoi, celle-ci sera réputée définitivement acceptée par le Four-nisseur, de même que les présentes conditions
générales d'achat et le cahier des charges de la Société, sans aucune possibilité de modification unilatérale d'aucune sorte. Cette acceptation prendra effet rétroactivement au jour d'émission de la commande.
4. Emballage
Les produits commandés seront protégés par un emballage suffisant pour résister au mode de transport éventuellement indiqué dans la com-mande. A moins que l'emballage ne soit fourni par la Société, toute avarie survenue jusqu'à l'arrivée des produits au lieu de livraison et/ou tout manquant imputables à un emballage insuffisant et défectueux, sera à la charge du Fournisseur, et celui-ci effect-tuera le remplacement des produits détériorés et/ou manquants à ses frais aux conditions de la com-mande et dans le plus court délai. La facturation des emballages non fournis par la Société ne sera acceptée par celle-ci que si une telle facturation est prévue par la commande. Chaque colis portera les indications suivantes: contenu, poids brut, poids net.
5. Livraisons
Sauf clause contraire des conditions particulières, les livraisons devront se faire chez la Société à Montpellier, "rendu, droits acquittés", le transfert des risques se faisant en ce lieu. Les produits seront assurés par le Fournisseur à ses frais contre perte, vol, bris, avaries et tous autres risques pendant le trajet jusqu'au lieu de livraison convenu. Le fait de réceptionner la commande, pendant les heures normales d'ouverture de la Société, ne constitue pas présomption d'acceptation de celle-ci quant à sa conformité aux spécifications.
6. Délais
Les délais de livraison, des matières premières et/ou des produits fabriqués par le Fournisseur, indiqués dans la commande de la Société sont impératifs. Les dates de livraison sont celles d'arrivée des produits
au lieu de livraison convenu. La Société se réserve le droit de résilier toute commande ou partie de commande qui ne serait pas livrée dans les délais contractuels, sauf cas de force majeure officiel-lement déclarés ou reconnus comme tels par les autorités administratives locales. Les cas de force majeure doivent être notifiés à la Société dans les cinq jours calendaires de l'événement, faute de quoi le Fournisseur ne pourra s'en prévaloir. Le
désistement d'un sous-traitant ne sera pas considéré comme un cas de force majeure. La Société pourra demander au Fournisseur de lui communiquer dans les cinq jours calendaires l’état d’avancement des approvisionnements, des fabrications et/ou des prestations liés aux produits objet de la commande. La Société se réserve également, à tout moment, un droit de visite chez le Fournisseur pour constater l'état d'avancement de sa ou ses commandes et des livraisons à venir.
7. Retard - Pénalité
Le Fournisseur s'engage à prévenir immédiatement la Société de tout événement susceptible d'entraîner un retard dans la livraison des produits par rapport au délai porté sur la commande. Le Fournisseur
s'engage à mettre en oeuvre, à ses frais, tous moyens permettant de combler ce retard, étant précisé qu'à cette fin, une expédition par voie rapide aux frais du Fournisseur pourra être exigée par la Société. Si, à titre exceptionnel, la Société accepte un report de la date limite de livraison des produits commandés, elle pourra subordonner cette acceptation au paiement par le Fournisseur d'une indemnité de retard. Cette pénalité sera de 0,5 % par jour de retard calculé sur le montant total de la commande (prix des achats hors taxes). Les livraisons partielles ne peuvent donner lieu à aucune déduction des pénalités.
8. Résiliation ou réduction de commande
La Société se réserve le droit de résilier ou de réduire la commande dans l'éventualité où le Fournisseur refuse ou est incapable de remplir ses obligations conformément aux conditions de ladite commande. Dans ce cas, la Société pourra demander au Fournisseur de conserver, en ses locaux, lesdits produits et de les laisser à sa disposition pour un temps déterminé. la Société aura, à tout moment, la faculté de transférer sa commande à un tiers d'office sans préavis, aux frais, risques et périls du Fournisseur. Tout surcoût ou perte résultant pour la Société de cette résiliation ou de cette réduction sera à la charge du Fournisseur, sans préjudice des pénalités de retard et/ou des dommages-intérêts que la Société pourrait demander à ce dernier. Il en ira ainsi en particulier si les défaillances (manquants ou autres) du Fournisseur empêchent la Société de respecter ses propres engagements vis à vis de ses clients.
9. Livraison anticipée - Excédent de livraison
la Société se réserve le droit de retourner aux frais, risques et périls du Fournisseur les livraisons lui parvenant plus de 30 jours calendaires avant la date prévue, ainsi que de refuser les quantités excédentaires non prévues dans la commande.
10. Conformité des marchandises - Refus
Tout produit non conforme aux spécifications de la commande, au cahier des charges, et/ou aux remarques spécifiques faites par la Société sur les prototypes, sera refusé et sera retourné en port dû, le
Fournisseur étant tenu de les reprendre. Tout produit refusé donnera lieu à un avoir. Les produits fournis en remplacement, dans les meilleurs délais, feront l'objet d'une nouvelle facturation mentionnant les
numéros de l'avoir et de la commande initiale.
Dans le cas où la Société accepterait, à titre exceptionnel, des marchandises défectueuses, les coûts supportés par elle pour leur remise en état seraient répercutés sur le Fournisseur.
11. Prix
Sauf clause contraire stipulée aux conditions particulières, les prix sont fermes et non révisables, "rendu Montpellier, droits acquittés". Le Four-nisseur se conformera strictement aux instructions de la Société, et tous les frais supplémentaires résultant de leur inobservation seront à sa charge.
12. Facturation
Au titre de chaque livraison, une facture comportant le numéro du bon de commande correspondant doit être adressée en deux exemplaires à l'adresse indiquée dans les conditions particulières.
Le Fournisseur ne facturera que les produits effectivement livrés et conformes à la commande.
13. Paiement
Toute demande de paiement de la part du Fournisseur doit faire l'objet d'une facture. Les paiements sont effectués par la Société sous réserve de conformité des produits et des factures aux spécifications et clauses de la commande. Sauf stipulation contraire, les règlements seront effectués à 60 jours le 10 du mois suivant.
14. Transfert de propriété
Le transfert de propriété des produits s'effectue selon le droit commun. En conséquence, toute clause de réserve de propriété est inopposable à la Société.
15. Utilisation des produits commandés et des éléments remis au Fournisseur
Les produits fabriqués, en totalité ou en partie, par le Fournisseur, à la demande de la Société, ainsi que tout élément remis par cette dernière au Fournisseur et/ou élaboré par celui-ci à partir des créations de
la Société (i-e dessins, modèles, prototypes, tissus, cadres d’impression, griffes...), ne doivent être utilisés que pour la réalisation des commandes de la Société. Les éléments remis au Fournisseur sont confidentiels et restent la propriété de la Société. Le Fournisseur s'engage à les lui restituer en bon état une fois la commande exécutée, voire à première demande de celle-ci.
16. Droits des tiers
En acceptant la commande, le Fournisseur se porte garant envers la Société que les produits com-mandés ne portent pas atteinte aux droits de tiers, cette garantie ne s'appliquant pas pour les spécifications imposées par la Société; néanmoins, et même dans ce dernier cas, le Fournisseur aura un devoir de conseil à l'égard de la Société.
17. Garantie
Le Fournisseur garantit les produits, objet de la commande, pendant un an contre tout défaut (notamment de conception ou de matière), et s'engage à remédier promptement, à ses frais, à tout défaut de ce genre qui lui serait signifié par écrit pendant la période de garantie. Il garantira en outre les dégradations liées à l’usage et à l’entretien des produits dès lors que les consignes indiquées par lui auront été respectées. Le Fournisseur sera tenu de garantir les défauts de la chose vendue à la Société dans les termes des articles 1641 et suivants du Code Civil français, pendant un délai d’un an à dater de la livraison.
18. Travail dissimulé
Le Fournisseur garantit à la Société qu’il respecte les obligations légales françaises et/ou européennes concernant le travail dissimulé. En outre, il remettra à la Société, tous les 6 mois, tout document justificatif visé par lesdites réglementations. Le Prestataire supportera tout paiement que la Société se verrait contrainte d’effectuer du fait de la violation par le Prestataire des obligations précitées.
19. Sous-traitance
Le Fournisseur pourra sous-traiter tout ou partie de ladite commande auprès des sociétés qui lui sont affiliées. Si tel n’est pas le cas, et compte tenu du caractère "intuitu personae" de la commande passée
par la Société, le Fournisseur ne pourra sous-traiter tout ou partie de ladite commande qu'après en avoir informé la Société et obtenu l'accord préalable écrit de celle-ci. Dans tous les cas, le Fournisseur sera garant solidaire envers la Société des prestations effectuées par ses sous-traitants, et devra répercuter sur ses sous-traitants les obligations mises à sa charge par les présentes conditions, notamment l'obligation de confidentialité, l’interdiction du travail dissimulé et du travail des enfants.
20. Publicité - Confidentialité
En aucun cas, et sous aucune forme (y compris sur le réseau Internet), les commandes de la Société ne peuvent donner lieu à une publicité directe ou indirecte sans l'autorisation écrite préalable de celle-ci. Le Fournisseur s'engage à ne pas divulguer, communiquer à des tiers ou utiliser à des fins personnelles ou au profit de tiers les éléments (notamment les dessins, modèles, prototypes, tissus, cadres d'impression, griffes...) ou informations (spécifications techniques via le cahier des charges par exemple) que la Société aura pu lui remettre. Le Fournisseur s'interdit de les imiter, reproduire ou faire reproduire, directement ou par des tiers.
De même, le Fournisseur s'engage à n'exposer les produits fabriqués suivant les éléments remis ou informations données par la Société qu'avec l'autorisation écrite préalable de celle-ci.
Enfin, le Fournisseur s’interdit de communiquer ou céder à des tiers les chutes éventuelles de tissus, les marchandises refusées et/ou les reliquats des marchandises qui seraient défectueuses et/ou excédentaires. Le sort de ces chutes, marchandises refusées et/ou reliquats sera convenu au cas par cas par la Société.
21. Responsabilité
Le Fournisseur est responsable du stockage, de la conservation et de la garde de tous les éléments remis par la Société ainsi que des produits commandés. Il devra notamment souscrire, à cet effet, toutes assurances "Dommages aux biens" couvrant la valeur de la commande ou celle des produits remis par la Société, ainsi que les conséquences (notamment les pertes d’exploitation) subies par la Société du fait de la perte partielle ou totale de ces éléments et/ou de ces produits. Le Fournisseur s’engage à communiquer ces contrats d’assurance à première demande de la Société.
22. Dispositions générales
Le Fournisseur est tenu d’aviser sans délai la Société de toute ouverture dune procédure collective à son encontre. En cas d’annulation de lune quelconque des stipulations des présentes conditions générales d’achat, les parties s’efforceront de renégocier de bonne foi une clause économiquement équivalente. Le fait pour l’une des parties de ne pas exercer, à un moment quelconque, une prérogative qui lui est reconnue par les présentes conditions générales d’achat, ne pourra en aucun cas être interprété comme une renonciation expresse ou tacite de cette partie à son droit d’exercer ladite prérogative dans l’avenir.
23. Compétence et loi applicable
En cas de contestation et à l'occasion de tout litige, le Tribunal de Commerce de Paris sera seul com-pétent, même en cas de pluralité de défendeurs ou d'appel en garantie. Le droit applicable est le droit
Le prestataire reconnaît avoir pris connaissance des Conditions Générales d'Achat figurant dans un document séparé ou au verso et reconnaît que l'acceptation de la commande de la Société vaut acceptation des Conditions Générales d'Achat.
These general purchase conditions govern the entirety of the relations between the Supplier and the Company. Any Supplier who enters into contracts with the Company undertakes to respect its standards of quality and its code of conduct, as well as the notebook of terms and specifications sent to it by the Company. On all documents (confirmations of delivery, invoices, corres-pondence, etc.), the references to include are the name of the Supplier, the number of the purchase order and/or the number of the release plan.
1. Scope
The specific conditions set forth on the first page, and/or concerning the successive release plans prevail over any provisions at variance with these general purchase conditions, which themselves prevail over the Supplier’s conditions of sale.
2. Orders
Purchase orders (for supplies and/or manufacture) specify the technical, business and administrative conditions, as well as the schedules for delivery required of the Supplier. No modification to these conditions and schedules can be taken into consideration if it has not been the subject of a written agreement between the two parties. Price, quantities, quality and schedules for completion are the essential conditions of the agreement between the parties.
3. Acceptance of purchase order
Unless the Supplier rejects a purchase order within seven calendar days of its dispatch, such order shall be considered definitely accepted by the Supplier, just as these general purchase conditions and the Company’s notebook of terms and specifications are accepted, without any possibility of unilateral modi-fication of any kind. This acceptance will take effect retroactively to the date of issue of the purchase order.
4. Packing
The products ordered will be protected by sufficient packing materials to provide protection from the means of transport indicated in the purchase order. Unless the packing materials are provided by the Company, any damage sustained up until the arrival of the products at the place of delivery and/or any loss that can be ascribed to insufficient or defective packing will be at the expense of the Supplier, and the latter shall provide replacement of the damaged and/or missing products at its cost, pursuant to the conditions of the purchase order and as swiftly as possible. The billing for packing materials not provided by the Company will not be accepted by the latter unless such billing is provided for in the purchase order. Each parcel shall have the following information on it: contents, gross weight, net weight.
5. Deliveries
Unless there is a provision to the contrary in the specific conditions, deliveries will be made to the Company at Montpellier, "delivered, duty paid," with the transfer of risks occurring at this place. The products will be insured by the Supplier at its expense against loss, theft, breakage, damages and all other risks during its passage up until it reaches the agreed upon delivery place. The fact of receiving the order during the Company’s normal business hours, does not constitute a presumption of acceptance of such order as far as its compliance with specifications is concerned.
6. Schedules
Delivery schedules, raw materials, and/or products to be manufactured by the Supplier indicated in the purchase order are strictly binding. The dates of delivery are those of the arrival of the products at the agreed upon delivery place. The Company reserves the right to cancel any purchase order or part of a purchase order that is not delivered within the contractual schedules, except in cases of force majeure that have been officially declared or recognized as such by local government authorities. Cases of force majeure should be communicated to the Company within five calendar days of the event, without which the Supplier shall not be able to avail itself of this provision. The withdrawal of a sub-contractor will not be considered a case of force majeure. The Company shall be able to ask the Supplier to communicate to it within five calendar days the state of progress concerning supplies, manufacturing, and/or services associated with the products that are the object of the purchase order.
The Company also reserves at all times the right to visit the Supplier to ascertain the state of progress of its purchase order or orders and pending deliveries.
7. Lateness – Penalties
The Supplier undertakes to apprise the Company immediately of any event that may give rise to a delay in the delivery of the products with respect to the deadline set forth in the purchase order. The Supplier undertakes to initiate, at its own expense, any measures serving to mitigate such delay, and it is specified that to such end, the Company may require the Supplier to send items by express delivery at the latter’s expense. If, under excep-tional circumstances, the Company accepts an extension of the deadline for the delivery of the products ordered, it may make such acceptance subject to the payment by the Supplier of a fine for lateness. This penalty shall be 0.5% of the total amount of the order per day of lateness (purchase prices excluding taxes). Partial deliveries cannot give rise to any reduction of penalties due.
8. Cancellation or reduction of purchase order
The Company reserves the right to cancel or reduce a purchase order in the event that the Supplier should refuse to fulfill, or be incapable of fulfilling its obligations pursuant to the conditions of the aforesaid purchase order. In such a case, the Company may ask the Supplier to retain at its facilities the products in question and to keep them available for a given period of time. The Company will have at all times the prerogative to transfer its order to a third party at will, without prior notice, at the expense, risk and hazard of the Supplier. Any surcharge or loss incurred by the Company by such cancellation or reduction shall be at the expense of the Supplier, without impairment to the lateness penalties and/or damages that the Company may claim from the latter. This shall be the case particularly if such defaults (losses or otherwise) by the Supplier should prevent the Company from upholding its own commitments with respect to its customers.
9. Early delivery – Excess delivery
The Company reserves the right to return, at the expense, risk and hazard of the Supplier, deliveries that arrive more than 30 days prior to the deadline, as well as to refuse excessive quantities not called for in the purchase order.
10. Compliance of merchandise – Rejection
Any product that does not comply with the specifications of the purchase order, the notebook of terms and specifications and/or with specific indications made by the Company on the prototypes, will be rejected and returned freight paid, and the Supplier shall be obliged to accept them. Any product refused will give rise to an outstanding credit. Products that are provided as replacement, as swiftly as possible, shall be the object of new invoicing citing the numbers of the credit outstanding and the initial purchase order.
If, in an exceptional case, the Company should accept defective merchandise, the costs it incurs to restore it shall be passed on to the Supplier.
11. Price
Unless there is a provision to the contrary stipulated in the specific conditions, prices are firm and not subject to revision, "delivered at Montpellier, duty paid." The Supplier shall comply strictly with the Company’s instructions, and any additional charges resulting from non-compliance shall be at its expense.
12. Invoicing
With each delivery, an invoice bearing the number of the purchase order in question should be sent in two copies to the address indicated in the specific conditions. The Supplier shall not invoice for any products except those actually delivered and in compliance with the purchase order.
13. Payment
Any request for payment by the Supplier should be expressed in an invoice. Payments are to be made by the Company subject to the compliance of the products and invoices with the specifications and provisions of the purchase order. Unless otherwise stipulated, settlements shall be made in 60 days on the 10th of the following month.
14. Transfer of ownership
The transfer of ownership of the products takes place in accordance with ordinary law. As a consequence, any reserve clause of ownership is unenforceable against the Company.
15. Use of products ordered and items sent to the Supplier
Products ordered by the Company that are manufactured in whole or in part by the Supplier, as well as any item sent by the latter to the Supplier and/or created by the Supplier on the basis of the creations of the Company (i.e., drawings, models, prototypes, sketches, fabrics, printing screens, labels...), should not be used except for the execution of orders placed by the Company. Items sent to the Supplier are confidential and remain the property of the Company. The Supplier undertakes to return them to the Company in good condition once the purchase order has been executed, whenever the Company may request them.
16. Claims by third parties
In accepting the purchase order, the Supplier guarantees to the Company that the products ordered are not subject to claims by third parties, with this guarantee not applying for specifications imposed by the Company; nevertheless, and even in the latter case, the Supplier shall have a duty to advise the Company.
17. Guaranty
The Supplier guarantees the products, which are the object of the purchase order for one year against any defect (notably of design or material), and under-takes to remedy promptly, at its own expense, any defect of this kind that may be communicated to it in writing during the period of guarantee. Further- more, it will guarantee against product failure caused by the use and handling of products, as long as the instructions issued by it shall have been observed. The Supplier undertakes to guarantee defects of things sold to the Company pursuant to the terms of Articles 1641 and following of the French Civil Code, for a period of one year starting from the date of delivery.
18. Clandestine Labor
The Supplier warrants to the Company that it respects French and/or European legal obligations concerning clandestine labor. In addition, it will send to the Company every 6 months any pertinent documents of certification called for by such regulations. The Service Provider will make good any payments that the Company is forced to disburse as a result of a violation by the Service Provider of the aforesaid obligations.
19. Sub-contracting
The Supplier may sub-contract all or part of the purchase order in question with companies with which it is affiliated. If such is not the case, and bearing in mind the relationship between the two parties in the purchase order placed by the Company, the Supplier may not sub-contract all or part of the purchase order in question without having so informed the Company and obtained its prior agreement in writing. In all cases, the Supplier provides a joint guarantee to the Company for services performed by sub-contractors, and shall have to enjoin its sub-contractors to uphold the obligations imposed upon it by these conditions, notably the obligation of confidentiality, the pro-hibition of clandestine labor, and of child labor.
20. Advertising – Confidentiality
In no circumstances and in no way (including on the Internet) can the Company’s purchase orders give rise to direct or indirect advertising without prior written authorization by the latter. The Supplier undertakes not to divulge, communicate to third parties or use for personal ends or for the profit of third parties any items (notably drawings, models, prototypes, fabrics, printing screens, labels...) or information (technical specs from the notebook of terms and specifications, for example) that the Com-pany may have sent to it. The Supplier engages not to imitate them, or reproduce them or have them reproduced, directly or by third parties. Similarly, the Supplier undertakes not to expose products manufactured using any items sent or information provided by the Company except with the prior written authorization of the latter. Finally, the Supplier engages not to communicate or assign to third parties any possible cuttings of fabrics, rejected merchandise and/or remainders of merchandise that may be defective and/or surplus. The disposition of these cuttings, rejected mer-chandise and/or remainders shall be settled on a case by case basis by the Company.
21. Liability
The Supplier is responsible for the storage, conservation and protection of all items sent by the Company as well as the products ordered. To this end, the Supplier should in particular take out insurance policies for « Damages to Goods » covering the value of the purchase order or that of the products sent by the Company, as well as the consequences (notably operating losses) suffered by the Company from the fact of the partial or total loss of these items and/or these products. The Supplier undertakes to communicate these insurance policies whenever the Company may ask for them.
22. General Provisions
The Supplier is bound to inform the Company without delay of any initiation of a legal proceeding concerning it. In the event of the nullification of any one of the stipulations of these general purchase conditions, the parties shall endeavor to negotiate in good faith a clause that is economically equivalent. The fact that one of the parties may not exercise at any given moment a prerogative ac-corded to it by these general purchase conditions, cannot under any circumstances be construed as an express or tacit waiver of its right to exercise the aforesaid prerogative at a future time.
23. Competence and applicable law
In case of a dispute, and in the event of any litigation, the Court of Commerce of Paris will be the only competent venue, even in a case of multiple defendants, or one involving third parties. The applicable law is French law.
The service provider acknowledges that it has been made aware of the General Purchase Conditions set forth in a separate document and on the reverse side of this page, and acknowledges that the acceptance of a Company purchase order entails acceptance of the General Purchase Conditions.
Años de experiencia: 45 Registrado en May 2005
I have been translating Spanish, French and Portuguese since 1980, and have worked in many fields and areas of specialization. At various times in my life I have lived in France, Spain and Latin America, and currently divide my time between São Paulo and New York City. During the 1980s I helped manage a major agency in New York City (Legal Language Services), and coordinated teams of translators turning around big legal projects on tight deadlines, focusing on maritime, real estate and business litigation. I have worked as an interpreter at legal and social security hearings in NYC and for the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of the American Indian. Recent work includes legal, medical, business and general translation, annual reports and sustainable development reports, anti-smoking legislation, company websites, quarterly reports for companies on the São Paulo securities exchange (Bovespa), company press releases, film and tv scripts, documents of the philanthropic sector, NGO's and international agencies, tourist industry documents, all sorts of journalism, history, art criticism, literary translation, and many other kinds of texts. I have a pretty good idea of when to say "no" to a job or to a deadline, which is something like the beginning of wisdom in this line of work.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (1 entry)
Job type
Language pairs
español al inglés
Specialty fields
Medioambiente y ecología
Other fields
Palabras clave: Environment, Sustainable Development, Literary Translation, Brazil, websites, tradução de website, português para o inglês, legal translation, tradução de documentos jurídicos, traducción jurídica