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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Informal get together - networking

February 18, 2006, 12:30 pm
Reino UnidoManchesterIn personinglés
Hello. To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a pow-wow in Manchester, so I thought it was about time we should rectify that. Suggestions for topics of discussion are welcome. At the moment I've billed it as an informal get together, so any and all issues to do with translation are welcome. Hope to see some North West translators soon.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (31) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Jeremy Smith  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Elizabeth Sumner   Hi Jeremy, I'd like to attend - never been to a powwow before. I live in Levenshulme, Manchester so please contact me if you want any practical help. Lizzy  y
Inge Dijkstra   Hi Jeremy, As a starting translator I am interested in a powwow. Your meeting is the 'closest' I know of (apart from the one in Geilenkirchen, but this is for interpreters only). Have never been to a powwow before.  n
Agius Language & Translation   I have always wanted to attend one of the powwows but couldn't travel too far due to family commitments; this would be perfect. I am based in Eccles.  m
Jenny Hakanson   Hi Jeremy, I would also like to attend. Great initiative.  n
JOHN WINDER   I have recently completed a translation at Salford and I am now hoping to begin working as a translator.I look forward to sharing experiences with other translators.Look forward to seeing you on 18th Feb.  y
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà   Hello to all, I live near Barcelona, but would love to attend too, in spite of the weather in MAN ;-) It's been around a year since I moved back from Chester, so this would be a great opportunity to visit the Northwest once again!  y
Julie Flynn-Ciniglio   So sorry I couldn't make it. I had to attend a family funeral the day before and just wasn't up to socialising. I'll come to the next event!  n
Lisa Ball   Afraid I won't be able to make it after all. Sorry to cancel at the last minute but it's unavoidable. Hope it goes well   n
Graciela Carlyle   Hi Jeremy, that's a good idea. I'll try to attend (work permiting !!). :o)  n
bewley   I never got round to joining the northwest translators network so it would be great to meet some fellow translators!  y
XAngeliki Kotsidou (X)   Unfortunately something came up and I won't be in Manchester this weekend. :(  n
Päivi Creber   Hi! A friend of mine alerted me to this but unfortunately I'll be in Finland that weekend. But look forward to the next one! I'm also member of NWTN, and you're very welcome to check out our meetings too. Have a great powwow!  n
Languageman   I'd could be up for that. It's certainly about as close as one will ever get to Matlock I would say!  m
Blanka Paukrtova   I might be coming too.  m
adj600   Sorry I cannot come this time, have to work that Saturday, hope I can join in next time.  n
Elena Volkovaya   Thank you Jeremy, I would love to attend, please keep me posted. I have been with for four years now yet never been to a powwow before.   y
Huw Watkins   I'm awfully sorry to pull out at this late stage, but my host can't put me up this weekend. I will certainly make an effort to attend the next one.  n
XTracey Denby   I may be moving back to the Manchester area and would like to attend (work permitting)  y
Laurence Auffret   Hello Jeremy, Many thanks for organising this. I am looking forward to meet everyone! I'm also member of NWTN (   y
Mark Shimmin   I will be there. Anybody out there an SDLX expert?   y
Dorota Cooper   It sounds like fun, I'll try to make it and with some luck I'll bring lots of other translation students with me!  
Dr Andrew Read   I will try and come along if at all possible. We will also be telling other members of the NWTN (North West Translators' Network) about this. Is anyone booking a room at the pub concerned - I can imagine 1 might be needed in view of the potential numbers.  m
Maya Chan   Maya Chan  m
Xcynch   Hi Jeremy, thanks for your reply to my email last month. I'm hoping to go into translation when I finish my degree at Manchester uni this year. Looking forward to talking to people about their experiences.  y
chaplin    I got mixed up in dates and it is the following weekend I am in Machester Have a good time and maybe another time I will be able to join you  n
colinhurst   [email protected]  
Esther Nunez   I am working till 3 pm, so I might join later. It is my first chance to attend a powwow.  m
XMartin Fraser (X)   Yes, I'd like to be there.  
Saph  \"Host\" Would love to come, I am only up te road in Manchester! Please keep me informed, thanks. [email protected]  
lizzy g   I would really like to come along!  y

Postings about this event

Páginas sobre el tema:   [1 2] >
Powwow: Manchester - United Kingdom
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
Miembro 2003
francés al inglés
+ ...
Informal get together Jan 5, 2006

Hello. To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a pow-wow in Manchester, so I thought it was about time we should rectify that. Suggestions for topics of discussion are welcome. At the moment I've billed it as an informal get together, so any and all issues to do with translation are welcome. Hope to see some North West translators soon.

Graciela Carlyle
Graciela Carlyle  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
inglés al español
+ ...
Place/time Jan 21, 2006

Any ideas of where and when yet?

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
Miembro 2003
francés al inglés
+ ...
Place and time Jan 24, 2006

I was going to suggest around 1pm somewhere comfortable and airy that shouldn't be too busy. Somewhere like Dukes 92 or the Rain Bar. Any other suggestions? What do people think? As for topics, there appear to be a few people wanting tips on starting up, which is fine. Apart from that, I can give a run-down on what happened at the in Krakow last Novembe... See more
I was going to suggest around 1pm somewhere comfortable and airy that shouldn't be too busy. Somewhere like Dukes 92 or the Rain Bar. Any other suggestions? What do people think? As for topics, there appear to be a few people wanting tips on starting up, which is fine. Apart from that, I can give a run-down on what happened at the in Krakow last November. Other suggestions? Is the date alright, or should I defer it for a while to give more people a chance to sign up?Collapse

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
Miembro 2003
francés al inglés
+ ...
Typo Jan 24, 2006

The above should read "the conference in Krakow".

Jenny Hakanson
Jenny Hakanson  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:25
inglés al sueco
Place and time Jan 24, 2006

Date and time is fine with me. As are either of the bars, and topics!

Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:25
Miembro 2005
alemán al español
+ ...
Place/Time Jan 24, 2006

That sounds good to me too. Probably I wouldnt't be able to attend, if you postponed the meeting, since I'm going to be in England (unfortunately) only for a few days. I'm also interested in the details about starting up as a freelance translator in the UK (required paperwork, how taxation works and all the like). On the other hand, if someone is thinking about relocating to Spain, I can give you all the details about how does it all work around here... See more
That sounds good to me too. Probably I wouldnt't be able to attend, if you postponed the meeting, since I'm going to be in England (unfortunately) only for a few days. I'm also interested in the details about starting up as a freelance translator in the UK (required paperwork, how taxation works and all the like). On the other hand, if someone is thinking about relocating to Spain, I can give you all the details about how does it all work around hereicon_wink.gifCollapse

bewley  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:25
francés al inglés
+ ...
Place/time Jan 24, 2006

Dukes 92 works for me as does the date.

Graciela Carlyle
Graciela Carlyle  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
inglés al español
+ ...
Place/time Jan 24, 2006

Fine with me, Dukes 92 seems to have good carparkicon_smile.gif

Agius Language & Translation
Agius Language & Translation
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
francés al inglés
+ ...
Place/time Jan 24, 2006

My in-laws are visiting that weekend but I am sure I can get away for a couple of hours.

Lisa Ball
Lisa Ball
Local time: 02:25
japonés al inglés
+ ...
Place/time Jan 25, 2006

Yep, I'm fine with date, time, Dukes and topics too!

Angeliki Kotsidou (X)
Angeliki Kotsidou (X)
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
inglés al griego
+ ...
Time Jan 25, 2006

So what time is the powwow then?

Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
inglés al chino
+ ...
Any VIDder coming? Jan 29, 2006

Any VIDder coming?

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
Miembro 2003
francés al inglés
+ ...
This coming Saturday! Feb 14, 2006

Hi everybody. I notice a good few people have signed up, which is nice - I was afraid there would only be a handful of us! Dukes 92 has function rooms available, but given that there only 15 confirmed people, and the rooms would be quite expensive, I don't think it's worth reserving one. The bar is very spacious, so I don't envisage any problems.

I've contacted the staff to request authority to verify people's ID. If you want your ID verified, you will have to follow the inst
... See more
Hi everybody. I notice a good few people have signed up, which is nice - I was afraid there would only be a handful of us! Dukes 92 has function rooms available, but given that there only 15 confirmed people, and the rooms would be quite expensive, I don't think it's worth reserving one. The bar is very spacious, so I don't envisage any problems.

I've contacted the staff to request authority to verify people's ID. If you want your ID verified, you will have to follow the instructions set out in the FAQs, the relevant section of which is:

"In order to have your ID verified at a powwow by a member who has the authority to verify identities, you must show that person picture identification when you meet him or her in person.

As with other VID methods, the name on your picture ID must match the real name you have entered in your profile. But unlike the other VID methods performed by site staff, you must also elect to show your real name on the site. Otherwise the member won't be able to see your name and compare it with the name shown on your ID. After you are VIDed, you may choose to hide your real name again if you wish.

You can edit the real name in your profile by selecting "My>My Settings->Personal Data" from the menu.

You can choose to hide or show your real name in your profile by selecting "My>My Settings->Basic Profile" from the menu.

Once you have shown your real name on the site, met a member with VIDing authority in person and shown him or her your picture identification, you can submit a request to that person to verify your identity on the site. To do so, go to the VID application page.

On the VID application, select the "met in person" option, and select the name of the person you met from the drop down list of authorized VIDers. (If the person's name is not in the list, he doesn't have such authority.) Then enter the date and location of your meeting, and submit the form. The person will receive an email request to verify your identity."

A map of the location is available on the bar's website:

I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday. I'll be there from about 12.30pm onwards.


Graciela Carlyle
Graciela Carlyle  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
inglés al español
+ ...
Couldn't make it :( Feb 18, 2006

Sorry, I couldn't make it. Work permitted but some there's always the family unpredictables! I hope you all had a nice timeicon_smile.gif

Graciela Carlyle
Graciela Carlyle  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:25
inglés al español
+ ...
Couldn't make it :( Feb 18, 2006

Sorry, I couldn't make it. Work permitted but there's always the family unpredictables! I hope you all had a nice timeicon_smile.gif

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