Translation glossary: Norwegian > English

Showing entries 1-50 of 146
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"leveres stoffet under vannlinjen"Anti-fouling painted/bottom painted 
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2 fikserte og 2 ufikserte glass2 fixed and 2 unfixed slides 
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A-kantedge A 
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aktsomme gode tro(acting in) diligent good faith 
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anfallslidelseepisodic disease 
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AnodekolAnode carbon 
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Av-anleggAudio visual system 
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årstrinnyear level 
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Åpne forhold i nesenNo nasal obstruction 
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bakteriell usbacterial test/examination 
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beinmark/beinmargbone marrow 
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butikk-øyeboutique island/shop island 
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cycloskiacycloplegic retinoscopy 
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Den almennsvitenskapelig h�gskolenThe College of Arts and Sciences 
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Deres talrige børne folktheir numerous children 
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en intern sakan international case 
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fallrettigheterfall rights (waterfalls) 
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Fallsparklingslope grouting 
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fartstallspeed number 
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få han lille mørkeget the little dark (-haired) guy/fellow/chap 
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Festeanordning for gravstøttefastening devices for gravestones 
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fnokkfloc (floccule) 
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forhandlerminaleragent terminals 
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formveilederdesign guide 
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fredelig (joint + muscles)quiescent 
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fremstå tidsmessiglook updated/upgraded 
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fri gradindependent degree 
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galleveibiliary tract 
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gavelsteingable tile (verge tile) 
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geometrisk stedgeometric locus 
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gjennom norske myndigheterby/through Norwegian authorities 
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gjennomføringstaktpace of implementation 
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gjennomgåendetrue (divided) 
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Gjestfrihet er husets smykke, kjarlighet er hjemmets lykkeHospitality is the home's adornment and love is its good fortune. 
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gnuretest(patellar) grind test 
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grunnrenteeconomic rent 
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halvtinpartially thaw 
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Hos veksthemmede nyf�dte barn kan rask vekt�kning v�re gunstig for hjernen og beRapid weight gain in low birth weight enfants can be beneficial for the brain and the bone matrix, but may increase the risk of 
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