Translation glossary: Norwegian > English

Showing entries 101-146 of 146
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rivershredder tender 
noruego al inglés
noruego al inglés
rynkehodegathered curtain heading 
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sanereget rid of 
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savner deg kjempe massemiss you a whole lot 
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SØFSykehuset Østfold Fredrikstad 
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serumlike båndserum-like band 
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sesjonslegenpre-induction physician (medical officer) 
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setter straffstipulates penalties 
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sitter som en kulehits the mark 
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skapskrogcabinet carcass 
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Skinnegående materiellrolling stock 
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noruego al inglés
småkvalfansgtsmall whale harvesting/hunting 
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Smertefigurenpain locator chart/body pain map 
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smitteslusadisinfection station/sluice 
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solopraktiserende legesolo practice physician 
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solopraktiserende legesolo practice physician 
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staking av avløp til egen vannlåssnaking of own drain to drain trap 
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Stats- og regjeringssjefeneHeads of State and Government 
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Stigerøruplift pipe, riser 
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stinkende herdevannstinking hardening water 
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sutur nettsuture mesh 
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sviktergive way/out 
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noruego al inglés
teknisk rom vesttechnical room west (of) 
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telleserie(vertebrae) numbering system) 
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tett byggairtight building 
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noruego al inglés
tillretteleggeprepare the ground for dialog 
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tilslagsstoff/råmelbulk material (aggregate)/raw mix (raw meal, kiln feed blend) 
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torams, treramstwo panel, three panel 
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totalkunderfull-service customers 
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noruego al inglés
tverrgående retningslinjeracross the board guidelines 
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tydeskjermdiagnostic display 
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utbetalingsbilaget(earned) income statement 
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utl. beløpforeign (currency) amount 
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varekurverbasket of goods and services 
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vegetasjonsskjermvegetative screen 
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vegrer seg mot å ta det opprefuse to address it 
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Vitaliavital signs 
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vristoppertwist track end stop 
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VUO(Command) Duty Officer in training 
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xxx foregått i vel 3 år…xxx has been going on for a good three years 
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ø.hjelpsvurderingfurther evaluation/immediate evaluation 
noruego al inglés
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