Mar 2, 2018 12:57
6 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Inanspruchnahme (des Christlichen)

German to English Other Religion
Es geht um eine Beschreibung der Forschungsschwerpunkte der protestantischen Theologie auf Universitätsebene in Österreich.
Der vollständige Satz lautet: "Neben der Bibel bezeugt eine Fülle von weiteren Quellen die „Inanspruchnahme“ des Christlichen im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte."
Mit "Inanspruchnahme" ist Folgendes gemeint: Der bewusste Anspruch, im eigenen Denken, Reden und Handeln das Christliche zu repräsentieren."
"Inanspruchnahme" ist also streng genommen ein theologischer Fachbegriff.


Lancashireman Mar 3, 2018:
I loved the original Embodiment So scary! I hope the sequel has the same cast?
Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
embodiment 2 Wouldn't you agree that embodiment covers "the stated claim of representing the tenets of Christianity in how one thinks, speaks and acts"?
Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
embodiment I've just found that searching for "embodiment of Christianity" turns up lots of references to the history of Christianity. "The last chapter dealt with what is now sometimes called "inculturation": the embodiment of Christianity in the forms of a particular local culture." and "As the Church is the extension of the Incarnation, so Christian culture is the embodiment of Christianity in social institutions and patterns of life..."
Herbmione Granger Mar 3, 2018:
Darrel That's not too unexpected:
"Acceptance of Christ" might work. It really depends on what Albrecht Beutel meant, which I haven't been able to determine. Will probably need to include "Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen."än...
Björn Vrooman Mar 3, 2018:
Negative vs. positive connotations I agree that "adoption" doesn't cut it (I said as much below). In fact, based on the EVA link, you're supposed to get away from the idea of calling it the history of Christianity and assume the role of an impartial observer.

Coming back to Frankfurt's university, there are those two tidbits:
"...konzentriert sich in Lehre und Forschung die Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen in der westlichen, lateinisch geprägten Welt Europas."

"Die kirchliche Begleitung von Menschen in Krisen zählt zu den zentralen Identitätsmarkern der modernen Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen – insbesondere in seiner institutionellen Gestalt."

First one:
"The [Generative] Role of Christianity in Western Culture"

"This lecture [...] offers a sweeping sketch of the role of Christianity [...] in modern societies."

This is about "Wirkung" (influence/impact) and "Rezeption" (interpretation) of the Christian faith (cf below).

Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
I've heard it from Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentacostals and loads of others. Most recently from one of two friendly guys from Utah who rang our doorbell in Germany and first spoke to me in surprisingly good German.
Herbmione Granger Mar 3, 2018:
I was considering "subscription" or "enlistment."
Darrel, are you referring to Jehovah's Witnesses?'s_Witnesses
Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
Acceptance? "Geschichte der Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen im Verlauf der Zeit" with a Protestant bent makes me now think of "acceptance of the Christian faith", rather than simple adoption. After all, I've been asked "Have you accepted Christ into your life as your...?" many times in my life. By Protestants every single time.
Björn Vrooman Mar 3, 2018:

"...Grundhaltung deskriptiver Neutralität als conditio sine qua non kirchenhistorischen Arbeitens heraus. Demnach ist die Kernaufgabe der christlichen Kirchengeschichte, auch und gerade aus protestantischer Perspektive, nicht etwa als Geschichte des Christlichen oder als Christentumsgeschichte, sondern vielmehr und ausschließlich als »Geschichte der Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen im Verlauf der Zeit« zu definieren."

This points to what I said below: role, influence or impact.

I don't even understand where the asker has her explanation from. Also, the term is set off by quotation marks; I think there's a reason for it. If you can't find the original link, I can send it to you.

Maybe you'll see why this is not much more than a guessing game at this point.

Anne Schulz Mar 3, 2018:
Die Frage steht immer noch an Susanne, was "der bewusste Anspruch, das Christliche zu repräsentieren" eigentlich heißen soll.<br />Wenn ich die Beiträge hier lese, ist wohl vor allem zu klären, ob der "Anspruch" einer an sich selbst ist ("Ich möchte ein guter Christ sein") oder einer an die Umgebung ("Was ich denke, sage, tue, lehre, ist wahres Christentum" oder sogar "Wahres Christentum ist, was ich denke, sage, tue, lehre"). Geht der Anspruch an sich selbst, wäre es eher "desire to adopt", geht er an die anderen, "claim to represent".<br /><br />Die Webseite der Frankfurter Uni spricht m.E. für Letzteres. Ja, ich denke auch, dass sie nicht von einem Muttersprachler geschrieben wurde - aber immerhin ist es die Webseite einer deutschen Uni-Fakultät und damit wohl kaum eine nicht editierte maschinelle Übersetzung. Vielmehr versuchen hier doch vermutlich deutschsprachige Theologen, ihre Konzepte auf Englisch wiederzugeben, und wenn sie dafür den Begriff "claim" statt adoption, indoctrination, appropriation oder assertion" verwenden, dann ist das vielleicht nicht bestes Englisch, aber wird schon seinen Grund haben und sollte nicht einfach als Übersetzungsfehler abgetan werden.
Björn Vrooman Mar 3, 2018:
PS @Anne and Darrel

The asker's document is available online. For obvious reasons, I can't link to it.

But to give you some pointers: Based on the paragraph and subheading, "neben der Bibel" here means the Bible is not part of the research, but other sources besides the Bible are.

The next sentence says that it's about researching those "Quellen" and their "Wirkungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte" in the context of "Evangelische Theologie." Primarily, it deals with the first six centuries (obviously, early Christianity and not Protestantism), the history of Protestantism in Austria and southern Europe and today's Protestant "Denkerinnen und
Denkern." The aim is to better understand Christianity "als historisch gewordene Religion."

I find this quite hard to understand, even in context (and the thinker part means it's not about "outside" influences only). I'm wondering whether besides influence/impact (see below) "contribution/inspiration/role" may work.

Enjoy your weekend!
Björn Vrooman Mar 3, 2018:

Take your example. I don't think this was translated properly. I would understand "claims" in the plural to mean "Behauptungen," which would be totally odd in this context. What I think you could use would be "lay claim to something":

But that's quite close to "co-opt," which would get my vote if push came to shove. I don't like the--possible--negative connotations, though.

What you can't use these days is "indoctrination." I know for sure that even in EN, the meaning has shifted far to the negative end. Just a few examples:

Instruction vs. indoctrination:

You could say "the Left" has "co-opted" the term. Also, the element of re-interpretation is missing.

Moreover, I'd like to know how the translator (see Johanna's link) got to "attempts." Has me puzzled.

Björn Vrooman Mar 3, 2018:
Hello Anne

Bear with me for a minute...

Let me tell you a short anecdote from yesterday. I used to be a history and politics buff. So I went to a nearby bookstore because I thought I could update my knowledge a bit.

Well, "Pustekuchen." First, they hardly had any books of this type left, since "everyone goes to Wikipedia to look up stuff." The lady agreed that while there are good articles on there, you need to be careful to trust any of it. You don't know who wrote the article(s) in question.

Second, the books that were left were written by ENS authors. I told her I would like to have one written by a German because I don't trust this to have been translated properly. It's sad, but this is where I've ended up after several years on this forum. There are indeed some very good suggestions and discussions here, but there often is a lack of communication, either between askers and answerers or among answerers, which will produce odd results.

Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
Not wanting to trump you In any way, shape or form. But if you add this to the proposed answers, I for one will agree with it. So far, exactly none of the answers has that little extra something.
Björn Vrooman Mar 3, 2018:
Hello Darrel

Thanks. Not sure whether I should add yet another answer here. The conservative websites I frequently visit will tell you that's how Republicans got Trump: a crowded field of competitors splitting the vote =) Personally, I think your explanation in the discussion box goes right to the heart of the matter: "It's the fact that others were adopting the ideals of the Christian faith, incorporating them into their daily lives."

Add to that the interpretation and re-interpretation of the Bible and other sources and I think we have fully explained the term.

Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
The Bible was written over centuries Since choosing exactly what to include in the Bible was a process taking centuries, it (as well as lots of other sources not included in it) certainly attests to the adoption of Christianity over this period of time. And by adoption I mean the stated desire to represent Christian ideals in the way one thinks, speaks and acts.

I do not agree with "Christian claims". What are they claiming? It's the fact that others were adopting the ideals of the Christian faith, incorporating them into their daily lives that's the point here.
Herbmione Granger Mar 3, 2018:
I wouldn't rely on that page The translation is very bad English and may not have been checked by anyone.

There's Nichtinanspruchnahme:

Visitor's comment:
Lebenserhaltend ist beim Menschen nicht seine Stärke, seine Brutalität – sondern seine Intelligenz. Aberzogene Intelligenz, Nichtinanspruchnahme von menschlicher Vernunft, Entwürdigung menschlicher Existenz durch Koranaufträge angeblich „göttlicher Prägung“ kann aus Menschen, die als Kind mit Gewalt indoktriniert wurden eben in einem aufgeklärten Land nur zu einem ganz geringen Prozentsatz noch vernunftbegabte Menschen entstehen lassen.
Anne Schulz Mar 3, 2018:
Ha – wer sagt's denn! Zu der Seite der Frankfurter Uni (Björns Link) gibt es auch noch eine englische Version:<br /><br />"Kirchengeschichte - Historische Theologie/Dogmengeschichte - befasst sich mit der Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen im Verlauf der Geschichte seit dem Beginn der Verkündigung des Christuszeugnisses."<br /><br /><br />"Church History, Historical Theology/History of Dogma is concerned with Christian claims in the course of history since the beginning of the public proclamation of Christ."<br /><br /><br />Thanks Björn :-))
Anne Schulz Mar 3, 2018:
@Susanne Irgendwie kriege ich das noch nicht ganz unter einen Hut: Die Bibel sei eine von vielen Quellen, die die "Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen" belegen, und Inanspruchnahme sei "der bewusste Anspruch, ...das Christliche zu repräsentieren". Bezieht sich "Bibel" da auf das NT (z.B. die Apostelbriefe) – das Alte Testament kommt ja eher nicht in Frage, oder? Und die "weiteren Quellen" beispielsweise auf die Kirchenväter etc., die in ihren Schriften und Vorschriften beanspruchen, das Christliche erfasst und einzig richtig interpretiert zu haben? Dann würde ich am ehesten Richtung "Christian claims" oder "claims to represent Christianity" übersetzen. (Wenn Björn mit seiner Interpretation recht hat, passt das allerdings überhaupt nicht.)
Darrel Knutson Mar 3, 2018:
@Björn Vrooman I also agree with the suggestion of "adopt".
"...the [widespread, rapid, gradual] ‘adoption‘ of the Christian faith over the course of centuries..." seems a straightforward solution to me and like something right out of a college text book. I think you should add it to the proposals above.
Björn Vrooman Mar 2, 2018:
PS Based on the full sentence at Johanna's link (regardless of whether it's Catholicism):
"The development of the institution of the Catholic Church and the spread of Christ throughout Europe during these seven centuries directly impacted every aspect of late-antiquity and early-medieval life, especially politics and the relationship between kings and religion."

Please note the quotation marks in the asker's sentence. I think this isn't a direct reference to the concept. Other options besides adopt and integrate (and, as mentioned in one of the answers, "co-opt"): absorb, assimilate and incorporate (which I'd prefer to integrate). I think that should cover it before more suggestions are being made.

Enjoy your weekend!
Björn Vrooman Mar 2, 2018:
@franglish Basically. I think the asker withheld pertinent information, which means all of the answers are wrong, IMO.

Here's a good summary:

The simplest way to put it would be "adopt":
"The Vikings came into contact with Christianity through their raids, and when they settled in lands with a Christian population, they adopted Christianity quite quickly."

"Once a warrior king embraced 'Christianity' – an adoption of form and formality with little or no regard to content – the warrior aristocracy followed its king."

The other way around:
"Christians adopted these during the earliest period of Church history."

That's not all there is to it--"re-interpretation" is missing from the picture--but it's a starting point, I believe.

Best wishes
franglish Mar 2, 2018:
So, it's the assuming or integration of Christian values in thought, speech and in action.

Proposed translations

1 day 2 hrs

Acceptance of Christianity

Adopting the Christian faith with a positive connotation. Quotes found on Google included below. "Acceptance of Christianity in" appears in the titles of many books and published articles.

"In addition to the Bible, a plethora of additional sources attests to the "acceptance" of Christianity over the course of centuries. Here, acceptance means the stated desire to incorporate Christian ideals/tenents in the way one thinks, speaks and acts."

Note added at 1 day 2 hrs (2018-03-03 15:28:54 GMT)

Wanna be even more positive?: *embrace* of Christianity, but too much here I think.

Note added at 1 day 6 hrs (2018-03-03 19:27:15 GMT)

I'm now leaning more towards "embodiment of Christianity". Check out p. 418 of the article in The Biblical World <> from "Even when the new faith was in its infancy, it was not marked by absolute uniformity in all beliefs and practices,...Hence it is impractical to isolate any historical particular period and find there a comprehensive *embodiment of Christianity* in general.
Example sentence:

What city was important in the acceptance of Christianity in England? [Canterbury]

The spiritual preconditions of the acceptance of Christianity in Armenia.

Note from asker:
Thank your for your great input, Darrel! I do appreciate it and it has helped me a lot. But I'm still not sure what I'll actually write. At present, I have "recourse to" and "embrace" on my short list, which has been triggered by your suggestions.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lancashireman : Interesting, but I prefer to wait until Allegro has pronounced on this before committing myself either way.
8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Even though I'm not sure if "acceptance" is the term I'll actually use it has been very helpful. Thank you!"
38 mins

(Christian) apologetics

Apologetics - Wikipedia

Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the religious discipline of defending the truth of religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse.
‎Apologetic positions · ‎Christianity · ‎Hinduism · ‎Judaism

Christian apologetics - Wikipedia

Christian apologetics (Greek: ἀπολογία, "verbal defence, speech in defence") is a branch of Christian theology that aims to present historical, reasoned, and evidential bases for Christianity, defending it against objections.
‎Modern apologetics · ‎Varieties · ‎Philosophical apologetics · ‎Scientific apologetics
Note from asker:
I'm not sure about apologetics as "Inanspruchnahme" can also be something implicit and unconscious, i.e. people aren't aware of the fact that they argue from a Christian basis.
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5 hrs

the attempt of Christianity to influence all forms of culture

Das ist ein von Albrecht Beutel geprägter Begriff
(Kirchengeschichte als die Geschichte der Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen: „Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Kirchengeschichte“, in Protestantische Konkretionen, Tübingen 1998)

“But it is Albrecht Beutel's contribution that interests Ritter the most (and us), according to which Church history is the Inanspruchnahme of Christianity, in other words the attempt of Christianity to influence all forms of culture

[The Heart of Biblical Theology: Providence Experienced]
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5 hrs

claims (of Christianity)

I know entering more than one answer is discouraged, but this strikes me as a possibility
Seems to be about defending claims
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lancashireman : Five more answers here requiring your informed commentary: "the taking up of" (elegant!), "attempt of Christianity to influence", "assertion of", "claiming of", "apologetics" // Sorry, the last one is your first attempt. // Darrel requires your input.
19 hrs
agree Anne Schulz : The guys in the discussion box don't seem able to read it that way, but yes: "history of whatever people have claimed/understood to be Christian over the centuries" is what I would make of "Inanspruchnahme" as well.
20 hrs
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20 hrs

Claiming the Christian over the centuries

Peer comment(s):

neutral Lancashireman : Allegro has gone missing. This is what I think he might have said: "Claiming the Christian = Slave trader market or the Colosseum after a lion show. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours at the most, however."
13 hrs
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22 hrs

taking up of Christian beliefs and values

I don't think it is a question of indoctrination or even evangelisation by the Church, but rather the culture taking up and transmitting Christian beliefs and values and the story/stories at the root of those beliefs and values.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lancashireman : Allegro has gone missing. This is what I think he might have said: "'The taking up of...' doesn't quite fit in with the asker's context: 'Mit "Inanspruchnahme" ist Folgendes gemeint:'. Asker is looking for a noun equivalent rather than a gerund phrase."
12 hrs
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2 hrs

assertion of Christian values/faith/beliefs

Assertion might fit the bill, I think.

Note added at 1 day 3 hrs (2018-03-03 16:33:43 GMT)

More than an embrace
Not sure that embrace/adopt/integrate etc is enough. When I hear "Anspruch" and "repräsentieren", that suggests to me that this is less about the quiet adoption or embrace of a set of tenets but a very public stance (a strong message to the outside world). On the other hand, it that's true, 'Inanspruchnahme' sounds like an odd way of getting that particular message across.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lancashireman : We await with interest Allegro's opinion of this interpretation.
1 day 8 hrs
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3 hrs

Christian indoctrination
Die Einsicht, dass das kirchliche Zeugnis die Wahrheit über Gott, Welt und Mensch mitteile, kommt nach evangelischer Überzeugung durch die Inanspruchnahme dieser öffentlichen Bezeugung durch den Heiligen Geist zustande.

Indoktrination (DE) seems to only have the negative, forceful meaning.
Indoktrination (lateinisch doctrina ‚Belehrung‘) ist eine besonders vehemente, keinen Widerspruch und keine Diskussion zulassende Belehrung. Dies geschieht durch gezielte Manipulation von Menschen durch gesteuerte Auswahl von Informationen, um ideologische Absichten durchzusetzen oder Kritik auszuschalten.
Indoctrination is the process of inculcating a person with ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or professional methodologies (see doctrine).[1] Humans are a social animal inescapably shaped by cultural context, and thus some degree of indoctrination is implicit in the parent–child relationship, and has an essential function in forming stable communities of shared values.

Note added at 1 day 3 hrs (2018-03-03 16:45:56 GMT)

Better suggestion: "Formation and spread of Christian doctrine"
Auf evangelischer Seite dominierte über mehrere Jahrzehnte ein von Gerhard Ebeling 1947 formulierter Ansatz die wissenschaftliche Diskussion: Kirchengeschichte galt als „Geschichte der Auslegung der heiligen Schrift“. Der Begriff der Auslegung war dabei von Ebeling bewusst weit gefasst und schloss kirchliche Entwicklungen und Lebensvollzüge als historisch bedingte Explikationen der Bibel mit ein (vgl. Ebeling, 1947). Spätere Kirchenhistorikerinnen und Kirchenhistoriker variierten Ebelings Konzept und definierten Kirchengeschichte als „Geschichte des Evangeliums und seiner Wirkungen in der Welt“ (Bornkamm, 1951, 13) oder als „Geschichte der Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen“ (Beutel, 1998, 5).än...
Statt dessen bot er dem Leser die Möglichkeit, ihn auf dem Weg einer konzentrierten, meditativen Vergewisserung über den Gesamtzusammenhang christlicher Glaubenserfahrung mitdenkend zu begleiten. Die jetzt vorliegende vierte Auflage ist um ein Nachwort von Albrecht Beutel erweitert. Mit seinen Hinweisen zur Entstehung, Gestalt und Rezeption dieser Dogmatik könnte es der Ernte, die Ebeling einst aus einem reichen Leben mit der Theologie einfuhr, zu neuer Aussaat verhelfen.
How were the doctrines of the Incarnation and the Trinity formed? Are such doctrines a takeover of the primitive faith by Greek philosophy? Or are they part of the original teachings of the church?
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Indoctrination has an agressive tone which I don't detect in the source text
4 hrs
You are rather aggressive. The EN indoctrination is not always negative, simply instillment of beliefs (I went to a Protestant prep school). I agree that something may be missing, perhaps "spread of."
agree Lancashireman : Far be it from me to go against Allegro on a question in an area in which he has demonstrable expertise, but I fail to detect an aggressive tone in this proposal.
1 day 7 hrs
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
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3 hrs
German term (edited): Inanspruchnahme des Christlichen

appropriation/co-option of the Christian faith"appropriation of the chri...

"the act of taking something for your own use, usually without permission"

"to use someone else's ideas"

Note added at 4 hrs (2018-03-02 17:12:27 GMT)

Mit "Inanspruchnahme" ist Folgendes gemeint: Der bewusste Anspruch, im eigenen Denken, Reden und Handeln das Christliche zu repräsentieren."

Note added at 2 days 51 mins (2018-03-04 13:49:05 GMT) Post-grading

"It is well known that conscious and unconscious appropriation, borrowing, adapting, plagiarizing, and plain stealing are variously, and always have been, part and parcel of the process of artistic creation."
Note from asker:
I'm sorry – I've meanwhile learned that "Inanspruchnahme" is not necessarily a conscious attitude/position but can also be something implicit that a person does not even realise. So I wouldn't dare write "appropriation" but it's a great term for a "bewusste Inanspruchnahme"
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Who would appropriate the Christian faith without permission?
3 hrs
Dear AllegroTrans, you seem a little confused today. You've now had a second bite at the cherry. The "claims of Christianity" means precisely what?
agree Björn Vrooman : "co-opt" OK, IMO. Ex.: / (re)interpret:
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 days 4 hrs

narratives (of Christianity)

Musing about Darrel's proposal of "embodiment", I was wondering whether "narrative" (in the psychological or philosophical sense) might a useful concept here. Roughly meaning: the way someone makes sense out of something.

... he believes it is now possible to present a continuous narrative of Christianity from Roman Britain through early Anglo-Saxon England

Nathaniel Roberts challenges dominant anthropological understandings of religion as a matter of culture and identity, as well as Indian nationalist narratives of Christianity as a “foreign” ideology

He argues that these commoners practiced a form of religious syncretism that is often omitted from existent narratives of Christianity in Tokugawa Japan, which have focused on orthodox Catholic belief

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