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大型会议合格翻译不足100人 同传日收入10000元(人民网2004年11月30日)
De persoon die dit onderwerp heeft geplaatst: Libin PhD
Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
Chinees naar Engels
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Nov 30, 2004



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  本版撰文 信报记者 杜 丁

Local time: 16:22
Engels naar Chinees
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这是一篇很有意思的文章 Nov 30, 2004

This is a very interesting article. I fully agree to the author's opinion. But I wish to know where and how could I improve my translation and interpretation skills.
Being of Chinese origin, and living in India for the past 27 years, I have acquired a good command of English, so much so, Chinese has become very alien to me. But I am ready to work for betterment of my translation skill. Can anyone out there give some advice?

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:52
Lid 2003
Engels naar Chinees
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Come on now, get aggressive and get to work! Dec 1, 2004

Libin, Ph.D. wrote:




Hello, Li Bin

Thank you for sharing with us this good article! Very informative! It supports my belief that China is a gold mine where offers tremendous amount of translation work.

The shortage of qualified translators in China is simply shocking to me. Perhaps, the real problem is that many good translators there do not know whom to contact or where to find those jobs. By the same token, those companies that are desperately looking for the qualified translators did not let the words out. They should establish an online bulletin board or platform for the people to learn their translation employment needs and hiring information.

There are quite a few good Chinese translators visit here on a regular basis. If I were you guys in China, I will spend one day each week to market myself and let all the translation-related government agencies and private businesses to know I am available and I am dam good for their next job. Come on now, get aggressive and get to work!


Jonathan Chui
Jonathan Chui
Local time: 18:52
Engels naar Chinees
+ ...
Rather disappointed indeed! Dec 1, 2004

Libin, Ph.D. wrote:












Many translators don't care about the quality of their translations. Another problem is that, many of these customers don't seem to care too much about it either! As long as the translation is in another language, whether in Chinese, English or otherwise, they think it's fine.

Some of these tranlators said that they don't care about quality because it has to be achieved at the expense of efficiency. That means it's efficiency that pays off, not quality. That mentality is hard change.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 06:52
Lid 2005
Engels naar Chinees
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Cannot agree more with Jonathan Dec 2, 2004

Jonathan Chui wrote:

Libin, Ph.D. wrote:












Many translators don't care about the quality of their translations. Another problem is that, many of these customers don't seem to care too much about it either! As long as the translation is in another language, whether in Chinese, English or otherwise, they think it's fine.

Some of these tranlators said that they don't care about quality because it has to be achieved at the expense of efficiency. That means it's efficiency that pays off, not quality. That mentality is hard change.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 06:52
Lid 2005
Engels naar Chinees
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Anacdotes that support Mr. Cui. Dec 2, 2004

I strongly support Jonathan's view about the situation in China.

Recently one of my co-workers in China wanted me to help her with the translation of a law piece. I orally interpreted it over the phone for her. She took notes. I know it was a bad translation becasue I'm not familiar with the topic. Because she was not goign to pay me for the service, I didn't bother to look up in any reference books or dictionary to get a correct rendering of the information I was not quite sure. I
... See more
I strongly support Jonathan's view about the situation in China.

Recently one of my co-workers in China wanted me to help her with the translation of a law piece. I orally interpreted it over the phone for her. She took notes. I know it was a bad translation becasue I'm not familiar with the topic. Because she was not goign to pay me for the service, I didn't bother to look up in any reference books or dictionary to get a correct rendering of the information I was not quite sure. I made it very clear that it's only my rough understanding of the text and much more revision was needed before it could be considdered as a translation.

What happened next is that she just gave that very preliminary draft to her client. To my supprize, her client didn't have any objection to that translation and paid her promptly. And she is getting more jobs from the same client.

I also came across a guy recently who has a translation agency in China. He is CEO, project manager, and everyhtign himself. BUT, He doesn't understand English at all.

Some 15 years ago, the CHIEF translator in the place where I worked was considered a 高翻,首席翻译 name it. A lot of good titles naturally came to her, just because she had worked there longer than the rest of us. But we all knew she was very bad in translation. The deptal head don't know how to write a complete list of the English alphabet, so he had no judgement but using common sense in evaluating the quality of the translators. He just strongly believe she was the best.

One day, the head was asked to read a translated document to his group of supervisors. It was very important for him, for getting support, and even for his own 升迁。 Just because he trusted the lady, he didn't even take a look at her translation. He went on stage to start reading the translation and found that he didn't know what was being talekd about in almost all of the sentences in the document.

In a fury, he stopped trusting her right after there. She was about to be promoted before that. The whole picture got reversed after that. She had to transfer herself to another organization.

It took years for the boss to undertand what translation was about!

Jonathan Chui wrote:

Libin, Ph.D. wrote:












Many translators don't care about the quality of their translations. Another problem is that, many of these customers don't seem to care too much about it either! As long as the translation is in another language, whether in Chinese, English or otherwise, they think it's fine.

Some of these tranlators said that they don't care about quality because it has to be achieved at the expense of efficiency. That means it's efficiency that pays off, not quality. That mentality is hard change.

Last Hermit
Last Hermit
Local time: 18:52
Chinees naar Engels
+ ...
More shocking still, Dec 3, 2004

Kevin Yang wrote:
The shortage of qualified translators in China is simply shocking to me.

if you'd care to read a few Abstracts in 中国翻译. Well, if you wouldn't mind, I could post a few in here. And then you'll know what I am saying.

[Edited at 2004-12-04 03:38]

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:52
Engels naar Chinees
+ ...
Please, do post the said articles Dec 3, 2004

Hi Last Hermit,
My 中国翻译will not arrive until next month. So, would appreciate it if you could post any articles of interest to the group here.

Local time: 18:52
Engels naar Chinees
中国人得改变观念 Dec 3, 2004

Many translators don't care about the quality of their translations. Another problem is that, many of these customers don't seem to care too much about it either! As long as the translation is in another language, whether in Chinese, English or otherwise, they think it's fine.

Some of these tranlators said that they don't care about quality because it has to be achieved at the expense of efficiency. That means it's efficiency that pays off, not quality. That mentality is hard change.





Last Hermit
Last Hermit
Local time: 18:52
Chinees naar Engels
+ ...
With Yang's permission, I will. Dec 4, 2004

Shaun Yeo wrote:

Hi Last Hermit,
My 中国翻译will not arrive until next month. So, would appreciate it if you could post any articles of interest to the group here.

BTW, I haven't got round to 拜读 your prize-wining piece. I only scanned it. I will probably make some comments when time permits.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Verenigde Staten
Local time: 06:52
Lid 2005
Engels naar Chinees
+ ...
Just back from Beijing. Dec 7, 2004

I saw the sign on all emergency doors saying: Don't use it in peace time. 估计译者想说平时不能用, 结果这样一来, 好像只有打仗或反恐时才能用. To me,版 it should be " Emergency Only " or Fire Exit 之类.

I forgot the exact wording. But I strongly think it's Chinglish. 可是在新候机楼, 首都的第一道门面啊.

这种低级错误在新航站里, 不敢说信手拈来, 也至少还有几处.

在报纸上还看到, 某地
... See more
I saw the sign on all emergency doors saying: Don't use it in peace time. 估计译者想说平时不能用, 结果这样一来, 好像只有打仗或反恐时才能用. To me,版 it should be " Emergency Only " or Fire Exit 之类.

I forgot the exact wording. But I strongly think it's Chinglish. 可是在新候机楼, 首都的第一道门面啊.

这种低级错误在新航站里, 不敢说信手拈来, 也至少还有几处.

在报纸上还看到, 某地有这样的标志: 免费公厕--For Nothing WC, 免收门票的景点, 说For Nothing Entry, 着实够经典的.

再说点题外的. 现在中国兴管理咨询, 管理人什么的, 于是就有人翻译国外的材料到国内出书灌碟,卖得挺火. 机场书店的电视屏幕都在播放这些管理大师的碟. 有一位大师的简介是, 美国XXX大学博士, XXX大学和XXX大学双博士后, 然后再也看不出他在美国十几年干啥了. 我的第一反应是, 这主太臭了, 估计一直找不到工作, 所以一直在博士后来着.

可是, 我们的国民就是看不出这种本质, 肯定都在想, 两个博士后还不得等于4个博士? 这位牛人能有5个博士, 高, 实在是高. 所以他那种连我作古的外祖母都懂的常识, 还真有人卖账: 政府买账, 大学买账, 企业也买账. 因为, 这些书都是卖得很火.

对不起, 扯的太远了. 转念一想, 这和翻译也有点关系. 我产生两个基本点: 1. 翻译做得再精, 不如会包装, 会运作的. 会包装的不如会骗的. 我们起早贪黑把这当事业做也就混个温饱, 而前述那位大师, 也是翻译, 外加东拼西凑, 翻译质量应该与诸位本不可同日而语, 结果呢, 我们平静地生活, 人家轰轰烈烈, 成功了. 成功对时下的中国意味着啥? 意味着人家能做人上人. 人上人有啥好处? 公众资源可以随便糟(音造), 政府机构可以任人家玩弄于股掌, 你我行吗?
2. 第二个基本点是博士后这个词的翻译问题. 这些技术问题, 大家比我更心知肚明, 恕我不再赘述.

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:52
Engels naar Chinees
+ ...
Looking forward to your advice Dec 7, 2004

To Last Hermit前辈:

chance (X)
chance (X)
Frans naar Chinees
+ ...
身体力行 Dec 7, 2004

jyuan_us wrote:

I saw the sign on all emergency doors saying: Don't use it in peace time. 估计译者想说平时不能用, 结果这样一来, 好像只有打仗或反恐时才能用. To me,版 it should be " Emergency Only " or Fire Exit 之类.

I forgot the exact wording. But I strongly think it's Chinglish. 可是在新候机楼, 首都的第一道门面啊.

这种低级错误在新航站里, 不敢说信手拈来, 也至少还有几处.



Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:52
Engels naar Chinees
+ ...
做翻译不能浮躁 Dec 8, 2004


chance wrote:



Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:52
Lid 2003
Engels naar Chinees
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Another reason that the bad translation is in circulation. Dec 8, 2004

Last Hermit wrote:

if you'd care to read a few Abstracts in 中国翻译. Well, if you wouldn't mind, I could post a few in here. And then you'll know what I am saying.

[Edited at 2004-12-04 03:38]

Hi, Last Hermit, and all others

Thank you for your messages in this folder! I normally do not encourage our folks here to post other people's writings for critique purpose. If you feel it serves educational and informational purposes, perhaps post the link to that site where the writings are posted. Imagine if the prize-winning author read our posts, he or she might wish to have used a pen name instead. What do you think?

I still have trouble to accept the conclusion that the qualified Chinese translators are limited in China. Perhaps the headhunting companies did not do a good job to find them. It is very true, as Chance and Zhoudan have mentioned, what we should do is to make sure we can do the translation professionally on per job and per project basis. I know it is easier to say than to be done. I lost cool last week for a translation I did for a five-star hotel in Las Vegas. The client gave my translation to a person who is not a translator but made some wrong and awful translation suggestions. Due to the fact that this person is an employee of the hotel, the client wanted me to incorporate those suggestions into my translation. When I see good suggestions, I am grateful; but when I see bad ones, and have been told to use them into my translation, I get mad. The end story is that I “had to” use their bad translation. So, this might be another reason that the bad translation is in circulation.


[Edited at 2004-12-08 08:51]

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大型会议合格翻译不足100人 同传日收入10000元(人民网2004年11月30日)

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