267 registrants

5th ProZ.com Conference - Budapest 2007

Apr 28, 2007


Word as a tool for translators (Part 2)

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Schedule:This session ended at 14:55
Description:In the second part we will start a practical workshop. Very often we have to deal with PDF files and have to extract their contents. While we do not want to deal with the extraction itself, we will deal with a text file, resulting from such extraction. Usually the format we get after the extraction is very messy, so the best way to get an easy translatable file is to reformat the document, starting from scratch, after all formatting has been removed. Using Word abilities it is easier than you would suppose. An example file will be provided, so if you bring your laptop, you can repeat the actions taken on your own. All examples will be shown with a laptop with German OS (Windows XP Professional) and German Word XP. Nevertheless, due to a very big similarity in all languages this should not cause any problems.
Speakers:Dipl.-Ing. Jerzy Czopik
Born in Cracow, now living and working in Germany. Although I've studied mechanical engineering, life has brought me to translating, which became my passion. The second passion are computers, so the themes covered are nearly all about computers and CATs :-)

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