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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Monthly gathering + talk by Anne Besnier

February 4, 2012, 1:00 pm
Reino UnidoCardiffIn personinglés

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 7
Name NoteWill Attend
Trinidad Clares Flores  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Charlotte R   I'm interested in coming to the talk too. Looking forward to seeing you again  y
Victoria Porter-Burns   Missed Anne's talk last time but I'd love to hear it this time around!  y
Emily Phillips   Both the talk and the powwow - looking forward to it!  y
Alice Ashley   Aaarggh sorry am having a family emergency and cannot make it. Sorry.  n
Alexandra Chapman   Goodness, I'm slow this month! I'll be there all day :-)  y
Jeff Boycott   I'm in, both the talk and of course the powwow.   y
Kinga Macalla   Both the talk and the powwow: cannot wait!   
Elvana Moore   Not able to make it this time.  n
EMMA DOYLE   ...  
Megan Cornish   ...  
Robat ap Tomos  \"Host\" I am interested in the talk and the powwow  
Lowri Lewis   Yes to the talk but not sure if i can make the powwow yet  y
Martyng   Sorry, can't make it because of the snow. Apologies to all.  n
Hilary Bruce   Any room for a last minute addition for both the talk and powwow?  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Cardiff - United Kingdom
Trinidad Clares Flores
Trinidad Clares Flores  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 09:35
inglés al español
+ ...
Details Jan 10, 2012

Details of Anne's talk to be confirmed but likely to be from 10-12:30 in LEARN (Senghenydd Road).

Afterwards we will go to The Yard at 1pm for our monthly powwow.

Please let me know if you are interested in coming to the talk so that we can arrange the right room.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Trinidad Clares Flores
Trinidad Clares Flores  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 09:35
inglés al español
+ ...
Details of Anne's talk Jan 11, 2012

Hi there:

These are the details of Anne's talk (now confirmed):

Title: Online marketing and communication skills for translators
Date & time: 4th February 2012, 10:30-12:30 (with time for questions)
Venue: LEARN, Cardiff University, Senghenydd Road, Cardiff
The room will be confirmed closer to the date depending on exact number of attendees.

More information:

Anne recently completed her MA in Translation with Bristol
... See more
Hi there:

These are the details of Anne's talk (now confirmed):

Title: Online marketing and communication skills for translators
Date & time: 4th February 2012, 10:30-12:30 (with time for questions)
Venue: LEARN, Cardiff University, Senghenydd Road, Cardiff
The room will be confirmed closer to the date depending on exact number of attendees.

More information:

Anne recently completed her MA in Translation with Bristol University and her dissertation was about online marketing and communication skills for translators.
This will be the subject of her talk on the 4th February.

She researched what is currently said or written about creating a professional website and a blog, using translation portals (ProZ and Translators Café), and networking on social media (LinkedIn). She also undertook a survey with professional translators; this was followed by an interview for some of the respondents.

If you are interested in creating a website, or improving your marketing skills, She will be more than happy to share my research findings with you.

Alice, in reply to your request, this is open to anyone who is interested, so you are very welcome to come along.


Megan Cornish
Megan Cornish
Local time: 09:35
francés al inglés
+ ...
I would love to be involved! Jan 16, 2012

Hi there,

As an MA student, I would love to be involved with this event. I would be grateful for any further information or introductory advice!

Best wishes,

Trinidad Clares Flores
Trinidad Clares Flores  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 09:35
inglés al español
+ ...
More details Jan 27, 2012

Dear all,

This is just to confirm the room number for Anne's talk will be E/0.15 (lecture theatre on the ground floor).

Megan, you are very welcome to come to this talk, which has already been organised.

I'll bear in mind your offer of help for any future events.icon_smile.gif



Hilary Bruce
Hilary Bruce  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 09:35
italiano al inglés
+ ...
Any room for a late addition? Feb 2, 2012

Hi Trinidad,
I saw this notice via the ITI WRG group but didn't sign up as I thought I wouldn't be able to make it. I'm now unexpectedly free to attend. Is it ok if I join you for both the talk and the powwow or am I too late?
Many thanks,

Trinidad Clares Flores
Trinidad Clares Flores  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 09:35
inglés al español
+ ...
Re: Any room for a late addition? Feb 3, 2012

Hi Hilary,

You are very welcome to come to both the talk and the powwow.icon_smile.gif

Looking forward to seeing you tomorow!


Hilary Bruce
Hilary Bruce  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 09:35
italiano al inglés
+ ...
Confirmed then Feb 3, 2012

Thanks Trini,
See you tomorrow.


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