Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 15 '11 deu>eng ist eine Übertragbarkeit unwahrscheinlich ...translating these findings into human application is unlikely pro closed no
- Feb 25 '11 deu>eng Arzneiformenlehre siehe Erklärung unten pro closed ok
3 Jul 21 '10 deu>eng Objektfreiheit clearance pro closed no
- Feb 17 '10 deu>eng Ergebnisabweichungsprüfung investigation of OOS results pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '09 deu>eng Taumelfass tumbling bin pro closed ok
NP May 6 '09 deu>eng Trägerlösung carrier solution pro open no
- Feb 18 '08 deu>eng ohne bzw. untreated (or before beginning treatment) pro closed ok
4 Jan 30 '08 deu>eng Versorgung der lebensnotwendigen Funktionen (to ensure) stability of essential vital functions pro closed ok
4 Sep 6 '07 deu>eng schwerlöslich poorly soluble pro closed no
- Jan 18 '07 deu>eng Tochterexemplar affiliate copy pro just_closed no
- Sep 18 '06 deu>eng in geringem Ausmaß it has a limited effect on.... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered