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March 23, 2013, 2:30 pm
Reino UnidoCardiffIn personinglés
Hi everyone,

I've booked a table at The Cosy Club on The Hayes (above Hugo Boss) for 2.30, because any time before this we could only have the table for an hour or so, which is never going to work for a powwow! That way, whether anyone wants to have a late lunch or just a coffee or a beer, at least we'll have somewhere to sit!

Hope lots of you can make it :-)

Looking forward to seeing you there,


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (21) / Confirmed: 7 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Organizer\" ...  y
Gaelle Henriet   I should be able to make it, looking forward to it!  y
Trinidad Clares Flores   Good idea, Vicky. Thanks for organising!  y
Alexandra Chapman   Sounds good - will try to drop by :-)  m
Wiard Sterk   Will be there.  y
Ata Arif   ...  
Jon Reynolds   Hope to make it along again!  y
Sergia Phillips   ...  
Anne Besnier   I've just been offered the opportunity to attend free training with WITS. Although I won't be here for 2.30pm, I will make an attempt in late afternoon after 5pm. Thanks for the reminder Vicky.  n
XSuzanne Smart (X)   Suzanne Smart  
Spencer Allman   I am sorry but I can't make it now. Hope it goes well.   n
Andrea Sartori-Griffiths   ...  
Lowri Lewis   Can't make this one, hope it's fun :-)  n
Emily Phillips   ...  y
Iliana Dimova   Sorry, won't be able to make it...  n
EMMA DOYLE   Sorry meant to say no! It's my baby's 3rd Birthday!  n
JabTrad   James B. plus one.  y
Ian Mansbridge   ...  m
Thomas Forycki   ...  m
Chloe Pellegrin   Going to WITS training too sorry can't make it again! Any chance we could do a pow wow on a week night one day rather than Saturdays? I've always got so much to do at weekends + want to spend time with the kid after a week hard at work...  n
BLS LTD   BLS (Esy)  

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