specialty / specialty contract contratto solenne; contratto sigillato; contratto in atto pubblico

Language pair:英語 から イタリア語
Definition / notes:KudoZ 27 Dec 2016
[Law/Patents - Recht (allgemein) / stipula e accordo]

* "Except for the obligations, promises and Agreements herein set forth and to be performed by the parties hereto, which are expressly reserved, each of the parties hereby for himself and herfelf and for his or her legal representatives, forever releases and discharges the other of them, and his or her parents, heirs, and legal representatives, [...] from any and all debts, sums of money, [...] causes of action, suits, dues, reckoning, bonds, bills, **specialties**, covenants, controversies [...]" [Accordo in cui si stabiliscono condizioni e disposizioni relativi a due coniugi divorziati come quelle relative all'affidamento dei figli - Articolo IX "Releases"]

Dictionaries EN-IT
* "If a deed is a contract it is termed **specialty**. ... A deed is enforceable even without consideration. [...] atto formale privato dei sistemi di Common Law: **eseguito in forma solenne, sigillato firmato e consegnato**. Se un contratto è redatto in forma di deed è detto specialty." English - Italian & Italian - English Dictionary of Law - Google Books
* Specialty "A contract under seal. [...] A specialty is **a written document that has been sealed and delivered** and is given as security for the payment of a specifically indicated debt. [...] SPECIALTY, contracts. A writing sealed and delivered, containing some agreement." http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/specialty
* Contract under Seal Law and Legal Definition "A contract under seal is also termed as sealed contract, special contract, deed, covenant, **specialty**, **specialty contract** or common-law specialty. A contract under seal is a formal contract which does not require any consideration and has the seal of the signer attached. A contract under seal must be in writing or printed on paper. It is conclusive between the parties when signed, sealed, and delivered. [...] A contract under seal is a written promise or set of promises which derives its validity from the form, and the form alone, of the executing instrument." https://definitions.uslegal.com/c/contract-under-seal/
* specialty: 1. law a formal contract or obligation expressed in a deed https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/specialty
* specialty: 2. Law A contract or agreement that creates a greater obligation than an ordinary contract or agreement because it is executed under seal. https://ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=specialty
* specialty: 3 (Dir) contratto m. solenne, contratto m. sigillato. http://dizionari.corriere.it/dizionario_inglese/Inglese/S/specialty.shtml
* speciality contract contratto sigillato, contratto in atto pubblico [Picchi] http://dizionari.repubblica.it/Inglese-Italiano/S/speciality.php?lingua=en
* specialty: 2 (leg.) contratto in atto pubblico [Ragazzini 2017]

Comparatistica EN-IT
* "[...] **specialty** contract o contract under seal o deed, dove per deed si intende: “a legal document which has been signed and delivered by the person making it in the presence of two witnesses”. Analizzando la definizione stessa, emerge che le formalità che integrano tale atto sono: la scrittura, la sottoscrizione, il riconoscimento e la consegna del documento. L’atto deve essere infatti redatto per iscritto, a mano, a stampa, anche su carta semplice."
La forma del contratto nel diritto inglese, ENGLISHfor 2009, p.1 http://www.englishfor.it/rivista/rivista_articolo3_2_09.pdf

* "Quando non è assistito da una consideration, il contract inglese vincola le parti solamente se “calato” nella forma solenne del contract under seal. A **contract under seal**, or, as it is sometimes called, a **contract by specialty**, is a contract which is made by deed. The separate promises madenin such a contract are frequently termed covenants." Profili storico-comparativi della tipicità e vincolatività dei contratti https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:k_fF0Dzu4AEJ:https://www.personaedanno.it/attachments/allegati_articoli/AA_000591_resource1_orig.doc+&cd=2&hl=it&ct=clnk&gl=it&client=firefox-b

* "Anche un contratto può essere fatto in forma di deed, ancorché non necessaria sussistendo la consideration. In questo caso si parla di **specialty (o contract by deed o contract under seal)**, in contrapposizione al simple contract (o parol contract o informal contract) che è fatto in modo orale o per iscritto, senza particolari formalità." Deed - Usi https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deed#Usi
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