Member since Jan '08

Working languages:
Spanish to English
Catalan to English
English to Spanish

Gina Centanni
Legal/financial translator ES/CA-EN

United States

Native in: English (Variants: US, UK) Native in English
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Transcription, Project management
Specializes in:
Law: Taxation & CustomsLaw (general)
AccountingBusiness/Commerce (general)
Energy / Power GenerationEnvironment & Ecology
Finance (general)Insurance
Law: Contract(s)Medical: Pharmaceuticals

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Project History 1 projects entered

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 4
 Spanish to English: 9th Translation Contest - Entry #10019
Source text - Spanish
Todos y cada uno disfrutarían de sus vacaciones. ¿Por qué entonces yo no habría de disfrutar de unas también? Trabajaba duro, había manejado ya varios proyectos de vital importancia para el avance de los negocios en los que se embarcaba la empresa; meses, días, horas frente a mi escritorio, seleccionando candidatos, revisando solicitudes, asignando proyectos y asegurándome de que cada proveedor de servicios recibiera su pago sin demoras.

¿Cómo era posible entonces que los demás estuviesen empacando sus trajes de baño o sus botas de nieve cuando yo sudaba excesivamente bajo el traje de corte inglés? Yo, que preparaba el café de la mañana y la tarde, que contestaba todas las llamadas que Gutiérrez y Amingorena no querían atender, que lidiaba con los asuntos desagradables entre proveedores y clientes, ¿no habría vacaciones para mí?

Veía como cada empleado entraba en la oficina de Vargas y salía triunfante, sonriendo, pensando en las vacaciones que acababa de ganarse. Sabía que debía tomar coraje y entrar a esa oficina yo también a arrebatar mis vacaciones de las manos de quien también tendría el derecho de negármelas. Y lo hice. Y aquí estoy. Disfrutando de una oficina vacía.

Las palabras de Vargas resonaban aún en mi cabeza: "No, Juancito. Lamentablemente tu viajecito a la costa no podrá ser. Por el momento necesito que alguien cuide del fuerte, ¿sabes?". Fui débil. Pero mi debilidad nada tiene que ver con que yo esté aún aquí. Si hubiese estado aunque sea medio paso delante de Vargas… Si hubiese sabido que existía una clave mágica para ganarme mi estadía en la costa por unos días... Me pregunto qué tan placentero hubiese sido estar en la playa, habiéndome ganado la empatía de Vargas del mismo modo en el que se la habían ganado los demás: informándole que trabajaría desde la playa durante mi escapadita a la costa.
Translation - English
Each and every one of them would get a vacation. Why, then, shouldn’t I? I had worked hard. I had handled several projects that were vitally important to the success of the company’s business. I had spent hours, days, months at my desk selecting candidates, reviewing requests, assigning projects and making sure that each service provider got paid on time.

How was it possible, then, that while the others were packing their bathing suits or their snow boots I was perspiring heavily under my English cut suit? I, the one who made the morning and afternoon coffee, who answered all the calls that Gutiérrez and Amingorena refused to answer, who dealt with all of the squabbles between suppliers and clients. Wouldn’t I be getting a vacation?

I watched each employee enter Vargas’ office and emerge triumphant, smiling, thinking about the vacation time they had just secured. I knew that I must work up the courage to go into that office myself and wrestle my vacation from the hands of the one person who had the right to keep it from me. And I did. And here I am, enjoying an empty office.

Vargas’ words were still ringing in my ears: “No, Juancito. Unfortunately your little trip to the coast is not to be. You see, right now I need someone to hold down the fort.” I was weak. But my weakness has nothing to do with the fact that I’m still here. If I had only stayed even half a step ahead of Vargas. If I had only known that there was a magic code that would have earned me my few days on the coast. I wonder how nice it would have been to be at the beach, having won Vargas’ empathy the same way that all the others had: by informing him that I would be working from the beach during my brief getaway to the coast.
Spanish to English: Política confirming
General field: Bus/Financial
Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - Spanish
Criterios Contables Generales

Entre los pasivos financieros reconocidos en la IAS 39 Instrumentos Financieros: reconocimiento y valoración, se encuentran las partidas a pagar. Esta norma establece los siguientes criterios para su reconocimiento y baja:

En su reconocimiento inicial, se registrarán por su valor razonable, que salvo evidencia de lo contrario, es el precio de la transacción, que equivale al valor razonable de la contraprestación recibida ajustado por los costes de transacción que les sean directamente atribuibles. Tras su reconocimiento inicial, estas partidas se valoran por su coste amortizado.

Los débitos por operaciones comerciales con vencimiento no superior a un año y que no tengan un tipo de interés contractual se valorarán por su valor nominal, cuando el efecto de no actualizar flujos de efectivo no sea significativo.

En cuanto a la cancelación de las obligaciones adquiridas con los proveedores de bienes o servicios, éstas se darán de baja en el balance siempre y cuando la obligación se haya extinguido.

Procedimientos de control

Los asientos relacionados a la contabilización de servicios de confirming se realizarán en BPCS Admin. Los departamentos de Contabilidad de las sociedades del Grupo serán los responsables de verificar que la contabilización de dichos asientos es correcta y se realizarán en el periodo contable correspondiente.
Translation - English
General Accounting Policies

The financial liabilities recognised in IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement include accounts payable. This standard establishes the following criteria for recognition and removal:

When initially recognised on the balance sheet, these assets are recorded at fair value which, barring evidence to the contrary, is the transaction price, which in turn is equivalent to the consideration received, less the transaction costs directly attributable to the transaction. Following the initial recognition, these financial liabilities are stated at their depreciated cost.

Nonetheless, trade payables falling due in less than one year without a contractual interest rate are carried at their face value provided that the effect of not discounting cash flows is not significant.

As for the cancellation of the obligations assumed with the suppliers of goods and services, they are removed from the balance sheet when the obligation ceases to exist.

Control Procedures

The accounting entries for reverse factoring services are made in BPCS Admin. The Accounting Departments of Group companies are responsible for verifying that such entries have been made correctly and in the right accounting period.

Spanish to English: Aloe Arborescens
General field: Medical
Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Spanish
Aloe Arborescens
Esta maravilla de la naturaleza posee las mayores propiedades terapéuticas ymedicinales de los áloes que se conocen. Estudios científicos demuestran que el aloearborescens contiene sustancias con efectos antifúngicos, antibacterianos, desinflamatorios, estimulantes de la síntesis de elastina y colágeno del organismo, que compensan el envejecimiento que se produce por la merma de los mismos como efecto de la edad. También contiene más de 70 ingredientes esenciales, incluyendo vitaminas, minerales, enzimas, proteínas, aminoácidos, antioxidantes, polisacáridos y otros. Se ha demostrado que, gracias a que posee agentes: regenerantes, coagulantes, estimuladores del crecimiento celular e inhibidores del dolor; ayuda en el tratamiento
de: quemaduras1 (tanto de sol como de fuego e incluso por radiación), escaldaduras, psoriasis, eczemas, acné, picaduras de insectos, heridas cortantes, abrasivas, cuidados del cabello y cuero cabelludo, dolores musculares, calambres, adormecimiento cutáneo, esguinces, artritis, pie de atleta, contusiones, hongos, infecciones y otros2.

El aloe arborescens posee una amplia variedad de usos, entre ellos está: la cosmética y salud cutánea, cuidado, limpieza, desinfección y humectación de la piel; por lo que es un excelente revitalizador celular. Combate, por ejemplo, arrugas, resequedad y otros problemas de la piel, de hecho, el aloe es el mejor cosmético, 100% vegetal, 100% natural.
Translation - English
Aloe Arborescence
This natural wonder possesses the greatest therapeutic and medicinal properties of all known aloes. Scientific studies have shown that aloe arborescence contains substances with antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body, which in turn offsets the effects of aging caused by the reduction in these proteins that occurs as we age. It also contains more than 70 essential ingredients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, antioxidants, polysaccharides and others. Its regenerating, coagulating, cell growth-stimulating and pain-inhibiting properties have been shown to help in the treatment of burns (sunburns, fire and even radiation burns), scalds, psoriasis, eczema, acne, insect bites, stab wounds, abrasions, hair and scalp care, muscle aches, cramps, cutaneous numbness, strains, arthritis, athlete's foot, contusions, fungi, infections and others.

Aloe arborescence can be used in a wide range of applications, including cosmetics and skin health, cleansing, disinfecting and moisturising the skin, which makes it an excellent cell regenerator. For example, it can combat wrinkles, dryness and other skin problems. In fact, aloe is the best cosmetic there is: 100% plant-based and 100% natural.

Catalan to English: Contracte Arrendament Cosa Futura Residencia
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Catalan
1.1. Objecte: L'ARRENDADOR i L'ARRENDATARI han convingut I'arrendament de LA FINCA descrita a Pexpositiu l del present CONTRACTE, l'extensió de la qual, circurnstáncies, usos, característiques i serveis comuns 1 privatius coneix i accepta L'ARRENDATARI, pel preu, termini i altres condicions establertes al present CONTRACTE, i com a cos cert.

De conformitat amb el que resulta deis expositius, L'ARRENDATARI manifesta que coneix i accepta l'estat físic, possessori, administratiu, urbanístic i mediambiental de LA FINCA, i en particular, que coneix els usos autoritzats per a la mateixa, per la qual cosa assumeix qualsevol conseqúéncia que deis esmentats estat i usos poguessin derivar-se. En consequéncia, L'ARRENDATARI no tindrá cap tipus d'acció contra L'ARRENDADOR, en relació amb la situació física, cadastral, registral, possessória, administrativa i urbanística de LA FINCA i assumeix qualsevol conseqüéncia que pugui derivar-se de I'estat i usos autoritzats en la mateixa.

1.2. Condició suspensiva:

1.2.1. Contingut: L'obligació de L'ARRENDADOR de posar a disposició de L'ARRENDATARI LA FINCA objecte del present CONTRACTE queda subjecta a la condició suspensiva consistent en que s'atorgui I'ACTA DE RECEPCIÓ PROVISIONAL de l'obra per part de l'empresa constructora (***), L'ARRENDADOR i L'ARRENDATARIA, en els mateixos termes que es disposa a I'article 6 de la LOE., per l'edifici del qual formará part LA FINCA objecte d'aquest CONTRACTE

Quan l'empresa constructora comuniqui a L'ARRENDADOR la data per I'atorgament de l'esmentada Acta, L'ARRENDADOR trasiladará aquesta comunicació a L'ARRENDATARI, i li convocará per l'atorgament de l'esmentada Acta de Recepció i lliurament a L'ARRENDATARI, al qual ambdues parts s'obliguen a comparéixer.

L'obligado de L'ARRENDADOR s'entendrá complida quan Iliuri LA FINCA o la posi a disposició de L'ARRENDATARI, entenent-se com a lliurament l'atorgament de l'ACTA DE RECEPCIÓ PROVISIONAL de l'edifici

Sense perjudici de les manifestacions realitzades a I'apartat 1 1 i al present apartat 1.2, L'ARRENDADOR es compromet a donar les instruccions necessóries a la constructora encarregada de dur a terme l'obra, per tal que es resolguin les incidéncies que en el seu cas, es puguin indicar en l'Acta de Recepció Provisional de I'edifici on s'ubica LA FINCA objecte del present contracte d' arrendament
Translation - English
1.1. Object. The LESSOR and the LESSEE have agreed to the lease of the PROPERTY described in recital I of this CONTRACT, the size, circumstances, uses, characteristics and common and individual services of which are known and accepted by the LESSEE, who agrees to price, terms and conditions established in this CONTRACT as a thing certain.

As explained in the recitals section above, THE LESSEE declares that it is aware of and accepts the physical situation, ownership, administrative, urbanistic and environmental conditions of the PROPERTY and in particular the uses for which the property is authorised and assumes the consequences of those conditions and uses. Consequently, the LESSEE will not be entitled to take action against the LESSOR by reason of the physical condition, cadastral, registration, ownership, administrative or urbanistic situation of the PROPERTY and assumes all consequences of the condition and authorised uses of the PROPERTY.

1.2. Condition Precedent:

1.2.1. Content: The LESSOR’s obligation to make the PROPERTY referred to in this CONTRACT available to the LESSEE is contingent upon the condition precedent of the PROVISIONAL RECEPTION CERTIFICATE for the work on the building which is part of the PROPERTY to which this CONTRACT refers being signed by the construction company (***), THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE according to the terms of article 6 LOE.

When the construction company notifies the LESSOR of the date on which the Reception Certificate will be issued, the LESSOR will in turn notify the LESSEE and both parties undertake to appear for the signing and delivery of the Reception Certificate to the LESSEE.

It is understood that the LESSOR has fulfilled its obligation when it has delivered the PROPERTY or has made the property available to the LESSEE, this being understood as delivering the signed PROVISIONAL RECEPTION CERTIFICATE for the building.

Notwithstanding the declarations made in parts 1.1 and 1.2 of this clause, the LESSOR undertakes to instruct the construction company in charge of the work as necessary in order to ensure that any deficiencies noted in the Provisional Reception Certificate for the building where the leased PROPERTY is located are resolved.

Translation education Bachelor's degree - Siena College
Experience Registered at Mar 2002. Became a member: Jan 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials Spanish to English (New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies)
Memberships ATA
Software Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Visio, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices Gina Centanni endorses's Professional Guidelines.

Freelance translator working with agencies and private clients in Europe and the United States with over 30 years of experience providing quality Spanish-English and Catalán-English translations and related services. 

With a track record spanning decades, I can provide polished translations across a wide variety of fields. That said, over the years I have acquired special expertise by completing countless translations in certain disciplines, including: accounting, banking, commerce, education, finance, insurance, law, pharmaceuticals, renewable energies and tourism. 

I am a firm believer in leveraging the power of technology. Incorporating the latest translation tools and technology into my workflow enables me to consistently provide clients with the highest quality translations, in a timely fashion, and as economically as possible.   

My mission is simple: to provide you, as a valued client, with prompt and efficient service of the highest quality, catering to the specific needs of each project. Whether it's a one-off assignment or an ongoing relationship, whether you need to translate 100 words or 100,000, I strive to offer the same high quality, level of service and responsiveness that clients expect from a language service provider.

Connect with me on LinkedIn


Keywords: Spanish, English, Catalán, annual accounts, annual reports, business plans, business, commercial, contracts, corporate governance. See more.Spanish, English, Catalán, annual accounts, annual reports, business plans, business, commercial, contracts, corporate governance, deeds, finance, freelance, insurance, law, marketing, occupational health and safety, patents, pharmaceuticals, powers of attorney, prevention, renewable energies, software localization, solar power, telecommunications, user manuals, website localization, wind power, actas de reuniones, contratos, demandas, documentos corporativos, documentos mercantiles, documentos notariales, documentos registrales, estados financieros, estatutos, IAGCs, informes anuales, peritaje, informe de sostenibilidad, notas internas, órden del día, poderes, pólizas de seguros, reclamaciones, sentencias, reglamentos, leyes, energías renovables, parqued eólicos. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 21