Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 18 '04 pol>eng chciejstwo blind faith easy closed no
3 May 18 '04 eng>sve Graft Delivery System metod f;or ( vavnad) transplantation pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 eng>sve medical grade polymers polymer 0av renhetsgrad anpassad for medicinsk anvandning/inom sjukvarden pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 eng>pol Company Secretary kierownik dministracji/urzednik ds pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 eng>sve (Corporate) opportunities missbruka (tilgang) till insider information pro closed no
2 May 19 '04 eng>pol dehusked oczyszczone/bez luski/luskany pro closed no
4 May 18 '04 pol>eng prowizorium budzetowe prelimnary budget pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 eng>pol emergent weeds nadpowierchniowe pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 eng>pol newly planted crops and established crops sweizo posadzone krzewy/roslinnosc/uprawy i istniejace pro closed ok
4 May 17 '04 eng>pol collecting scalps rekrutacje/werbowanie zatrudnionych na lewo i na prawo pro closed no
2 May 16 '04 eng>pol not controlled for treatment nei skontrolowane&przetestowae&zaakceptowane dla leczenia pro closed no
1 May 16 '04 pol>eng zębatkowy with&using cogwheels pro closed no
2 May 17 '04 pol>eng od dwóch pokoleń for two generations easy closed ok
3 May 14 '04 pol>eng mieć przykrości z kimś (stary język) am having troubles with my daughter easy closed ok
4 May 14 '04 eng>pol electrical load list lista/zestawieni ladunku elektrycznego pro closed no
- May 14 '04 pol>eng autokomis commissioned car sales pro closed ok
4 May 14 '04 sve>eng rörelsebegränsare movement limiter pro closed no
1 May 14 '04 sve>eng utslagsbegränsare rev limiter pro closed no
- May 14 '04 pol>eng ciekła lawa liquid lava pro closed ok
4 May 14 '04 eng>pol Rules of Occupation reguly/rpyepisy/regulamin etc zkawaterowania pro closed no
4 May 13 '04 eng>pol peaks near Tioga Pass on the eastern boundary of the peak Taka erozja jest widoczna na zboczach szczytów w poblizu Sheperd Crest, North Peak i na północnej s easy closed no
- May 13 '04 eng>sve account manager (kund)kontoansvarig pro closed ok
- May 9 '04 pol>eng obraz picture pro closed no
4 May 9 '04 eng>sve binding offsets bindningsmarginal` easy closed no
- May 9 '04 eng>pol product audit nadzor/kontrola pro closed ok
- May 9 '04 eng>pol comprehensive support plan kompletne uslugi/serwis/obsluge pro closed ok
4 May 10 '04 eng>sve Have to be of the lowest order maste vara det mest oforskamda/ohyfsade propositionen easy closed ok
- May 10 '04 eng>sve Now, in retrospect and with hindsight, that has double meaning. nu, med en aterblick och med facit i handen, har det en dubbelmening easy closed ok
- May 10 '04 eng>sve I suppose I must have interviewed 25 leading ladies. jag antar att jag maste ha intervjuat 25 damer for huvudrollen easy closed ok
3 May 9 '04 pol>eng Utrzymanie maszyn i urządzeń w stanie technicznym umożliwiającym ciągłe i prawid Keeping/maintaing machines and equipment in a technical condition allowing on-going and prop... pro closed no
- May 7 '04 eng>pol purchase market rynek podazy pro closed no
- May 4 '04 pol>eng wykonanie sztucznego zasilania półwyspu to perfrom an artificial strengthening of the peninsula pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '04 pol>eng za każym razem chcemy sprostac wymaganiom klientów we strive always to live up to our customers' demands easy closed no
- Apr 28 '04 eng>pol teenage angst rozterka nastolaka pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '04 pol>eng sluzyc sprawie boskiej serve Divine cause pro closed no
4 Apr 26 '04 pol>eng sposób głosowania voting procedure pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '04 eng>pol whips zaganiacze/naganiacze/poganiacze (niwolnikow) pasterze? easy closed no
2 Apr 23 '04 eng>pol Let bygones be bygones co bylo to bylo easy closed no
- Apr 23 '04 eng>pol cure period okres zwloki pro closed no
- Apr 24 '04 eng>pol tracer paint uzycie farby dla (celow) identyfikacji/znaczenie farba dla celow identyfikacji pro closed no
- Apr 24 '04 eng>pol free-moving shaft swobodnie prouszajacy sie walek pro open no
- Apr 24 '04 eng>pol logging vs. felling wycinanie/usuwanie galezi/transport wycietych drzew vs wycinanie pro closed no
- Apr 24 '04 eng>pol logging vs. felling wycinanie/usuwanie galezi/transport wycietych drzew vs wycinanie pro closed no
4 Apr 24 '04 eng>pol to either side of do jednej ze stron pro closed no
- Apr 22 '04 pol>eng Zaloguj się, jeżeli kupowałeś już w naszym sklepie customer log-in/(Key )Customers, please Log-In pro closed no
- Apr 23 '04 eng>pol meat handler rzeznik? pro closed no
- Apr 22 '04 pol>eng realizować payed by bank transfer/by making a bank transfer/payment by bt pro closed no
- Apr 22 '04 pol>eng w ramach within warranty pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '04 pol>eng wglądu do swoich danych osobowych, ich zmiany oraz usunięcia right to isnpect, cvhange and delete personal data pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '04 eng>pol without prejudice bezstronnie pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered