Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 29 '14 eng>eng dairy vs milky category vs description pro just_closed no
- May 31 '12 eng>eng Sunday or Monday? Sunday or Monday easy closed ok
- May 28 '12 eng>eng brand turn around a company reinventing its brand pro closed ok
- May 23 '12 eng>eng living up to to fulfil expectations based on your reputation easy closed ok
- May 14 '12 eng>eng that will be to be celebrated Gramatically incorrect pro closed no
4 May 2 '12 eng>eng translated for multinational companies, government and non-gov organizations. translated for multinational companies as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations pro closed no
4 Apr 27 '12 eng>eng have a man in hired somebody pro closed no
- Apr 26 '12 eng>eng Senior last-year student pro just_closed no
- Apr 20 '12 eng>rus sustainable thinking planning and developing their products with the concept of sustainability in mind. pro closed no
- Apr 18 '12 deu>eng individueller Freiraum und gelebte Natürlichkeit offering a unique space embedded in vivid natural surroundings. pro closed no
- Apr 18 '12 eng>eng clean without sin pro closed ok
4 Apr 16 '12 eng>eng provision/provisioning market entry for first 3, regulations for the fourth pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '12 eng>eng an exercise in compromise a process involving give and take pro closed no
- Apr 13 '12 deu>eng hielt sich zurück, sich zurückhalten seemed to be holding back easy closed no
- Apr 12 '12 eng>eng I need some help in correcting mistakes accept pro closed no
- Nov 29 '11 eng>eng no more death tolls We hope the elimination of death tolls is not just wishful thinking pro just_closed no
- Jun 7 '11 deu>eng im Aschenmantel with ash coating pro closed no
- Oct 13 '09 deu>eng Haushalts- und Waschzeug household items and toiletries pro closed ok
- Oct 7 '09 deu>eng aus der Region kommend/in die Region fahrend umsteigen A passenger who transfers in the central zone while traveling into or out of the region must pay.. pro closed no
- Oct 7 '09 deu>eng Aufbackwaren partially baked pro just_closed no
- Jun 18 '09 esl>eng dejándose incorporar forming a new word structure pro closed no
- Jun 12 '09 deu>eng verschmolz zu heißem Vinyl fused/melted his spinning with/into the dance-crazed crowd pro closed ok
4 Jun 12 '09 deu>eng TV-Meckerpott whiner, complainer pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '09 deu>eng sich bezahlen lassen allowed payment from the customers pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered