Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 18 '05 esl>eng defender una tesis to have a viva/ to do a viva pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '05 esl>eng encuentra eco that finds great resonance pro closed ok
4 Feb 16 '05 esl>eng se trata de un enfoque interdisciplinar en el que se persigue el crecimiento int it is an interdisciplinary approach that aims to fulfil the person´s/ human being´s integral growth pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '05 esl>eng Destacamos la gran demanda de la asignatura, hasta tener que aumentar el número We wish to emphasize the high interest in this subject, which has meant having to increase the... pro closed no
- Feb 15 '05 esl>eng asignatura de libre configuracion free choice courses/ free elective courses pro closed no
- Feb 15 '05 esl>eng "grado de estudio segundo de bachiller" "educational level attained: second year of Baccalaureate" pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered