Detalles de proyectos | Resumen de proyectos | Corroboración |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Feb 2025 Languages: inglés al español | 2-day training for Hospitality personnel
Buen trabajo, buena experiencia, compañeras nuevas, amabilidad por todos los lados en el lugar de trabajo, nuevo cliente.
Alimentos y bebidas, Viajes y turismo, Viajes y turismo | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 days Completado el: Nov 2024 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | 3rd Edition of Global Mobility Call
A really global call to action in mobility where true experts meet to report the latests achievements, discuss the current position in mobility around the world, and next tendencies, specially the commitment to the goals in every country. Politicians come up but they should learn from the experts, so they would move the aids, the Plans and invest where needed, virtual card, noise reduction,
Energía / Producción energética, Construcción / Ingeniería civil, Transporte / Fletes | positiva Unlisted : Sofia did an excellent job during the three-day event. Her professionalism and savoir-faire resulted in a more than optimal performance. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2024 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | Press conferences in an automotive trade fair
Interesting trade fair composed of family concerns and big companies. They were all charming, generous people.
Big companies speeches were for sustainability, decarbonization etc, while family companies manufactured very expensive, high quality and totally customized vans or they spoke to the press on their interest in people of all ages and their safety and comfort when commuting in their buses or minibuses.
Amazing exhibition of the fire brigade performing a rescue of passengers within a bus on the road. Safety and speed in their performance were excellent.
Medioambiente y ecología, Energía / Producción energética, Automóviles / Camiones | positiva Unlisted : We highly recommend Sofia! She is an outstanding professional and a wonderful person to work with. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Sep 2024 Languages: español al francés | phone consecutive interpreting
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Medicina (general), Derecho: (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1.5 hours Completado el: May 2023 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | Discussion on Zena Hitz work: Lost in thought.
An actual reflection on the level and purpose of universities. How to lead an intellectual life and gain inward feelings. How to get there. Ordinary poeple interested of intellectual life and their conversations on social media. Catherine Project. She succeeded in keeping everyone interested ofr 1.5 hour answering questions all the time. She left leaving a pleasant atmosphere and feeling in all of us.
Filosofía, General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas, Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Apr 2023 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | Biesta's Presentation and debate on "The Rediscovery of Education"
For teachers, educators, facilitators and students, I highly recommend the book of this reputed speaker and University Professor, several Times Honoris Causa awarded.
The Beautiful Risk of Education or The Rediscovery of Education.
Filosofía, Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 hours Completado el: Jan 2023 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | Webinar Digital Diaries in Research with Young People
An interesting update for researches in education on how to proceed to implement research on digital diaries.
The whole process was presented. For sure it is an appealing way for youngsters to collaborate in research.
Informática: Programas, Educación / Pedagogía | positiva Unlisted : Sofia did a brilliant work, very professional. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2.15 hours Completado el: Dec 2022 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | 2-hour legal community interpreting
A comprehensive explanation of the whole process of a asylum seeker the moment he/she arrives in Spain and are under a refugee system, with many case studies and medium- long term predictable possibilities for them while in Spain and their descendants abroad.
Gobierno / Política, Derecho: (general), Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1.5 hours Completado el: Dec 2022 Languages: español al francés francés al español | Atelier violence de genre
Interesante taller, no tendencioso sino en su punto. Siempre se aprende algo. Buen video.
General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas, Gobierno / Política, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 hours Completado el: Dec 2022 Languages: francés al español español al francés | social community interview
Hay que cuidar la autoestima de los refugiados. Ellos se olvidan de que la tienen. Tampoco saben lo mal que están ni qué opciones tienen para salir del bache y prosperar.
Derecho: contrato(s), General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas, Derecho: contrato(s) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Nov 2022 Languages: francés al español | One community consecutive interpreting
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Nov 2022 Languages: español al francés | Three phone consecutive interpretations
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2.5 hours Completado el: Nov 2022 Languages: francés al español español al francés | Three consecutive community interpretations
Medicina: Salud, Nutrición | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 hours Completado el: Nov 2022 Languages: inglés al español | One community consecutive interpretation
Psicología | No hay comentarios. |
Transcription Volumen: 6304 words Completado el: Nov 2022 Languages: español al inglés | Medical market research interview
Medicina (general), Informática: Programas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2022 Languages: español al francés francés al español | Two consecutive interpretations for community services
Finanzas (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 hours Completado el: Oct 2022 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | phone consecutive
Varios, Derecho: (general) | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Sep 2022 Languages: francés al español | Consecutive Community interpreting on Teams
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2.5 hours Completado el: Sep 2022 Languages: inglés al español | 1st International Congress in Research, Transference and Innovation in Education
Informática (general), Educación / Pedagogía, Medios / Multimedia | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 days Completado el: Sep 2022 Languages: español al francés francés al español | Three community interpreting
Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Apr 2022 Languages: francés al español español al francés | 1 consecutive interpreting for public services
Cine, películas, TV, teatro, Cocina / Gastronomía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 8 hours Completado el: Apr 2022 Languages: español al francés francés al español | 2 consecutive for Public Services
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Historia | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Mar 2022 Languages: francés al español español al francés inglés al español español al inglés | 2 consecutive interpreting for public services
Cocina / Gastronomía, Muebles / Aparatos domésticos, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Feb 2022 Languages: inglés español al inglés | II Encuentro Internacional de Expertos Contables
A 1-interpreter event on Zoom.
Contabilidad, Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV, Informática: Sistemas, redes | No hay comentarios. |
Editing/proofreading Volumen: 20060 words Completado el: Feb 2022 Languages: español | Review of a debriefing of interviews in psychology
I have been very interested in this project and I have really learnt future useful things. This is when you consider yourself fortunate to be able to access serious information. You also feel proud if you can even improve it in your native language.
My vocabulary has expanded in this field and I have loved the consultancy firm.
Psicología | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Jan 2022 Languages: español al francés francés al español | 2 consecutive interpretations
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Nov 2021 Languages: inglés al español | Seminario Salud Digital en la Formación del Profesorado
This third and last part of the Seminar was like a digital, round table for the exchange of ideas among researchers and university professors. They told about their works, A seminar full of ideas. common sense in the crazy digital -not always real- social messages and a wish for youngsters to be critical when they spend hours in front of the screen.
Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Completado el: Nov 2021 Languages: francés al español | 6 consecutive interpretatons
Finanzas (general), General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Completado el: Sep 2021 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | Congreso internacional participación social y educación inclusiva
Un congreso donde no hay más que humanidad y ganas de mejorar la vida de los niños y jóvenes con discapacidades. Da gusto ver cómo avanzan las cosas hacia la igualdad y el abrazo a los más necesitados.
En esta ocasión he sido la única intérprete ya que necesitaban la traducción solo para las ponencias principales de los extranjeros, que fueron una hora durante tres días.
Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 2334 words Completado el: Jul 2021 Languages: español al inglés | Website on telecommunications and civil engeneering
Arquitectura, Ingeniería (general), Construcción / Ingeniería civil | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Apr 2021 Languages: inglés al español francés al español | 97 Conseil exécutif de l'OIEC en visioconférence
It is a rewarding experience to get to know the effort and determination of the OIEC organisation members around the world; a satisfaction to know how Catholic education spreads and influences their alumni and the OIEC concern to research on actual data in the three levels of education around the world.
Also their aspiration to comply with the UN SDGs.
Good team of interpreters and well organization.
Educación / Pedagogía, Religión, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Feb 2021 Languages: inglés al español | 3rd EMEA Advance Surgery Sales Conference
A really inspiring convention and admiration for those employees who exceeded their budget and hit it on sales. They were awarded because they deserved it. It is great how companies praise their reps, especially in the dire 2020.
It was a multilingual Conference and it worked well. Professional and responsible event management company. I think I met good, seasoned professionals on the briefing prior to the event.
It seemed we had nearly come back to normal, with so many languages and colleagues out there.
Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Medicina: Salud, Medicina: Farmacia | No hay comentarios. |
Training session Volumen: 100 hours Completado el: Jan 2021 Languages: español al inglés | Create and teach a course of English for Hospitality
Viajes y turismo, Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2020 Languages: inglés al español francés al español | 94 Conseil exécutif de l'OIEC en visioconférence
A most rewarding experience on the zoom interpreting side, the contents of the meeting, the human and professional quality of persons who held the meeting and the colleagues I had the chance to work with.
An impressive work they carry out with enthousiasm and seriousness, most of them pro-bono and a restless perseverance to complete their goals is worth to mention.
It was made clear the faith and good will to bring up children and teenagers for a better world through catholic education.
Finanzas (general), Educación / Pedagogía, Derecho: (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2020 Languages: inglés al español | 2-day Conference on Self-Storage
Negocios / Comercio (general), General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas, Derecho: (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 24896 words Completado el: Sep 2020 Languages: español al inglés | SCR Report
A comprehensive report including the usual buisness issues (marketing, performances, human resources, expenses and benefits) plus the specific issues of a winery and wine hotel with high ecological, environmental, staff, supportive and gastronomic goals.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Viajes y turismo, Vino / Enología / Viticultura | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1253 words Completado el: Jul 2020 Languages: español al inglés | new restaurant and regional menus description
Ranked as one of the best hotels in Spain surrounded by vineyards. Simple and elegant, refined staff and clients. Beyond one's expectations.
Viajes y turismo, Cocina / Gastronomía | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 7912 words Completado el: Jun 2020 Languages: español al inglés | Handbook enoTourism Covid-19.Quick Reference Guide
extremely comprehensive guidelines handbook when it comes to re-open establishments in the tourism sector, especially in the winetourism sector and their luxury facilities like spas or entertainment activities on the open air.
Medicina: Salud, Viajes y turismo, Viajes y turismo | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Voiceover (dubbing) Volumen: 229 words Completado el: Jun 2020 Languages: español | voice over file of sentences
A very long, painful procedure after assigning very quickly the job. Instructions for the mobile were given but no PO, registration on their platform, and many details missing before assigning the job.
Guess too much workload but really not followed the correct order. However, personnel always responded and were extremely helpful.
Informática: Programas, Informática: Sistemas, redes, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo | No hay comentarios. |
Voiceover (dubbing) Volumen: 455 lines Completado el: Jun 2020 Languages: inglés | voicover file of sentences
Better planned than others, however they don't tell you about their platform for registering, invoicing, entering the project etc.
Clever, agile and helpful PM. Price is settled by them.
Arte, artes manuales, pintura, Alimentos y bebidas, Historia | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1627 words Completado el: Apr 2020 Languages: español al inglés | Communiqué about winetourism sector
This is my first Covid-related job from this Spanish Association I usually collaborate with.
It is about a call to action to businessmen, employees, public institutions to overcome this crisis throug action, communication, technology, professionalization and a joint effort.
A reminder to the State Government, the Regional Governments and sector associations to communicate, take actions and bear in mind the importance of tourism in Spain (Winetourism too).
Negocios / Comercio (general), Viajes y turismo, Vino / Enología / Viticultura | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Editing/proofreading Volumen: 3698 words Completado el: Feb 2020 Languages: español al inglés | Business dossier of a winetourism association
an unavoidable document for any Association to have updated. This one shows hardwork and a promising future. Long life to AEE!
Negocios / Comercio (general), Cocina / Gastronomía, Viajes y turismo | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Completado el: Feb 2020 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | presentation on the World Radio Day
Fabulous job on an important Day. Lots of students at the Complutense University of Madrid and top personalities who made up panels.
Very interesting and updated presentaion by Mr. Currie about tendencies for the future of radio. He has been a helpful, kind gentleman.
Vice-chancellors, teachers, Directors of Radio Associations, technicians and personnel in general were all most kind and helpful.
One of the most pleasant jobs I have ever done.
Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Periodismo, General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas | positiva Unlisted : Gran disposición para adaptarse a los términos particulares de nuestra especialidad. Un trato personal excelente. |
Translation Volumen: 6826 words Completado el: Feb 2020 Languages: español al inglés | 6 Itinerarios Enoturismo
One of the assignments I have most enjoyed. Loved the precise architectural names and buildings, loved the places I have translated though some were familiar to me. Amazed by the luxury wine-hotels and things I did not know about the city where I live. Proud to have such talented, hard-working people, business people, people searching excellency, to be part of such a fantastic country with so varied things to offer.
Viajes y turismo, Cocina / Gastronomía, Arquitectura | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 3409 words Completado el: Dec 2019 Languages: inglés al español | Letter of intent on a SPA on real estate
Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Bienes inmuebles | positiva Unlisted : All good |
Translation Volumen: 3950 words Completado el: Nov 2019 Languages: español al inglés | Home Page and Bylaws of Unión de Petroleros Independientes
The home page relates to the Petroleum sector in Spain and its relation to the rest of the market, so it explains how this sector is organized in Spain and the actions to be taken after the liberaliztion for independent professionals.
The second part consists of an ordinary, well-structured bylaws of this association.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Ciencia/ Ing. del petróleo | No hay comentarios. |
Editing/proofreading Volumen: 11763 words Completado el: Oct 2019 Languages: inglés | paper on delopment and cancer:insight from teleology
Filosofía, Medicina (general) | positiva Unlisted : Perfect! quick! |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Completado el: Oct 2019 Languages: inglés al español | Board of Directors Meeting
A periodical meeting for the updates of the company: plans, programs, impacts,etc
Finanzas (general), Transporte / Fletes, Viajes y turismo | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 487 words Completado el: Sep 2019 Languages: español | dossier for Fitur Tourism Trade Fair on Winetourism
A call for the wine tourism sector from the Spanish Association of Wine Tourism to take part in a wine tourism party at Fitur Trade Fair. The goal is to promote this kind of tourism together with the agents involved all over the world.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Viajes y turismo, Vino / Enología / Viticultura | positiva Unlisted : Very responsible, committed and proactive |
Translation Volumen: 1439 words Completado el: Jun 2019 Languages: inglés al español | 4 academic documents
InterTradoc is an extremely kind and helpful agency. Transparency and very good communication.
Hilghly advisable.
Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV, Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Apr 2019 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | consecutive interpreting in factory for workers clothing
A visit to a subsidiary in Italy of a multinational in the automotive industry.
Explanation of working seasonal and different tasks garments.
Questions about the factory needs and actual delays after an order.
Solutions about the printing of the logo on their garments.
Terms for manufacturing, transport.
Textil / Ropa / Moda, Manufactura, Negocios / Comercio (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 13363 words Completado el: Apr 2019 Languages: inglés al español | General Purchasing Terms and Conditions
A very clear and well drafted Contract thoroughly made. Special considereation on Insurances and Personal Data Protection.
Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor, Derecho: contrato(s) | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 5674 words Completado el: Apr 2019 Languages: español al inglés | Leaflet on Specialized Training for Winetourism Professionals
Fantastic initiative for professionals of wineries, wine and food institutions and wine tourism.
Excellent approach towards the professionalization of this kind of tourism: it deals with all the factors a professinal should know.
Viajes y turismo, Alimentos y bebidas, Educación / Pedagogía | positiva Unlisted : Very responsible, committed and proactive |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Feb 2019 Languages: español al inglés | SEUR Annual Convention
Negocios / Comercio (general), Transporte / Fletes, Jergas | positiva Unlisted : Excellent job! |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Jan 2019 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | EU Social Union presentation and round table
One of the EU debates around the EU. Prof. Laszlor Andor, ex-EU Commissioner, was the key speaker. They are streamlined.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Gobierno / Política | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 2700 words Completado el: Jan 2019 Languages: inglés al español | GI-Parasite Assay
Medicina: Farmacia, Medicina: Instrumentos, General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Jul 2018 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | Conferencias IFISE
That was a remote interpreting, so home made let's say. Fortunately this agency worries to send us the presentations or as much as presentations as possible since the situation is not the same as interpreting from the booth.
Social goals, business and investment are closer and closer. This are good news. Small companies and start ups are given attention now from investors of different kinds, nearly as if they were medium companies. But flexibility and no boundaries are some of the most important components of small companies now.
This conference helps me to see business differently: there are no traditional business any longer whenever they tackle their operations in a modern, technological way. Of course new ideas may be elligible for prospective business.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Medicina: Salud, Finanzas (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Jun 2018 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | CNAF Conference. Tecnologías de hoy en las Comunidades del Mañana
A dense Conference which takes place once a year. Experiences from different countries in strata were exchanged and how much technology is invading this industry in some countries.
Technologicas advances were explained to help the management of cities. Some devices were also explained oriented to make life at home easier and safer.
Bienes inmuebles, Informática: Sistemas, redes, Automatización y robótica | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Jun 2018 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | Congreso Internacional de Frutos Rojos
Wonderful Conference since I love agriculture and fields alike. Interesting to see how markets are doing on berries and the evolution in people's tastes and tendencies.
Extremely difficult because of the huge amount of vocabulary. I do admire farmers and those who work on cultivated fields of any kind. Luckily they meet annualy in Huelva (Spain).
Transporte / Fletes, Alimentos y bebidas, Botánica | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: May 2018 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | Innovación tecnológica, mercado y protección del consumidor Conference
The faculty of Law has assigned me the coordination of the simultaneos interpreting of this conference on Consumer Protection with Professors from Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. Much has been said about the vulnerability of the consumer and the revised EU Directive PSD 2, the truth about crowdfunding and similar platforms, they have compared the anglosaxon world with Europe and arbitration among other topics.
Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor, Derecho: contrato(s), Finanzas (general) | positiva Unlisted : She is really professional, confident and reliable. We are totally satisfied with her job. |
Translation Volumen: 9740 words Completado el: Mar 2018 Languages: francés al español | 5 files on sales management for automotion sector
A most practical manual for distributors of spare parties of a well-known automotive group.
It was mostly IT terms for employers of this group.
Automóviles / Camiones, TI (Tecnología de la información) | positiva Unlisted : The translatation services provided by Sofía were satisfactory. We would work with her again without any doubt. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Jan 2018 Languages: inglés al español | Posturology Conference
This has been my first remote interpreting via a new technology where assistants listened the rendering with their mobile phones. Me at home.
Medicina: Salud, Medicina (general) | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Nov 2017 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | Simposio: Democracia y control de la opinión pública en periodo entreguerras
So interesting this aspect of histor andf, propaganda in USA, UK and Germany I did not know.
Very academic language made it diffiicult.
Gobierno / Política, Historia, Medios / Multimedia | No hay comentarios.
Comentarios de colegas:
Juan Torres: Excellent interpreter and colleague |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Oct 2017 Languages: español al inglés | Interpreting in training course for new employees
Very pleasant job, very pleasant company. I had already worked for Mapfre before so I confirm my feelings.
I like the benefits they offer. They seem most interesting to me. I always learn what people really care about so I can say every that particular job was also a kind of sociological research case.
Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Seguros | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 6 hours Completado el: Jun 2017 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | Liaison interpreting procurement meeting
A smoothly run meeting between UK and Spain on exchanging information about procurement in their own airports.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Informática: Programas, Derecho: contrato(s) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Jun 2017 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | III Congreso Eólico Español
This events is annually held among the major companies in Spain, which is a pioneering country.
Being an extremely technical conference, highest concentratgion is needed to interpret and a review on your glossaries as well, no matter how many years you have been interpreting this conference.
Energía / Producción energética, Medioambiente y ecología, Mecánica / Ing. mecánica | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: May 2017 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | I Congreso Internacional Liderazgo y Mejora de la Educación
Educación / Pedagogía | positiva Unlisted : Gran profesional. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 days Completado el: Jun 2016 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | lecture and round table:depression
Amazing and inspirational biographic account by piano man James Rhodes and how he became a depression from a psicological abuse from infancy through music.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Música, Medicina (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Completado el: Jun 2016 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | lecture and round table:literatura, biografía y relato clínico.
A living testimony of journalist and writer Matt Haigh of how to overcome deep depression by writing and becoming a successful blogger and writer.
Poesía y literatura, Varios, Medicina (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2015 Languages: inglés al español español | International Conferenceon Training, Testing and Accreditation in PSIT
The University of Alcalá (Spain) held this Conference tracking other previous events in Europe and examining these three general themes mentioned above.
A historic
Professors, professionals, researchers, representatives from DG EU and public/private service providers from different public service areas gave backgrounds. They held debates on current, problematic issues to improve them. They also aimed at helping to consolidate this profession.
Derecho: (general), Lingüística, Medicina: Salud | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Completado el: Sep 2015 Languages: español al inglés | AENA Board of Directors
Aena is an almost public body that owns and operates the majority of airports in Spain. It is also responsible for Air Traffic Control throughout Spain.
Finanzas (general), Aeroespacial / Aviación / Espacio, Contabilidad | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 hours Completado el: Apr 2015 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | consecutive and whispering in a round table
Final round table with University Professors and Directors of Historical Archives debating on "Armed conflicts as destructors and producers of Archival Heritage".
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Feb 2014 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | V Annual Meeting Teen Star Spain
First sessions: teenagers from three schools came to meet and debate with the founder of the Teen Star Program about emotional and sexual relationships.
Second session: groups from all over Spain gathered in Madrid with the founder of the program to exchange experiences about the development of the program in Spain. Two general presentations and around 8 small groups also shared their works and experiences.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Biología (biotecnología/química, microbiología) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2013 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | ·rd European Conference Intergenerational Learning Cities
Interesting gathering of many countries representatives who strive to make European citizens' life easier, better and meaningful as well as building a strong European cohesion.
Worshops were established in order to enhance, foster and promote more activities and make them fruitful.
Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Gobierno / Política, Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios.
Comentarios de colegas:
Juan Torres: No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 hours Completado el: Jul 2013 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | COPE On air radio station interview with Brother Xavier (India)
A consecutive on air interview at the COPE highly ranked radio station .
An impressing, moving interview to Brother Xavier who devotes his entire life to gather youngsters and children from the streets in India to provide them a house, food, security, a job or full education, find a job.
He saves youngsters and children at risk to become drug addicts, prostitutes or even to be sold in the deprived rural areas of India.
He is helped by a small Spanish ONG and visits Spain to collect funds and let the organisation be known.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Religión, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Dec 2012 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | a session with the media and consecutive interp in a parish
A most exciting and tiring session with the Spanish media (newspapers and TV) who felt sympathy for this family.
A moving session of Asia Bibi's family and the representative explaining the story of the case, the development, the living conditions in Pakistan, the laws, the feelins of the woman in prison and her family, the dangerous situation of their lives.
Gobierno / Política, Religión, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | positiva Unlisted : The interviews between Asia Bibi’s family and the media worked smoothly and efficiently. They were provided with reliable testimonials to their questions. At the public session the message and feelings of the speaker were well-reproduced to the audience |
Translation Volumen: 12755 words Completado el: Nov 2012 Languages: inglés al español | 4 lectures of the World Congress of families
Different perspectives brilliantly presented around the family: values, strenghts, warning against their attacks and a legal, rational perspective.
Beautiful reflections about the family that makes one feel enthusiastic about it and raise awarenes to care for it.
Gobierno / Política, Religión, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | positiva Unlisted : Good understanding of the text and involvement in the matter. Correct Spanish wording. |
Translation Volumen: 1101 words Completado el: Jul 2012 Languages: español al inglés | cheese making
Short translation on the process of cheese making of a Spanish producer to sell to some Japanese.
It described the process from the milk gathering in the farms until the cheese is ready to sell/eat with detailed account of the sanitary and quality control measures.
Alimentos y bebidas | positiva Unlisted : Very good personal treatment. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Jun 2012 Languages: francés al español español al francés | Consecutive interpretation at a meeting on technology
An hour meeting for two companies to meet, exchange their activities and projects, offer mutual help, financement and wish to get to know more information on some projects.
Electrónica / Ing. elect., Energía / Producción energética, Finanzas (general) | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 5 days Completado el: Apr 2012 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | First International Conference on Archaeology
One of the two Conferences I have been most involved ever since I was responsible for the interpretation pair which meant dealing with some organizing staff previous and during the Conference as well. It was all a pleasure.
The Conference itself was a landmark; the original title was First International Conference on Best Practices in World Heritage. It was also aimed to recognize the isle of Menorca (Spain) as a reference place for Archaolgical studies (remaings of the Lithic culture) which we visited in an outing.
Many participants from many countries took part showing the wonders around the world: their conservation state, their management, why it is successful site, new technoloy applied to sites and leisure, some analysis of other monuments and restoration works. There was the final Declaration of Menorca with significant debate.
Arqueología, Arquitectura, Fotografía/Imagen (y artes gráficas) | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Oct 2011 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | 3rd Global Lighting Design Convention
A very large event gathering electrical engineers, architects, first ranked electrical companies and designers from all over the world.
Very lively days not only because it was a multiple room event, but also because of shows in the hall of the venue, post event activities... but basically lecturers explained their projects done. They reflected about their legal part of their profession and the legal/ethic implications.
Arquitectura, Electrónica / Ing. elect., Derecho: (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Sep 2011 Languages: español al inglés español al francés francés al español | European Round Table on Human Rights
A working session where the participants of the European countries explained, debated , defended and condemned some cases on their countries, especially those of education in schools and prisoners. Quite a lot of training about thier training on the cells and their living conditions.
Exchanged some experiences, ideas and further improvements.
Debates on the Declaration of Interlaken.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Mar 2011 Languages: español al inglés | Envejecimiento; La investgación en España y Europa
It has been a most awaited forum to exchange the information and research done until now. Also speakers encourage to rise awareness on the need to draw a joint, European programming, the involvement of many sectors and the need of a National Instituion -even a web site- to coordinate all the work.
One of the
Medicina: Salud, Medicina (general), Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1545 words Completado el: Feb 2011 Languages: español al inglés | 5 page aircraft lease agreement
Quite technical for me though ordinary kind of agreement for the outsourcer. It is always interesting to change the subject matter.
Good communication between the parties.
Derecho: contrato(s) | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Jul 2010 Languages: español al inglés | Seminar on Information Society for women
Seminar devoted to raise interest for ITC and IS in young and older women and to encourage women to work in technological environments.
Overview of the European situation: policies, strategies, bodies, comparison between men and women.
They assured women they will keep on fighting for technology not be another cause of discrimination.
Internet, comercio-e, TI (Tecnología de la información), Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Jun 2010 Languages: inglés al español | Seminario "Images that think, thinking with images'
Seminar around the concept of image/art that thinks and the changes made through editing images.
Special guest: Mr. Van Alphen.
A new exhibition was announced on Argentinian Art in Germany.
Much discussion about videos and some studies made from different cinema/literary artists like Godard, Hitchcock, Ford, Benjamin, etc.
Fotografía/Imagen (y artes gráficas), TI (Tecnología de la información), Arte, artes manuales, pintura | neutral Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: May 2010 Languages: español al inglés | V Jornada sobre propiedad intelectual
Quite specialized seminar on this matter, with competent professors and professionals who contrasted their regulations (Spain, Italy, UK) and talked about the future Spanish sentence.
Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 5101 words Completado el: May 2010 Languages: español al inglés | 12 emails de problemas con software
Nasty problem about an excellent software which could not work without the proper selling, tutorial and previous training. Hopefully they get it right now.
Informática: Programas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: May 2010 Languages:
inglés al español | Assessment on women's penetration into the UE agenda
A regular meeting of women representatives to assess their impact and influence in the EU acccording to an operative chart where they can submit and defend their goals. Discussion about aspects to be stressed or enlargened such as the handicapped, employment and social fields; goals achieved, goals to foster, precising new communicating methods an arranging the agenda for next meetings.
Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Jan 2010 Languages: francés al español español al francés | Reunión para traspaso de competencias europeas
Una reunión España-Bélgica para poner al día a la delegación belga de las tareas hechas durante la presidencia española. Lo que hace cada una y los temas que no trata, los avances hechos, sugerencias para hacerlo bien, desdoblamiento de reuniones, consejos para los preparativos....
Gobierno / Política, Medicina: Salud, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 days Completado el: Nov 2009 Languages:
| IV Congreso Internacional Provida
I am most proud to have been the head of volunteer interpreters for such a huge International Conference organised and held with little resources though with brilliant and prestigious lawyers, biologists, philosophers, from public institutions, University Professors and brave ordinary people offering their testimonials and experiences.
Genética, Periodismo, Psicología | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 5 hours Completado el: Oct 2009 Languages: inglés al español | consecutive legal interpretation
A conversation among a barrister, several English and Spanish lawyers and the client about the convenience to sign a document.
Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 2074 words Completado el: Sep 2009 Languages:
| Documento para taller de pesca a pequeña escala
A very convenient document to reflect before regulating on fishing practices as well as environmental and labour conditions for European vessels.
Piscifactoría, pesca | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Duration: Jun 2016 Languages: español al inglés | Shareholders Meeting
Finanzas (general), Derecho: (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Duration: Sep 2015 to Feb 2017 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | 4 Board of Directors simultaneous interpretation
Quaterly Board of Directors Meeting of a private-public company. Sometimes there was a Committee before the Board met. They were all done with the infoport system or by telephone.
Viajes y turismo, Derecho: (general), Economía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Duration: Jul 2016 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | 2 lectures and round table: nuevas estructuras socialdemócratas
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Recursos humanos, Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 days Duration: Jul 2016 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | lecture and round table: la distribución de la riqueza en el marco de la UE
Historia, Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Duration: Jul 2016 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | lecture and round table: gobernanza mundial. diálogo interrel. y construc. paz
Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 days Duration: Jul 2016 Languages: español al inglés inglés al español | lecture and round table: ¿Por qué no somos felices? implicaciones
Very enternaining first part of this two parts session with a TED Talk presenter and a neurologist-educational bachelor which led us to deal with neurology issues.
Ciencias (general), Psicología, Medicina (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 3 hours Duration: Jul 2016 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | lecture and round table: nuevos mercados y tendencias cinematográficas
Arte, artes manuales, pintura, Cine, películas, TV, teatro | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 487 words Languages: español al inglés | Just delivered a dossier for Fitur Tourism Trade Fair on Winetourism
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: español al inglés | Interpreting Board of Directors Meeting
| No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 3409 words Languages: inglés al español | Just delivered a Letter of Intent on a SPA of real estate.
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: inglés al español | interpreting on the World Radio Day
| No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1627 words Languages: español al inglés | just delivered a Communiqué on buisness from Spanish Winetourism
| No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 981 words Languages: español al inglés | On the point of delivering another Press Release on Winetourism
| No hay comentarios. |
Editing/proofreading Volumen: 5041 words Languages: español al inglés | Reviewing Spanish Winetourism Association Dossier
| No hay comentarios. |
Voiceover (dubbing) Volumen: 455 words Languages: inglés | Voice over reading
| No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1253 words Languages: español al inglés | new restaurant description with regional cuisine
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: francés al español | Just finished a 2 day zoom interpreting job
| No hay comentarios. |
Volumen: 0 words Languages: español al inglés | Teaching a 150-hour English A2 course
| No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1386 words Languages: inglés al español | Medical clerkships and Subject cards
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: español al inglés | Phone interpreting on community services
| No hay comentarios. |
Post-editing Volumen: 575 words Languages: inglés al español | Post editing machine translation sentences
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: francés al español | 5 consecutive interpretations last week
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: francés al español | 2 community consecutive interpretions
| No hay comentarios. |
Editing/proofreading Volumen: 20060 words Languages: inglés al español | Just delivered a debriefing in psichology interviews translation
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: francés al español | 4 consecutive interpretations
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: español al francés | Consecutive interpreting
| No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 0 words Languages: francés al español | I held 3 consecutive interpretations
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: francés al español | 2 consecutive interpretations
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 words Languages: español al inglés | 1 consecutive interpreting for public services
| No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 7 hours Languages: francés al español español al francés | Six Public Services consecutive interpretations
Gobierno / Política, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Derecho: (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 days Duration: Sep 2024 to Dec 2024 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | 4-session training on tax BO transparency for tax collection
Incredible training for tax authorities staff. I have learned many things that are out of my reach under normal circumstances. Very good documents made by the facilitators and other translators. Hundreds of people listening from more than 50 countries.
Finanzas (general), Finanzas (general), Derecho: impuestos y aduanas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 days Duration: Sep 2024 to Dec 2024 Languages: inglés al español español al inglés | 4-session training on BO transparency for tax collection
Most interesting and very well documented training for Tax Authorities Staff all over the world. 85 counries took part and about 800 people listened to it.
I had the chance to learn exclusive information on a non regular topic.
Finanzas (general), Finanzas (general), Derecho: impuestos y aduanas | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 12971 words Completado el: May 2009 Languages: inglés al español | 5 foreign trade and legal documents
5 docuements dealing with finance and international trade, transactions of shares to organize new companies for prospective projects and their modus operandi.
A suscription agreement where conditions and terms of the capital share of the companies are stated in a Public Notary Office.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: May 2009 Languages: inglés al español | Las ONGs en nueva arquitectura financiera int. de ayuda al desarrollo en salud
An intense seminar where many experiences and knowledge are brough up and where fruitful and useful information is known.
Some European organizations were invited to get known and the whole European network of NGOs was explain in detail.
Something interesting: Overlaping of projects is emphasized in order to reduce unnecessary spending. The crisis has reduced the financing as well, so the role of NGOs is changing: only some tasks left to do. What about people living on NGOs around the world? This is a new issue to be discussed in the meetings in the next 2 years.
More implication of civil society was corroborated. Still more is wanted.
Latest news and progresses about the MDG related to health and plans for the future.
Finanzas (general), Gobierno / Política, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Apr 2009 Languages: español al inglés | Jovenes y la salud y Derechos Sexuales y Reprouctivos
A very active and intense event around this topic. Great participation of youngsters and the civil society in the Spanish Parliament. Experiences and speeches taken directly from the field. It concluded with the Madrid Declaration.
Medicina: Salud, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Nov 2008 Languages: español al francés | European COFACE AND UNCEAR Forum on rural developement, women and families.
A one-day session for getting to know the association of each member state, their projects and experiences.
Very outstanding speakers from the Academia and the Spanish Government taking about families, roles of their members and their contribution to the society from a social, cultural and economic aspect. The Spanish National Plan Project on Social Inclusion.
Quite a long discussion on how to use, design and the scope of the web page. Relationship with the media.
Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Nov 2008 Languages: español al inglés | interrogation preparation & witness statements
A very interesting meeting with two teams of lawyers at the Civil and Merchant Court for Arbitrions. Audio and video recording, as is customary in these cases.
Tough interrogation and calm, excellent defense of the product by the Sales Manager.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Ciencia / Ing. nuclear | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Oct 2008 Languages: español al inglés | Turismo, Territorio y Nuevas Mobilidades
A two-day conference to further discussion and research about mobility and migrations for these team of Professors and researchers. Presentation of long-term sociological studies.
Presentation of an actual, current and historical situation of the Yucatan Peninsula because this conference was agreed with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc., Viajes y turismo | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: Sep 2008 Languages: español al francés | III Foro Social Mundial de las migraciones
A voluntary participation to interpret in this international Forum in favour of immigrants comming to Spain from several countries.
Very big, crowded meeting. so it is a topic which really gathers many agents, migrants and all kind of participants (academia, NGOs, Associations, Town Council...) from all over the world.
Interesting point of view of migrations: a phenomenon we must learn how to manage, due to its huge proportions and global impact.
Economía, Gobierno / Política, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Jul 2008 Languages: inglés al español | SISTEMA EDUCATIVO Y CAPITAL HUMANO EN ESPAÑA
One of the numerous summer courses of the Universidad Complutense's prestigious Summer Courses. The lecturer was a Deputy Director from CEDEFOP, expert on Vocational Training.
Educación / Pedagogía, TI (Tecnología de la información), Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Jul 2008 Languages: inglés al español | Coleccionar, exponer. Arte y arte del presente en los museos españoles.
Presentation on actual situation about tendencies and new activities of contemporary art museums in Eastern/Western Europe. Discussion about chances to exhibit for younger generations. Collecting/acquiring archives. Should present photography/films be considered a public art and therefore should they be archived?
Arquitectura, Arte, artes manuales, pintura, Historia | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 days Completado el: May 2008 Languages: español | HEALTH ODA: INTERNATIONAL, EUROPEAN AND SPANISH OVERVIEW
Extraordinary fruitful forum of all international development agencies and organizations who jointly work for the fulfillment of the Goals of the Millenium regarding health. The overview was in fact comprehensive and the assessments accurate and fair. New updatings for the next international forums were advanced.
Gobierno / Política, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Medicina: Salud | positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: May 2008 Languages: inglés al español | Private Public Partnerships: Tax aspects of investing in US Transp.Infrastructur
Very interesting explanation of the XXXX consultancy company projects to explain business opportunities having in mind differents international partners, public/private companies, tax legislations, country treaties, source funds, etc on such complicated economic issues.
Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: impuestos y aduanas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 1 days Completado el: Feb 2008 Languages: español al inglés | VII MEETING OF THE MINISTERS OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES OF CIHEAM MEMBER COUNT
Very interesting and self-gratifying meeting because of the importance of the topics discussed, (agriculture, fisheries, water and nutrition) the Spanish hostage and organization and the international recognition to the Mediterranean Diet.
Apart from agricultural ministers, there also were international organisations and experts on the matters, chief of delegations, etc.
Agricultura, Piscifactoría, pesca, Nutrición | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 2 hours Completado el: Dec 2007 Languages: español al inglés | Liaison interpret. on Nobel Laureate Pamuk's Honoris Causa investiture
Brilliant Academic Act of 2006 Literature Nobel Laureate, Professor Ohran Pamuk on his Honoris Causa Investiture at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
His speech talked about his only political novel 'Snow' and the reason to be a writer.
Either his Godfather and the Rector of the University spoke about the meaning of his merits and qualifications, his originality, his latest work: Istanbul, the city of Istanbul, other works, his feelings about Istanbul as well as his political preferences yet not strong feelings and the Turkey's unbalances.
Educación / Pedagogía, Poesía y literatura | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Oct 2007 Languages: inglés al español | CURRENT TREND AND OUTLLOK FOR THE INVESTMENT MARKET
A very specialized seminar once a year held. Devoted to the banking sector, real estate developers and international investors.
Economía, Finanzas (general), Finanzas (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 8 hours Completado el: Sep 2007 Languages: español al inglés | Preparatory meeting for the Ministerial Conference
No more information for now. The Conference web site will be available soon.
Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 5 hours Completado el: Jul 2007 Languages: inglés al español | A new stage facing the chemical risk. The REACH rules
Very interesting 5-day summer course on chemical substnaces. Sensible approach to chemical substances and their potential risk at personal and business levels. Good explanation, development and assessment of the REACH set of regulations.
Medioambiente y ecología, Química, Ciencias/Ing. quím., Biología (biotecnología/química, microbiología) | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 1141 words Completado el: Jul 2007 Languages: español al francés | 1141 word commercial text on a company collaboration in a bigger project
Agricultura | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 7 hours Completado el: Jun 2007 Languages: inglés al español | Health Policy
Explanation of a new model of hospitals private management. The agreements with politicians and the Regional Governement of Madrid. Expansion of the model around Spain: different hospitals already running.
Medicina: Salud, Administración | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Jun 2007 Languages: español al inglés | Confederate Plan on Trade Union Training
General vision of Union activity in Europe, specifically CCOO in Spain: analysis of membership, training, widening and representatives at the workplaces: big companies,SME and family business.
Negocios / Comercio (general), Recursos humanos, Varios | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 20 hours Completado el: May 2007 Languages: español al inglés | The First International Art Tech Media Congress
Aims of the Conference:
- To refect, analyse and debate by sectors the current situation inart and new media.
- To present proposals among sectors in order to stimulate and promote Spanish digital art both nationally and internationally.
- To favour proposals related to the convenience and need to create an Institute of Digital Arts in Spain.
- To optimise the creation of more Centres of Production and Research with public and private sectors to develope an industrial and economic infrastructure
-The presentation of a White Paper FECYT (Science and Technology Spanish Foundation)
Arte, artes manuales, pintura, Gobierno / Política, TI (Tecnología de la información) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 5 hours Completado el: May 2007 Languages: inglés al español | Spanish Wine Fair
The biennial most important Spanish Trade Fair. Many wineries, buyers and sellers summon for several days. Constant tastings and constest with awards for special wines. Huge media coverage. Famous personalities and high gastronomy professionals like reputed chefs or wine waiters take part in it. Emphasis on promoting Spanish wines abroad with commerce institutions helping for exporting. Other wine-related topics are also tackled like wine-women, sports, driving controls, global warming, emerging markets, the wine industry and several regional or national meetings.
Vino / Enología / Viticultura | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 0 chars Completado el: May 2007 Languages: inglés al español | European Summit Bio Fuel Industry
A 2-day First European Summit with greater audience than expected. Highly technical. It was divided into two streams. A stream: feedstock availability, suply and imports for biofuel production. B stream: sustainable environmental behavior and social performance in edible oils and fats production, the supply chain and European retailers.
Botánica, Energía / Producción energética, Ciencia/ Ing. del petróleo | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 11 hours Completado el: Apr 2007 Languages: español al inglés | Technical seminar on advocacy and international initiatives on HIV/AIDS
Finanzas (general), Gobierno / Política, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 7 hours Completado el: Mar 2007 Languages: francés al español | Symposium on Project Territoria on development of rural areas of South West Eur
Symposium of final proposals on project Territoria for rural develpment on the south west countries of Europe (France, Spain, Portugal) before meeting in Brussels.
Gobierno / Política, Silvicultura / Madera / Madera de construcción, Agricultura | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Mar 2007 Languages: español al inglés | How to include New Technologies in Special Education
An alumni oriented two-day conference on US schools techniques for handicapped students, bad behaviours controls. Not so much useful to Spanish schools as students corpus is more homogeneous. Absolutely amazing result on ear-device implantation which turns a born-deaf woman into an speaker in international events!
Educación / Pedagogía, TI (Tecnología de la información), Lingüística | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 6573 words Completado el: Mar 2007 Languages: francés al español | two translations on microfinance for developing countries
inflación, reparto de ingresos, extrema pobreza, mortalidad materna e infantil, periodo de crecimiento, productividad, mano de obra no profesional, alza de las exportaciones, recursos naturales, costes administrativos, trámites aduaneros, Iniciativa Multilateral de Reducción de la deuda, CEPAL, Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), Pacto Andino, normas ecológicas de sanidad y seguridad, problemática medioambiental, productividad de las empresas, sensibilización al micro empresario, productividad de las empresas, folletos explicativas, líneas de microcrédito, intermediarios financieros
Gobierno / Política, Finanzas (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 8 hours Completado el: Feb 2007 Languages: español al inglés | meeting point for International Cooperation promotion on e-health
Annual meeting on e-health. It regards an update overview of European projects in Europe and the Spanish extension to Latin-America, especially to remote and underprivileged areas. Links to European institutions for financing, public and private sectors and Governments on both continents.
Medicina: Salud, TI (Tecnología de la información), Informática: Programas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 7 hours Completado el: Nov 2006 Languages: español al inglés | citizenship, a right for children
Session held to refect on the institutions' role facing children participation as active subjects of development. Exchange of experiences to make closer the realities between the north and the south.
Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Gobierno / Política, Educación / Pedagogía | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 3764 words Completado el: Sep 2006 Languages: español al francés | 2nd part of previous course. Effects of chemical agents on soils and plants
very serious pp course of important fertiliser company which has subsidiaries in Argelia.
Agricultura, Botánica, Química, Ciencias/Ing. quím. | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 4092 words Completado el: Jul 2006 Languages: español al francés | power point course on fertilizers
nice course on how to improve cultivated lands and different crops
Agricultura, Química, Ciencias/Ing. quím. | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 7 hours Completado el: Jun 2006 Languages: español al inglés | FINANCIAL DISTRIBUTION, TRANSPARENCY AND INVESTMENT PROTECTION
Finanzas (general), Gobierno / Política, Derecho: impuestos y aduanas | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 7 hours Completado el: Jun 2006 Languages: inglés al español | HEALTH POLICY: CREATIVITY & INNOVATION
Periodismo | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 5 hours Completado el: May 2006 Languages: español al inglés | A DAY ON THE SPANISH COOPERATION FOR HIV/AIDS IN AFRICA
Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 8 hours Completado el: Dec 2005 Languages: español al inglés | International Conference on Sport and Physical Education
One of the many conferences held worldwide around the year with UN participation to promote peace and development through sport, contributions from PE teachers, medical and paramedical professions and sports associations.
Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Medicina: Salud, Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 5 hours Completado el: Sep 1999 Languages: inglés al español | CNMV's XX Anniversary International Conference
Highly professional conference where future plans were unveiled. Overall analysis of world wide economy and securities markets. Possible solutions so far and new approaches to deal with from the legal and economic perspectives.
Finanzas (general) | No hay comentarios. |
Interpreting Volumen: 6 hours Duration: Oct 2006 Languages: inglés al español | Economic and Social Studies Seminar
highly representative speakers to introduce or enlarge views on China to prospective partners in Spain
Economía, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Gobierno / Política | No hay comentarios. |
Translation Volumen: 8316 words Languages: español al inglés | Several texts for an annual Artistic Photography Catalogue
Interesting and challenging job I shared with a prozian member. The National exhibition is about to start.
The critical texts were somewhat abstract because the artistic works were abstract or surrealistic too. A comprehensive, interactive, artistical exhibition I do recommend. Is is once a year.
Arte, artes manuales, pintura | No hay comentarios. |