Powwow: Santos - Brazil

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Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
portugués al inglés
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In Memoriam
Where? Sep 28, 2012

Any idea if it shall be Hilltop or Seaside this time?

Jorge Rodrigues
Jorge Rodrigues  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Almost seaside. Sep 30, 2012

Hi Paul,
It will be on a restaurant one block far from the sea.

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
portugués al inglés
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In Memoriam
Suggestions Sep 30, 2012

You say you had no ideas for the VIII Seaside PowWow, well, I've already found a suggestion for the IX Seaside PowWow and even the X Seaside PowWow...
1. Cantina Liliana Pasta e Pizza, Avenida Ana Costa, 404 (never been, looks nice from the site)
2. I remember that at one CSPW (Seaside PowWow) they mentioned un restorante argentino en el centro de la ciudad.

Looking forward to the VIII CSPW on 15 December 2012 at Hélio's. I have also taken the liberty of letting another tr
... See more
You say you had no ideas for the VIII Seaside PowWow, well, I've already found a suggestion for the IX Seaside PowWow and even the X Seaside PowWow...
1. Cantina Liliana Pasta e Pizza, Avenida Ana Costa, 404 (never been, looks nice from the site)
2. I remember that at one CSPW (Seaside PowWow) they mentioned un restorante argentino en el centro de la ciudad.

Looking forward to the VIII CSPW on 15 December 2012 at Hélio's. I have also taken the liberty of letting another translator from the community who hails from Santos know about this meeting.

Roger Chadel
Roger Chadel  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
Miembro 2010
francés al portugués
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Localização: Oct 4, 2012

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Jose Vidigal
Jose Vidigal  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Reserva Nov 20, 2012

Olá a todos!
Apenas relembrando que falta menos de 1 mês para nosso powwow em Santos!!!
José Francisco

Eli Espinossi
Eli Espinossi  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Que pena! Nov 28, 2012

Já faz um tempo que não vou a nenhum! O Hélios fica literalmente a 1 minuto a pé da minha casa. Gostaria muito de ir, mas estarei viajando a partir do dia 8! Que pena, perderei por uma semana! Mas que haja outros aqui em Santos em breve! Abraços a todos... E bom encontro!


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Powwow: Santos - Brazil

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