Translation glossary: Engineering

Showing entries 1-50 of 142
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Aircraft tow tractorstractores para reboque de aeronaves 
English to Portuguese
all-weatherPara todas as condições climáticas 
English to Portuguese
Apprentice diesel mechanicaprendiz de mecánica diesel 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
argola de reboquetowing eye 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
arredondada à primeira casa decimalrounded off to the first decimal place 
Portuguese to English
Barre en T, coulissante, carrésquare sliding T-Bar 
French to English   Engineering (general)
Basic air brakesfreios aerodin�micos b�sicos 
English to Portuguese
Berbequim com PercussãoPercussion drill 
Portuguese to English
Berbequim RotativoRotational portable drill 
Portuguese to English
Bo�te de vitessegear box 
French to English
booster pumpservomotor 
English to Portuguese
brocaborer drill 
Portuguese to English
BVA (boites de vitesse automatiques)AG (automatic gearboxes) 
French to English
BVM (boites de vitesse manuelles)MG (manual gearboxes) 
French to English
canalisations des freinsbrake lines 
French to English
carbonatação do betãocarbonation of concrete 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
carotecore sample 
Portuguese to English
chaîne d’alimentationdrive mechanism 
French to English
chape de montageclevis assembly 
French to English   Automotive / Cars & Trucks
chargeur d'accusbattery charger 
French to English
chef de pistetrack manager 
French to English
cisterncaixa de descarga 
English to Portuguese
cola epoxi rápidaquick-set epoxy glue 
Portuguese to English
English to Portuguese
conformit� a�rodynamique du v�hiculeaerodynamic conformity of the vehicle 
French to English
Container handlersmanipuladores de contentores 
English to Portuguese
Conveyor belt loaderscorreias transportadoras de cargas 
English to Portuguese
coroa diamantadadiamond crown bit 
Portuguese to English
course p�dalepedal travel 
French to English
cric hydrauliquehydraulic jack 
French to English   Automotive / Cars & Trucks
dans la ligne droite de la tourin straight track laps 
French to English
débrayéethrown out of gear 
French to English
détection, marquage et interrogationdetection, prodding and neutralisation 
French to English   Engineering (general)
d�collement par pelageseparation by peeling 
French to English
descente de colhill descent 
French to English
descente de col severesteep hill descent 
French to English
descente de col standardstandard hill descent 
French to English
design engineers and project engineersengenheiros de concepção e engenheiros de projectos 
English to Portuguese
detector de armadurasreinforcement detector 
Portuguese to English
Diesel and petrol mechanicmec�nico diesel e petr�leo 
English to Portuguese
Diesel carviatura a diesel 
English to Portuguese
Dono de Obracontracting entity 
Portuguese to English
Douille, carré, bi-hexsquare drive socket, bi-hex profile 
French to English   Engineering (general)
d�endurance thermiquethermal endurance 
French to English
effort p�dalepedal effort 
French to English
eixo sem fimworm shaft 
Portuguese to English
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