Translation glossary: Mexican Law

Showing entries 1-39 of 39
 Ley General de Instituciones y Sociedades Mutualistas de SegurosGeneral Law of Insurance Institutions and Mutual Societies 
Spanish to English
abogado generalgeneral counsel 
Spanish to English
Ad cautelamAd cautelam; for security; as a precaution 
Spanish to English
apelación en ambos efectossuspensive appeal 
Spanish to English
assert against ...hacer valer en contra de 
English to Spanish
autocourt order; court resolution; order of the court; decision, rule, decree, court decree; in civil proceedings, court ruling on procedural matters 
Spanish to English
auto admisorio de the demandaadmission decree 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Comisión Nacional de Seguros y FianzasNational Commission of Insurance and Surety 
Spanish to English
CONCURSO MERCANTILbankrupcy proceedings 
Spanish to English
CONCURSO MERCANTILbankrupcy proceedings 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
dar vistato give notice, to demand the presence, appearance or opinion of 
Spanish to English
de forma y fondoformal and substantial 
Spanish to English
desahogar la vistato respond to a ccourt request or to take up the opportunity to respond to and contradict a petition or motion filed by the other party 
Spanish to English
engrosardraft, write a formal document, draft in final form an official document, prepare the findings of fact and conclusions of law 
Spanish to English
escrito de cuentamotion under review 
Spanish to English
exception dilatoriadelay motion; delay tactic; motion, defense or plea praying to dismiss the suit based on procedural aspects or technical formalities 
Spanish to English
fuerza y efectoforce and effect 
Spanish to English
impetrantesupplicant, petitioner 
Spanish to English
impuesto al activobusiness-asset tax 
Spanish to English
juicio de garantíaswrit of amparo; constitutional remedy; 
Spanish to English
ley de amparowrit of amparo law 
Spanish to English
Ley de Concursos MercantilesCommercial Insolvency Law 
Spanish to English
Mesa de ControlControl Section 
Spanish to English
obligaciones de hacer y no haceraffirmative and negative covenants 
Spanish to English
Oficilía de partesfiling office; clerk's office 
Spanish to English
plenoplenary session 
Spanish to English
por sus generalesbased on their/his/her personal information 
Spanish to English
Procuraduría GeneralOffice of the Attorney General 
Spanish to English
proveídocourt order, ruling or decision 
Spanish to English
recurso de revocaciónmotion for reconsideration 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Representacion Social del Fuero ComúnOffices of the State Public Prosecutor 
Spanish to English
Subprocuraduria Fiscal Federal de InvestigacionesAssistant Federal Investigative Fiscal Prosecuting Attorney's Office 
Spanish to English
supuestostatutory presumption 
Spanish to English
tesisprecept; precedent, judicial precedent 
Spanish to English
Unidad de DictaminaciónAuditing Unit 
Spanish to English
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