Translation glossary: RAJ: Business-Financial-Law-Politics

Showing entries 1,151-1,195 of 1,195
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Timbre de veinte colonesTwenty Colon tax stamp 
Spanish to English
Timbre de veinte/doscientos colonesTax stamps of twenty / two hundred colons 
Spanish to English
Tit. Pub. Fed.Federal Public Securities 
Portuguese to English
TJLP (Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo)Long-term Interest Rates 
Portuguese to English
Total de horas de interrupção agendadaHours of Scheduled Outage (HSO) 
Portuguese to English
trabalhos a maisovertime or extra work 
Portuguese to English
trabalhos a menoslower than expected quantity of work / cancelled or non-performed amount of work 
Portuguese to English
transacção de fechoclosure / closing transaction 
Portuguese to English
transposiçãotransposition (transference) 
Portuguese to English
transposta pelo DL 254/2007transposed into Portuguese law by Decree-Law 254/2007 
Portuguese to English
trâmites burocráticosbureaucratic procedures 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
tribunal arbitralarbitration committee 
Portuguese to English
Tribunal da comarcaDistrict court 
Portuguese to English
Tribunal da Comarca de LisboaLisbon District Court 
Portuguese to English
Tribunal de Contas da UniãoCourt of Auditors of Brazil 
Portuguese to English
Tribunal do TrabalhoLabour Court 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Um quadro vale por mil palavrasA picture paints a thousand words 
Portuguese to English
uma solução justa e duradouraa fair and long-term solution 
Portuguese to English
un primer fondoa primary fund 
Spanish to English
Unidade Padrão Municipal (UPM)Standard Municipal Unit (no abbreviation) 
Portuguese to English
Unidades Cambiais Fixas (UCF’s)Fiscal Correction Units (FCU's) 
Portuguese to English
universo nacionalnational network 
Portuguese to English
vale-alimentaçãoluncheon voucher 
Portuguese to English
vale-transportebus voucher 
Portuguese to English
Valor Global da obraGlobal Value of the project 
Portuguese to English
valor presente líquido (VPL)net present value (NPV) 
Portuguese to English
valores devidosdue amounts/amounts due 
Portuguese to English
Valores SeladosFixed Values 
Portuguese to English
Vara Federal CriminalFederal Criminal Court 
Portuguese to English
Varas e Juízos CíveisCivil Division 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
venda de patrimóniosale of assets 
Portuguese to English
vergalhões cortados e dobradoscut and folded rebars 
Portuguese to English
verosímil / verossímillikely, probable, plausible 
Portuguese to English
Vigência da propostaProposal validity 
Portuguese to English
Vigência da SubconcessãoSub-concession Validity 
Portuguese to English
vigilância a posteriori da legalidadesubsequent observance as to the legality 
Portuguese to English
Vimos convidar V.Sas. a apresentaremWe hereby invite you to present 
Portuguese to English
Vimos por este meio comunicarWe hereby inform you by this means of communication 
Portuguese to English
vistoacknowledged and accepted by 
Portuguese to English
voltadaaimed at / directed at 
Portuguese to English
volume de negóciosturnover 
Portuguese to English
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