Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 251-275 of 275
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titers or titrestitulación de anticuerpos 
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TL / TL-antihipercolesterimicenteantihypercholesterolemic treatment 
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topical tacrolimustacrolimus tópico 
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TPtiempo de protrombina (TP) 
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TPT(TPT) tiempo parcial de tromboplastina 
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tracto fibrosofibrous tract 
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traumatismo contusotraumatic contusions 
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tres y uno-dos(segments) 
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TTtiempo de trombina (TT) 
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TTPTiempo de trombina/tromboplastina parcial (TTP) 
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TTPTTiempo parcial de tromboplastina activada; TPTA 
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un-dos traveses de dedo1-2 fingers; 1/2" to 1" 
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unspecified sinus surgerycirugía del seno no especificada 
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unstable cervical spine injurieslesiones inestables de columna cervical 
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VIAS BILIARESbile/biliary ducts 
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Visible ImpairmentImpedimento visible/ notable 
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voLeft ventricle 
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W.O or it a typo error? (e.g. VO = vía oral) / PO = per os (by mouth) 
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weightbearing or nonweightbearing radiographsradiografía con / sin soportar el peso del propio cuerpo 
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Western blotWestern Blot / immunoblot 
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wickabsorbe la humedad 
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WPW asintomáticoasymptomatic WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White) (syndrome) 
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XXX enthaltenen Wirkstoffs YYYYYYYY is contained in XXX 
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YM, CH, DW - SOSCH = corpuscular hmglobin DW = distr. width / dist. water or dextrose in water, SOS repeat once if urgent, IM = intramusc. 
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