The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Real Estate Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
promettendo il fatto terzo shall be held liable for the actions of the sublessee
Entered by: Neil Crockford
proposizione ricorso al tribunale Filing of an application/appeal with the court
Proprieta per 1000/1000 ‰ freehold split
proprieta superficiaria long leasehold property
provenienza title abstract
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
quadro di unione Index map
qualificare target (sales)
quanto fin qui della this far/up to here (in the Yth page)
Quote Oggetto dell’Offerta Shares subject to tender
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
r.a. agricultural income (reddito agricolo)
R.A. e R.D. peppercorn rent and agricultural rent
R.G./R.P. Registro Generale / Registro Particolare
r.u.c. - Revisore ufficiale dei conti chartered accountant, certified accountant, auditor
ragioni adjoining
RCE RCE [Land Registry Income in Euro]
RCL rendita catastale = Land Registry Income
Entered by: Piera Sarasini
registro particolare parcel registry
Regolarita' edilizia conformity with Building Codes Standards
rendite obbligazionarie bond yelds
responsabilità civile professionale professional liability insurance
rilascio del Pdc. grant of planning permission
Entered by: EirTranslations
rilievo (del capitale residuo...) / rilevare assumption / taking over / to take over
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
rimessa per la barca boathouse
riqualificazione paesaggistico-naturalistica landscape redevelopment
Entered by: EirTranslations
Riserve restrictions
risulta azzonata has been assigned to zone
Entered by: EirTranslations
s.r. senza rendita, no cadastral income
salvo altro and possibly others not mentioned; and others not mentioned
salvo i più precisi (AmE/BrE> land) save as more particularly described; subject to further particulars
sanatoria Curative document
schede catastali land registry records/plans
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
segnalazioni acustiche audible alarms
sem. irr. arb. seminativo irriguo arborato
Entered by: Jeff Whittaker
semin arbor wooded arable land
senza civico no (house or street) number
Servitù attive e passive Positive (affirmative) and negative easements
servitù di deroga alle distanze legali trascritta servitude following waiver of the transcribed legal distances
Entered by: Cristiana Karon
servizi services
Servizi Privati private facilities, private services
sfitti ed inesigibilita vacant properties and bad debt
Entered by: Ivana UK
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