Powwow Report for Dominican Republic - Cabarete (Feb 13 2004)

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Report from  Claudia Iglesias
French version follows

The Cabarete powwow was set for Friday at 8 p.m. at the restaurant of Natura Caba�as. Since the site, between Sosua and Cabarete, is in a rather isolated area where Mother Nature definitely has the upper hand, the group agreed to meet at the Sosua gas station to ensure that everyone would find this idyllic locale, so reminiscent of the Amazon.

Some ten people were present: from Santiago, Karl Supierz and his wife Lina; from Santo Domingo, Bruce Capelle; Michael Bastin, Nathalie Billod Morel (the only non-ProZ member), Ana Mar�a Strachauer, Arnaud Bachelier, our organizer Cathie Humbert, and myself. Others made plans to join us afterwards. Most of the group knew quite a bit about each other and about ProZ, so the conversation tended towards the organization of the translating teams Betranslated and e-scripto, of which some members were present.

Dinner was excellent and the chef (a self-taught Chilean) catered to our every need.

The evening continued in Cabarete�s famous bar/disco/beach clubs, where the penchants and preferences of all were soon discovered. It was there that I was introduced to Marcos Almanzar, a ProZ member and owner of the All Visions agency http://www.proz.com/?sp=partprof&eid_s=22197. The next day we all learned that Marcos had not made it home afterwards. His life was stolen away from him by a tow truck as it pulled another car from a ditch, using no headlights or any other warning signals.

Now is a very sad time for all of those who knew him. This powwow is dedicated to his memory.


Le PW �tait pr�vu le vendredi � 20h00 au restaurant des Natura caba�as. Comme c�est un endroit isol� entre Sos�a et Cabarete, o� la nature prend le dessus, un groupe s�est donn� rendez-vous � la station de service de Sos�a pour �tre s�rs que tout le monde trouverait cette place idyllique qui faisait penser � l�Amazonie.

Une dizaine de personnes �tait pr�sente : Karl Supierz et Lina, sa femme, qui venaient de Santiago, Micha�l Bastin, Bruce Capelle qui venait de Sto Dgo, Nathalie Billod Morel, la seule non prozienne, Ana Mar�a Strachauer, Arnaud Bachelier, Cathie Humbert, l�organisatrice et moi-m�me. D�autres avaient pr�vu de se joindre � nous ult�rieurement. La plupart se connaissaient et connaissaient ProZ, c�est pourquoi la conversation a plut�t tourn� autour de l�organisation des �quipes de travail Betranslated et e-scripto, dont certains membres �taient pr�sents.

Le d�ner �tait excellent, le chef (un Chilien autodidacte) �tait aux petits soins pour nous.
La soir�e s�est prolong�e � Cabarete, dans les � bars - pistes de danse � plage �, o� les penchants et pr�f�rences de chacun se d�finissaient. C�est l� que l�on m�a pr�sent� Marcos Almanzar, Prozien propri�taire de l�agence All visions, http://www.proz.com/?sp=partprof&eid_s=22197.
Le lendemain nous avons appris que Marcos n�avait pas pu rentrer chez lui. Sa vie a �t� fauch�e par une d�panneuse qui retirait une voiture du foss� sans �clairage ni signalisation quelconque.
C�est donc un moment de tristesse pour tous ceux qui l�ont connu et cette rencontre lui est d�di�e.

Claudia Iglesias

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Claudia Iglesias
Cathie Humbert
Michael Bastin
Karl Supierz
Bruce Capelle

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